Rare get rid of this mode it's completely dumb sbmm doesn't even work even tho you claim it is stop lying. Sorry but it's the truth

  • Get rid of mode and make it so to enter hide out you need to be 100 reapers and be pl to get curse.

    And don't give me you can't increase the level of reapers cause you did it with athena.

    Enough is enough. We need other ways to get the curses instead of it being tied to pvp.

    What ever happend to pvppve you said your selfs that there won't be separate modes when it came to pve stuff but oh my you tie a most requested curse and locked it behind a pvp mode?

    Get rid of mode it separated the player base.

    P.s stop locking my posts. It's not spam if i haven't been on Here for a while thank you

  • 44
  • You're experiencing burn-out. Season 8 has been responsible for many people ready to log off of the game for a while. Hourglass PvP can become too intense, any content besides the Hourglass is too unfulfilling/boring, and treating the curses as the end-goal is a very strong cause to burn out due to how brutal the grind is if you're struggling with PvP against solid crews in hourglass.

    You can take a break, it's okay, this Adventure mode content isn't going anywhere anytime soon. There is no FOMO to the hourglass.

  • Well,

    I recommend X-Files, the original Twin Peaks, throw in some Eerie, Indiana just because

    Enjoy the farming

  • You have the time. You'll get better eventually. No need to practice every day for it, just keep trying. Have fun farming!

  • sorry. But I just don't have the time to practice every single day or all day.

    Nobody is forcing you to punish yourself by practicing everyday. Nobody improved that fast anyways.

    And I’m assuming your complaining about the pvp mode. Best to lead with that

  • Hourglass mode is trash.
    Don't feed the sweats.

  • @steppingfish438 a dit dans I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming. :

    I'm sorry. But I just don't have the time to practice every single day or all day.

    I might as well do lose farming. Just no point in trying to get better cause I have been trying.

    Weren't you the one boasting around everywhere about sinking easy preys unwilling to fight ?

    @steppingfish438 a dit dans Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz :

    @targasbr case you don't realize I don't play it like that. Only reason I'm doing this mode is for the curse then going back to sinking pvers

    @steppingfish438 a dit dans Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz :

    @targasbr what's not fair is forcing most of the player base to do pvp that's unfair.

    And by the way I'm a pvp that loves to steal loot and I hate that the mode is a grind fest

    @steppingfish438 a dit dans Rare. Fix the mode plz. 100 is just too much of a grind. The mode is supposed to be fun not a grind fest bros. So do something plz :

    @targasbr same. Only reason I'm wasting my time with this mode is to just get the curses then I'm going back to stealing loot,and sinking pvers doing events.

    Let me just laugh.

    Someone just understood what the second "P" in "PvP" means...

  • @wolfmanbush said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:


    I recommend X-Files, the original Twin Peaks, throw in some Eerie, Indiana just because

    Enjoy the farming


    There is only one movie he needs to know about, it can be watched 100s of times, I know this :)

    The Hunt for Red October


  • If you loose literally all of your battles, the only common denominator in all of them is you. There is something you are doing wrong. While level 100 is not super high (gold curse is lvl 1000), it still is supposed to be a reward (literally the most wanted curses FOR YEARS) which upon seeing should make other pirates think twice before attacking you. If you feel like you are wasting time grinding it... why are you grinding it?

    Fixes for most common mistakes:

    1. Stock up. You need at least twice the ammount of starting supplies in case the battle is even and goes for long. (Especially wood and normal cannonballs)
    2. Keep moving. If you are not about to sink, repair mast first and keep moving. Target enemy mast or wheel too with chainshots.
    3. When using guns - eye of reach (bullet goes faster and further) to shoot from ship to ship, flintlock or blunderbuss when fighting in closer ranges. Use cutlass jumps left and right (while blocking) to dodge blunderbuss. Utilize blunderbombs to interrupt or throw people of ladders.
    4. YOU HAVE TO BOARD at some point. There is no going around it. If you don't board, you must luckily oneball the opponent TWICE to even have a chance of them sinking. Sloop is very easy to keep afloat.
    5. Do not nose. Circle around and try to keep enemy in good angle for cannon shots.
    6. Use emissary flag. Sell hourglass first. Preferably after winning 2 for maximum gain-risk ratio.

    If you are going to farm looses... well... apparently it's almost as fast as playing normally if your win ratio isn't the best and battles take long.
    Don't scuttle, you get no allegiance this way.

  • @wolfmanbush Diane 11³⁰ a.m, February 24th. Entering the Sea of Thives.

