Barely made it before server restart

  • I wanted to get order of souls grade 5 for the first time, i was about midway in the 2nd bounty voyage when i decided to finish off with the ashen wind tornado. I saw the server shut down message, didn't know what utc meant for me locally but i thought I might be able to finish before that. The 15 minute warning came up not long after I finished while i was burying loot for commendations, so it was a mad scramble to get what i could onto my ship and get to the nearest out post before time ran out. didn't sell everything before I got the boot but I got all the important bits and emissary lowered. I now know what local time for server shut down is.
    Edit: forgot to mention it was Dagger Tooth, and had to get through the storm to get there.

  • 7
    just for fun
  • @needsmorexs There has been an in-game notification for a couple a days regarding this server service.

    Furthermore I suggest you to follow the SOT official twitter account for the latest update.

  • @metal-ravage um... I did say "I saw the server shut down message, didn't know what utc meant for me locally."
    I appreciate the attempt to help, but this wasn't a complaint, was just sharing a story.

  • sometimes the sea is rough dude

  • @needsmorexs said in Barely made it before server restart:

    I appreciate the attempt to help, but this wasn't a complaint, was just sharing a story.

    Indeed quite a story to share.

  • Is this a Tale or a rant?
    Im confused...

  • Just a tale

just for fun
1 out of 7