• Hi my name is bardryan and I am a native fisherman here in the sea of thieves, it's a sad day when I must grind for hours, frequently getting attacked by pirates while just trying to fish. Here are my hopeful suggestions for potential fishing changes: 1. Make fishing more worthwhile for more frequent fishers or if someone only likes to fish, possibly by adding hunters call emissaries, getting more money as you sell more fish. 2. Add fishing quests with the hunters emissaries, possibly hunting some rare bait, whether it's an animal or something new, taking it to a specific location, and catching a super rare once in a lifetime (once per quest) fish that sells for a lot. 3. Possibly add some fish which can't be eaten, but sell for more, like poisonous ones, that way it emphasizes making money from fishing instead of it just being a way to get regen food. That's all the suggestions I have, if you're a fellow fisher I wish you luck at sea, please leave other suggestions below so maybe in the future there's better fishing. Also if you're the pirate that camped me for like 2 hours the other day while I went to different fishing docks trying to fish in peace, screw you. - the worst fisherman you've ever heard of

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  • @bardryan said in FISHING UPDATE PLEASE:

    Hi my name is bardryan and I am a native fisherman here in the sea of thieves, it's a sad day when I must grind for hours, frequently getting attacked by pirates while just trying to fish. Here are my hopeful suggestions for potential fishing changes: 1. Make fishing more worthwhile for more frequent fishers or if someone only likes to fish, possibly by adding hunters call emissaries, getting more money as you sell more fish. 2. Add fishing quests with the hunters emissaries, possibly hunting some rare bait, whether it's an animal or something new, taking it to a specific location, and catching a super rare once in a lifetime (once per quest) fish that sells for a lot. 3. Possibly add some fish which can't be eaten, but sell for more, like poisonous ones, that way it emphasizes making money from fishing instead of it just being a way to get regen food. That's all the suggestions I have, if you're a fellow fisher I wish you luck at sea, please leave other suggestions below so maybe in the future there's better fishing. Also if you're the pirate that camped me for like 2 hours the other day while I went to different fishing docks trying to fish in peace, screw you. - the worst fisherman you've ever heard of


    Those pirates may have been part of the anti fishing league which is against cruelty to animals. They sound like they did a great job in their attempts to sabotage your activity. If the pirates (it's in the name so you shouldn't be shocked) are reading this - then great job. Keep up this essential work hehe.

    But seriously, some of your ideas make sense - to have a guild so to speak to make the pay off greater for the risk, although the fishing seems much more like it's meant to be a minigame niche, rather than a permanent fixture designed to add significant depth. But also if you really want a nice calm environment to torture animals in - please check out ultimate fishing simulator on steam.

    I wish you bad luck at sea and may many more pirates come your way to stop your evil activities lol.


  • Just get a rowboat and a storage crate and scuttle your ship at a fort in the area you want to fish. Keep your storage crate hidden in the bushes the entire time so if something goes wrong you can always return for it

    No skellie spawns at forts (if not active) other than ancient skellies and without a ship you're not likely to get bothered

    no reason to take unnecessary beatings if someone is camping or bugging you leave the server right away. No reason to waste time not being productive.

    as far as changes go I'd prefer hunter's stayed the same in a lot of ways and just occasionally added new fish (FOTD catfish and Fort of Fortuna fish) Hunter's is the least cheesed faction and grind and I want it to stay that way. (rep wise gold incentives are fine imo)

    I like the idea of spices and cooking so fisherman can mess around with their recipes. Could be a situation like the merchant where pirates mule around spices and meats for gold. Merchants and sea posts already have arrangements could add meats and spices to the new system

    poisonous fish for more gold and no health benefit is interesting

    you could work in invasive species quests where they need you to bring out certain fish and amounts of them from a territory essentially bounty quests for invasive fish. would bring a lot to people that just enjoy to fish imo

  • @bardryan Fishing is by far the best activity that I enjoy in SOT. My fighting skills are not that good, And the fishing reminds me of being out on the bay fishing.
    I have put fishing on hold for a while so I can explore other adventures. And there are many.
    I would love to see Hunters Call expanded.

  • @bardryan I can't fish anyway I always end up breaking my line

  • @wolfmanbush maybe with the poisonous fish you could remove the poison by cooking it. Also I think it would be cool to have fish which give you special effects when you
    Eat them like glowing or running faster

  • Other fishing ideas.
    -Crab traps that you put in and wait. Basically a way to multi-task as you fish.
    -Crabs to catch and smash with hammers on the beach.
    -giant (shark size) wrecker fish that you must lure out by swimming around with your lantern, pretending to be a potential mate. I think it would be awesome and terrifying to see the glow of one of these things coming at you.

    • if there’s ever mermaids we can interact with, they could give missions too, to hunt down threats to the sea, like megs and squids (baby krakens).
  • @mostexpendable yes

  • Hi my name is BardGwapo a friend of BardRyan i also would think that a emote that allows you to sit on chair or a stool and a fish i would think that would be pretty cool

  • Getting more gold for fishing more? How would this work for a crew if you're fishing and they're not?