  • @jolly-ol-yep 👀👀👀👀👀 Yowza.

    I'm guessing there's a lot of "PvP lovers" that are accustomed to the lay-up sinks they get from traditional Adventure encounters and are now being put in their place.

    The PvE crowd can take solace in that.

    It's unfortunate, though, that even the mid-tier PvP players are being put off by this content and how it's structured. The progression system is absolutely terrible IMO. Unless you're winning a LOT, you're going to be putting in some serious hours to get the curse(s).

    I was never able to complete the LSD/TSD grind...I now have tremendous respect for those that did it (and didn't cheese it).

  • @nex-stargaze said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    You can take a break, it's okay, this Adventure mode content isn't going anywhere anytime soon. There is no FOMO to the hourglass.

    We don't have to look further than Arena. No one thought that was going away - and look at it now. Never even got to try it, because I didn't think it would disappear. Then IRL happened and I didn't even get to see the announcement that it would retire... yay.

  • It's easy to get burned out doing the same thing over and over. My only advice is very cliché: don't focus on the destination. Just chip away at those goals one bit at a time and take breaks when you feel it dragging your mental health down. Do something else, either in SOT or another game.

    If you're losing a lot, that can hit your morale. The reality that you're not hitting the level you feel you should sinks in. It may not be that you lack those skills, just that your mind is in rut (it happens in sport all the time). It's a cycle you need to break - lose, feel bad, lose, feel worse, lose more.

    It can help if you approach losing as a way to learn, record your fights if you can and rewatch. See where you messed up, it's almost always something small you did that you can work on.

  • @wolfmanbush said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:


    I recommend X-Files, the original Twin Peaks, throw in some Eerie, Indiana just because

    Enjoy the farming


    Though I enjoyed all seasons of Twin Peaks, not just original.

  • @tyowin9418 said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    @nex-stargaze said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    You can take a break, it's okay, this Adventure mode content isn't going anywhere anytime soon. There is no FOMO to the hourglass.

    We don't have to look further than Arena. No one thought that was going away - and look at it now. Never even got to try it, because I didn't think it would disappear. Then IRL happened and I didn't even get to see the announcement that it would retire... yay.

    Arena was a sort of joint-effort and used a completely different set of servers away from Adventure Mode. It shutting down to low population and activity was inevitable, but not because it's PvP and PvP bad.

    People barely use the quest board, no one sane does Thieves' Haven runs or normal Athena voyages anymore, Shrines and Treasuries are fine for low experience players but the temporary ship abandonment is unattractive to casuals that care about the state of their boat, making it used less and less, and the only people doing the old delivery merchant voyages are completionists. This is content in Adventure mode that has lasted for at least a year and has gone damn-near unused from the game's playerbase.

    The Hourglass, which is readily available on a player's ship, has several dedicated players that are addicted to PvP and willing to participate in it, and with the attraction of the curses, brings in way too many people that do not have the mindset to endure PvP as it is. The kicker is that this is in Adventure mode, so it likely will be a long time before this feature goes unused, but the content is evergreen because earning levels and getting fights are much more cherished than ever currently.

  • @nex-stargaze said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    [... ] no one sane does Thieves' Haven runs or normal Athena voyages anymore, [ ... ]

    It's official - I'm Insane 😵🥴🤪 😁

  • @adara-haze careful about offering advice, some are quick to tell you that you don’t know them or how they play and your advice is unwanted. Even though it’s how to improve and not sink in the first orbit. 😁

  • @wolfmanbush said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:


    I recommend X-Files, the original Twin Peaks, throw in some Eerie, Indiana just because

    Enjoy the farming

    Don't encourage loss farming :(. If you don't like the content, just don't play it, don't feel like you have to pay for a cosmetic with your time. Trust me, it is not worth it, and the shiny new curse will become dull to you within the first week.

  • @pugawuga216 said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    @wolfmanbush said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:


    I recommend X-Files, the original Twin Peaks, throw in some Eerie, Indiana just because

    Enjoy the farming

    Don't encourage loss farming :(. If you don't like the content, just don't play it, don't feel like you have to pay for a cosmetic with your time. Trust me, it is not worth it, and the shiny new curse will become dull to you within the first week.

    They didn't get the matchmaking they needed to support their growth in the content

    They didn't get camping for no rep addressed for 2 months

    They went through the long wait times like everyone else

    It's not a matter of encouraging it, it's an understanding of why it exists.

    If they wanted less loss farming they needed to support a process of growth early on, not just content creation and input from the skilled. This content's only sustainable path was to support inexperienced combat, consistently.

    Skilled players seeing loss farmers is because of a flawed matchmaking system in content with not enough interest to pack these stamps. That's not on inexperienced players.

    If experienced players didn't feel the need to pound their chest against inexperienced players that were taking the L either way and camping them into the red sea so they didn't get rep maybe loss farming wouldn't have been as popular. Loss farming isn't malicious, rep denial was

  • @wolfmanbush I agree. And players will continue to loss farm because we face higher skill level players in hg. Which is why they should of made it a automatic thing that players can invade you anytime. So you face both pvers and pvpers.

    But since they made it so pvers can get a break that was a big mistake and here we are casual pvpers facing higher skill levels. So ya were going to continue to grind losses if it stays what it is at. And thats if we decide to stay in the mode after we get curse

  • @wolfmanbush said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    @pugawuga216 said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    @wolfmanbush said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:


    I recommend X-Files, the original Twin Peaks, throw in some Eerie, Indiana just because

    Enjoy the farming

    Don't encourage loss farming :(. If you don't like the content, just don't play it, don't feel like you have to pay for a cosmetic with your time. Trust me, it is not worth it, and the shiny new curse will become dull to you within the first week.

    They didn't get the matchmaking they needed to support their growth in the content

    They didn't get camping for no rep addressed for 2 months

    They went through the long wait times like everyone else

    It's not a matter of encouraging it, it's an understanding of why it exists.

    If they wanted less loss farming they needed to support a process of growth early on, not just content creation and input from the skilled. This content's only sustainable path was to support inexperienced combat, consistently.

    Skilled players seeing loss farmers is because of a flawed matchmaking system in content with not enough interest to pack these stamps. That's not on inexperienced players.

    If experienced players didn't feel the need to pound their chest against inexperienced players that were taking the L either way and camping them into the red sea so they didn't get rep maybe loss farming wouldn't have been as popular. Loss farming isn't malicious, rep denial was

    From what I understand, people didn't sail others out to rep deny, they did it if it was the easiest way to win a match, and it is a legitimate strategy.

    They've put, relative to them, a lot of effort and quick support into making the system better.

    Even if it was awful, you didn't answer the part where I said "if you don't enjoy the content, just don't play, cause the pixels aren't worth it".

  • @pugawuga216 a dit dans I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming. :

    From what I understand, people didn't sail others out to rep deny, they did it if it was the easiest way to win a match, and it is a legitimate strategy.

    They did both. And while some people were terribly sorry over VC that they were doing this only to win, I heard some other explain to me that yes, I shouldn't have any rep since I couldn't defend against an animation-cnceling exploiting Arena veteran.

    They've put, relative to them, a lot of effort and quick support into making the system better.

    Ah you mean they made sure the streamers were pleased.... We're still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking you know, just so we can ACTUALLY HAVE a proper matchmaking, 2 months in.

    Even if it was awful, you didn't answer the part where I said "if you don't enjoy the content, just don't play, cause the pixels aren't worth it".

    Noone is going to answer to this because this is your opinion and nothing else. I disagree, for starters.

    There's no "fun" content. You make it fun or you make it unfun. Go read the thread about community day where all the "losers" of this mode explain how they HAD fun for a day, before the miserable grind comes back

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    They did both. And while some people were terribly sorry over VC that they were doing this only to win, I heard some other explain to me that yes, I shouldn't have any rep since I couldn't defend against an animation-cnceling exploiting Arena veteran.

    There are always bad eggs in a group of people doing something. Obviously. Even then, if you aren't PLAYING THE GAMEMODE, maybe you shouldn't progress towards rewards meant for those who have PLAYED THE GAMEMODE. Loss farming isn't playing.

    Ah you mean they made sure the streamers were pleased.... We're still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking you know, just so we can ACTUALLY HAVE a proper matchmaking, 2 months in.

    Matchmaking is never going to get better, if you're complaining abt sbmm. If you're complaining about q times, the cross-faction fighting has definitely fixed q times by a lot. And yes, believe it or not, the guy who actually plays the game mode knew that we are still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking.

    Noone is going to answer to this because this is your opinion and nothing else. I disagree, for starters.

    There's no "fun" content. You make it fun or you make it unfun. Go read the thread about community day where all the "losers" of this mode explain how they HAD fun for a day, before the miserable grind comes back

    Well you're making it unfun by not playing and wasting the time of everyone you go up against, as well as wasting your own time. Loss farming is for losers, believe it or not, who can't conceptualize a world where playing more and actually trying will make them better at the game, and make the game more fun for them, because they can actually win some (you know, the real world?).