  • @galactic-geek said in FISHING UPDATE PLEASE:

    Getting more gold for fishing more? How would this work for a crew if you're fishing and they're not?

    I would think the same as if your crew would get rewarded if you were digging up chest and they're not.

  • I'd like a weight to the fish added and then season to season there could be a hunter's call ledger for most trophy turned in, biggest catches, and just normal ledger system of turn ins. I think that it'd be a great addition to the game for our fisherman.

    Also more wild life, perhaps setting crab crates, we already have crates for other animals. You could set it and come revisit it later but it could also be looted by other pirates to keep the current theme of the game. It'd be a chance encounter but fun for those isle hopping for supplies and find a crate with a crab in it.

  • @awsmstaccntname said in FISHING UPDATE PLEASE:

    I'd like a weight to the fish added and then season to season there could be a hunter's call ledger for most trophy turned in, biggest catches, and just normal ledger system of turn ins. I think that it'd be a great addition to the game for our fisherman.

    This is a really good idea!
    Not to discount other suggestions but this one in particular follows the same theme of other emissarys and would be fun to have some hunters call ledger monthly rewards.

    My Brigg crew had some really fun times with sails hoisted alongside one of my personal favourites ' Crooks Hollow' where we had access to pristine waters, endless bait supplies and 3 camp fires close to each other. Not to mention the top sea post 'Stephen's Spoils' only a short row away!

  • I keep seeing emissary thrown around here. I don't think having an emissary like the other companies makes sense. Do you really want to be targeted by reapers while you're trying to fish?

  • @theornerybear

    Never thought about it like the old fashion reaper flag hunting. I'm about 4 months in and find most reapers where I connect 'xbox only/preferred' come regardless.

  • @bardryan

    Honestly I hope they expand on the PvP reward for attacking Hunter's Call players. Fishing is a nice little side activity, but I find it to be counterintuitive to the social dynamic of the game in its current state.

    As a player who primarily enjoys stealing loot, the only thing that's equally as disappointing as finding a freshly spawned ship is finding a ship that only has a couple of guys fishing and no real loot. It really is a disappointing experience if you're out looking to steal stuff.

    I appreciate that there are people who enjoy the quiet peacefulness of fishing - there is a certain tranquility to it, and what would Sea of Thieves be without the large contrast of motivations in the world we all share?

    Before a Hunter's Call emissary is added, I think the following changes should take place to the trading company:

    • Fish crates, A new item - The Hunter's Call should pay a pretty penny for fish crates that are full. The same amount of gold and rep each time, so you may pump up your profits by filling it with common fish, or you may need to decide if the sum of your current fish haul may be better sold individually... This is better way to deal with all those splashtails and also gives a decent PvP reward for an attacker and something to potentially sneak off with...

    • Food Barrels Float Upon Sinking - Yes, there HAS to be a better way to steal fish from other ships - otherwise a Hunter's Call emissary will not be as compatible with Reaper and Emissary interplay as the other trading companies are. If a ship sinks, the food barrels should come up containing all of the contents they had while on the original ship.

    P.S. Sorry Bardryan, what happened to you was just another day in the Sea of Thieves. At all times you and your ship are at risk of being attacked and that is how it's supposed to be. Keep an eye on that horizon.

  • @theornerybear said in FISHING UPDATE PLEASE:

    I keep seeing emissary thrown around here. I don't think having an emissary like the other companies makes sense. Do you really want to be targeted by reapers while you're trying to fish?

    Do you want to be targeted by reapers ever? =P

  • @awsmstaccntname I've no problem with it. I actually messed with a reaper 5 in my solo sloop last night just for fun. I'm just saying that the type of activities people are asking for don't lend themselves to the emissary system, even having the flag up visually calls attention to the player, even if they make it so they don't show up on the map. So they'd probably have to have a similar system, but with some differences, and I wouldn't call it emissary.

    Basically my point is, fishing is not a very mobile activity, and limits what you can visually see while you are doing it. People also calling for things like traps, doesn't lend yourself to the mobility needed to defend against reapers actively targeting them. It also will lead reapers to targeting them and then being disappointed at no treasure. Just seems imbalanced on the risk reward for both parties.

    Not against people targeting people fishing, it is the sea of thieves and everyone is fair game.

  • True, I'm not for an emissary for Hunters Call but I would like to see a ledger system in place for them as mentioned above including weight and turn ins. Maybe instead of an interface option to view you can view a board at the sea posts to view their "ledger".

  • @mr-ugly-joe said in FISHING UPDATE PLEASE:

    @bardryan Fishing is by far the best activity that I enjoy in SOT. My fighting skills are not that good, And the fishing reminds me of being out on the bay fishing.
    I have put fishing on hold for a while so I can explore other adventures. And there are many.
    I would love to see Hunters Call expanded.

    Well fishing isn’t going to improve your combat whatsoever lol.

  • Dude, it’s a pirates game not a fishing simulator. If you get attacked while fishing, well congrats because they stole your fish and sold it to the hunters as they’re supposed to be doing. Look at your surroundings and practice you combat and then you might keep your fish.

  • I would like fishing to get a bit more love, it's always a good goto gameplay while waiting for crew to arrive online.

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