    And as someone who played this game mode on community day, I'm still having fun, even though I have 500 levels left before I reach my goal. You want to know why? Because the game mode is actually fun to me, and I play it because I like it, not because there is some stupid reward at the end of the grind.

  • @pugawuga216 a dit dans I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming. :

    There are always bad eggs in a group of people doing something. Obviously. Even then, if you aren't PLAYING THE GAMEMODE, maybe you shouldn't progress towards rewards meant for those who have PLAYED THE GAMEMODE. Loss farming isn't playing.

    It's tiring to see people quote you while they didn't read what you said.

    Was I talking about loss farming ? No.

    Ah you mean they made sure the streamers were pleased.... We're still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking you know, just so we can ACTUALLY HAVE a proper matchmaking, 2 months in.

    Matchmaking is never going to get better, if you're complaining abt sbmm.

    I am complaining about sbmm. Like many people. Now if you don't see how cross-stamp matchaking is gonna make it better, then why had the DEVS have to come and explain to us how it works and how thhey plan to improve it ?

    If you're complaining about q times, the cross-faction fighting has definitely fixed q times by a lot.

    Am I complaining about that ? Where ? I actually said somewhere that as a solo slooper in EU, this is really a non issue for me.

    And yes, believe it or not, the guy who actually plays the game mode knew that we are still waiting for cross-stamp matchmaking.

    Yeah right ? I mean I know, I play the game too. Talk about a coincidence ! Now isn't that exactly what I was saying ?

    Well you're making it unfun by not playing and wasting the time of everyone you go up against, as well as wasting your own time. Loss farming is for losers, believe it or not, who can't conceptualize a world where playing more and actually trying will make them better at the game, and make the game more fun for them, because they can actually win some (you know, the real world?).

    Ummmm Okaaaaay ? Somehow you must confuse me with a loss farmer, which I'm not. I grinded my curses legit and there's no commendations for losing so I try not to.

    As for the rest, I disagree with your visions of loss farmers. They're the winners here. Eventually getting the rewards without the hassle. Smart.

    And I'd argue they CAN pretty much conceptualize "the real world". That's the whole reason they play video games and farm losses. To get away from the real painful grind that is life for a while.

    You want to suffer in a video game ? Go play Dark Souls. SoT players never signed for this.

    And as someone who played this game mode on community day, I'm still having fun, even though I have 500 levels left before I reach my goal. You want to know why? Because the game mode is actually fun to me, and I play it because I like it, not because there is some stupid reward at the end of the grind.

    You want to know why I think you're having fun ? Because you're already level 500. If you were hard stuck between 80 and 100 like many, unable to streak, you wouldn't say thhat at all.

    And we don't care why you play it. There's no mandatory way to play. We do what we want. If we want to play this mode for the rewards, you are certainly not the one to stop us. I, for once, prefer organic PvP over this repetitive mess. So I'll quit as soon as I reach "my goals" too, it just happens to be some stupid reward, whether you like it or not.

    Just next time please, don't confuse me for someone I'm not and assume my way of playing. I did it legit, and even I had been loss farming, noone here has the authority to decide this isn't a valid way to play. Some people don't have thousands of hours to waste only to get better at cannon aiim in a pirate video game, that's fine, and even pretty healthy if you ask me. So they do it while they watch Netflix or something, that's pretty smart. I probably should do it more now that I think about it.

  • @jolly-ol-yep

    Sorry I asked what you were upset about with matchmaking, I did ask in the form of, you know, a question? That's why I was confused?

    Yeah do what you want, nothing I can do abt it, that's why I make suggestions to the dev team in the feedback thread to show my opinion about loss farming. They clearly don't want people loss farming, so I share my opinion that I don't think people should be loss farming anyway. It isn't what the game mode was intended for by the devs, and, in my own opinion, shouldn't be what the game mode is about.

    If learning how to PVP is "suffering", then maybe don't play the PVP mode...

    Also, this thread is about LOSS FARMING (which is why I confused you for defending loss farming, sorry I guess).

  • @pugawuga216 a dit dans I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming. :

    If learning how to PVP is "suffering", then maybe don't play the PVP mode...

    No. Make "learning how to PvP" fun for those people. It can be done. By raising the numbers.

    Also, this thread is about LOSS FARMING (which is why I confused you for defending loss farming, sorry I guess).

    Not really but hey....

    What is this obsession about loss farming anyway ? It concerns maybe 5% of solo sloopers (I can't believe this exists in duo, or brig or gally, does it ?)

    And why all this hate ? They speed up the process for everyone. If I only played SoT for PvE before, never touched a PvP game
    , and therefore rightly assumed I'd be stomped on 99% of the time, but wanted the cool curse, of course I'd be loss farming. Why bother ?

    There's nothing WRONG per se about loss farming. They lost the game. You won. You just didn't need to do anything and it didn't take long. That's all. Next.

    Something I don't see a lot of people point out is that :
    You see how everyone is saying they play for fun. You think the loss farmer is having fun doing what he does ? I guess not. He still decided the MOST fun option he had between fighting and losing right away. That's telling.

    The problem is not the players. The problem is the system. A good designed system have its player participate. SoT is full of cheesers precisely because a lot of stuff in it is poorly designed in terms of what it requires from its players.

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    The problem is not the players. The problem is the system. A good designed system have its player participate. SoT is full of cheesers precisely because a lot of stuff in it is poorly designed in terms of what it requires from its players.

    Yes. Completely agree. I'm saying that they should tweak the mode so that it is much less cheesable.

  • @pugawuga216 a dit dans I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming. :

    Yes. Completely agree. I'm saying that they should tweak the mode so that it is much less cheesable.

    As long as they remove the checkpoints and storage crates when doing Tall Tales because entitled I earned my gold curse the hard way back in the good ol' days....

    And people wonder why this game is not friendly to newcomers.....

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in I'm done trying i practice and practice. No use. I tryed to avoid this I really have:( but I might as well do lose farming.:

    As long as they remove the checkpoints and storage crates when doing Tall Tales because entitled I earned my gold curse the hard way back in the good ol' days....

    And people wonder why this game is not friendly to newcomers.....

    I get the point but if they haven't already, they really should make it so that the tall tales aren't cheesable with the checkpoint system.

  • @crowedhunter so you agree with what I'm saying? Cause at this point I hope this mode dies.

    And yes I went back to adventure too.

    Sunk a brig solo which shows hg sucks

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare get rid of this mode it's completely dumb sbmm doesn't even work even tho you claim it is stop lying. Sorry but it's the truth:

    @crowedhunter so you agree with what I'm saying? Cause at this point I hope this mode dies.

    And yes I went back to adventure too.

    Sunk a brig solo which shows hg sucks

    None of us benefit from failing content especially with on demand pvp

    The season brought in a tremendous amount of skill and it lead to regulars becoming much better fighters themselves

    If the content completely dies then the people that stick around go back to full time server hopping pvp, this will destroy any activity that popped up while people were busy with season 8
    It didn't create what the game needs for activity but it helped. Less pressure on pve allows growth for the organic environment.

    As frustrating as it is for people it is vital that on demand pvp stick around and maintain some level of consistent activity

  • @steppingfish438 I am lvl 15 or 16 right now...not much, I know, because I play mostly PvE and when we finished our things for the day we start doing some HG fights...and we had so much fun with this mode! This is actually one of the greatest additions to the game yet, as you have more relaxing PvE and can prepare for PvP better...you seem to be just salty at this point, but maybe this changed in this ongoing thread, got to read more, just read your OP and 3 replies yet

  • @wolfmanbush can't they at least make it so we can get the curses other ways?

  • @steppingfish438 said in Rare get rid of this mode it's completely dumb sbmm doesn't even work even tho you claim it is stop lying. Sorry but it's the truth:

    @wolfmanbush can't they at least make it so we can get the curses other ways?

    I say this genuinely with the best of intentions

    I think they should add some random ghost like costume in the emporium and I think people that are struggling should either buy or save up to buy spinal and the hypothetical ghostish costume

    The amount of stress and frustration that can be reduced by settling for a pretty darn good second option is significant imo

    I just don't think it's worth what I'm seeing some people get themselves into over this.

  • @steppingfish438 sagte in Rare get rid of this mode it's completely dumb sbmm doesn't even work even tho you claim it is stop lying. Sorry but it's the truth:

    @crowedhunter so you agree with what I'm saying? Cause at this point I hope this mode dies.

    And yes I went back to adventure too.

    Sunk a brig solo which shows hg sucks

    You know what I think...as I said before, you seem to be just salty that with HG fights you get skilled enemies instead of easy preys like that brig you soloed...
    Afaik, if sbmm doesn't find you a same skilled player it takes the next enemy there is, so you don’t have to wait for 10 minutes or so...I like this... yeah, sometimes you don’t have a chance against the other crew, but that just makes me learn and get better...as I said, best addition to the game yet

31 out of 44