Skeletal ships feedback

  • Excuse my language but FRICK Skeletal Galleons.

    I just spent 15 minutes being aggressively assaulted by a Skeletal Galleon as a solo sloop player.

    Within those 15 minutes I wasted all of my cannon balls, all of my fire bombs, all of my planks of wood, was knocked off the ship twice.

    I got so heated raged quit without giving a damn about my loot.

    I don't understand why Skeletal Galleons take so much work to sink especially when they are such a broken PvE experience.
    Their aim is dead on, rarely do they miss a shot. They turn incredibly fast, they sail fast, they ram you with zero regard to causing damage to their ship. It's so frustrating.

    I honestly don't know what to do when one is chasing me across the entire damn ocean. I hit the hull with a ton of cannon shots, which seems to do nothing. I throw fire bombs onto the deck to try and keep the skeletons off the cannons, seems to do nothing. The boat doesn't burn like a ship normally would so the fire just fizzles out. They seem to take on water at a slower speed so they take forever to sink, if by some grace of God they even do sink.

    It's so frustrating as a solo player to have to deal with these boats.

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  • Reduce speed and get close to them so they don't light you up

    From there reduce speed a bit more so you can start controlling the angle you are and manipulating the angle they are to minimize their damage to your and maximize your damage against them

    People often make the mistake of going side by side with a galleon with some distance between. This is a death wish

    special balls as needed. Ballast balls and anchor balls especially

    bottom holes. People hit low in what they see but you need to hit below the water line to get bottom water

    Firebombs do help continue doing that

    If you don't want to deal with them get close to them and sail in a straight line until rocks or islands show up then get them to head one way and you head the other and eventually they will stop being aggro'd on you and will leave you alone as long as you stay out of the area

  • @atomictoyrobot

    The good thing is that this skeleton galleon didn't engage you first, you must have engaged it somehow either by crashing into it or following it too closely. The skeleton galleons cannot spawn targeting sloops, you'll only get skeleton sloops targeting you. Just take better care to avoid the galleons if you see them on the seas next time.

  • @chronodusk said in Skeletal ships feedback:


    The good thing is that this skeleton galleon didn't engage you first, you must have engaged it somehow either by crashing into it or following it too closely. The skeleton galleons cannot spawn targeting sloops, you'll only get skeleton sloops targeting you. Just take better care to avoid the galleons if you see them on the seas next time.

    Galleons can spawn on sloops. I don't know if it's intended or not but it does happen I've seen it multiple times

  • @wolfmanbush said in Skeletal ships feedback:

    @chronodusk said in Skeletal ships feedback:


    The good thing is that this skeleton galleon didn't engage you first, you must have engaged it somehow either by crashing into it or following it too closely. The skeleton galleons cannot spawn targeting sloops, you'll only get skeleton sloops targeting you. Just take better care to avoid the galleons if you see them on the seas next time.

    Galleons can spawn on sloops. I don't know if it's intended or not but it does happen I've seen it multiple times

    No it doesnt. ONLY time this happens is during Fleet battles. Rare made it so, they only spawn on Brig and Galleon ships, not Sloops. IF one spawns, its a random spawn but they arent spawning on Sloops to attack, just a random spawning from the water.

  • @burnbacon said in Skeletal ships feedback:

    @wolfmanbush said in Skeletal ships feedback:

    @chronodusk said in Skeletal ships feedback:


    The good thing is that this skeleton galleon didn't engage you first, you must have engaged it somehow either by crashing into it or following it too closely. The skeleton galleons cannot spawn targeting sloops, you'll only get skeleton sloops targeting you. Just take better care to avoid the galleons if you see them on the seas next time.

    Galleons can spawn on sloops. I don't know if it's intended or not but it does happen I've seen it multiple times

    No it doesnt. ONLY time this happens is during Fleet battles. Rare made it so, they only spawn on Brig and Galleon ships, not Sloops. IF one spawns, its a random spawn but they arent spawning on Sloops to attack, just a random spawning from the water.

    It's not like I'm the only one that has seen them spawn on a sloop. What the developers intend and what happens on the seas aren't always the same thing. Pretty sure I have seen others talk about it in threads as well from their own experiences

  • Yes, the developers said in the past that skelleons shouldn't spawn on sloops, but bugs happen. I've seen it myself numerous times after they stated that. They said it's not supposed to happen anymore but something changed a few patches after that announcement. Fortunately it's a very rare occurrence.

  • I have had a skeleton galleon spawn on me as a solo slooper, and with no fleet cloud anywhere in the sky too. So, yes, it does happen.

    ...but it's Rare. 😏

  • Four strategies here.

    1. Hits mean nothing if you're just hitting above the water line, unless you hit them with a ballast ball. However, a sloop doesn't put out enough damage for a ballast ball to really be worth it with the skellies repairing. Better to save those for a pesky player galleon that's been lazy about repairing their second deck holes. Hit bottom deck holes or go to another strat.

    2. Sideswipe them at a speed where you can stay next to them, don't repair your damage, then keep bucketing your water onto the skelleon.

    3. This doesn't work as well as it used to, and in a sloop you likely won't get far enough away to de-aggro them before they get unstuck but...use a rock or island to get them hung up while you make your escape.

    4. Don't do any of the above, have a fight last forever, sink, then complain on the forums/Discord.

  • yes galleons can be a challenge for a solo player to deal with, and all of the above tips are definitely helpful. However, the best way to increase your chances of success is to simply not play solo. Solo is hard mode. By sailing solo you are signing up to do the work of at least 2 players. If you dont want to open crew I would suggest checking the crew section of the forums or the sea of thieves discord.

    Crew sizes are 2, 3, and 4. That is how the game is set up, it is not a single player game. Think of it like queuing up for a battle royal team mode without a team and then getting frustrated that all the other players have teams. If you are going to go solo you have to be prepared for tougher challenges.

  • @atomictoyrobot

    Skeleton galleons will not spawn on a sloop unless it is the event, therefore either you did that or you agitated one of the roaming ones.

    If you notice you are struggling, just slam into them, hug them tight stay near and just bucket water into them. It takes some practice, but with good naval positioning and shots you can even fight them head on without any issues as a solo. I used to do the fleet events before the skeleton sloops were in the game, meaning up to 5x two galleons to fight in a row.

  • I watched Beardogeddon solo a skelly fleet the other day because there wasn't much happening on his server and he wanted some cannon/repair practice.

    It was interesting to watch how he prioritises cannoning/bucketing/fixing, especially as he got to the final waves (all the time talking constantly and answering questions from chat), there may be a video of it somewhere, was very good.

    For instance he said if you're struggling with lots of holes and are filling up quickly it's sometimes worth ignoring the tier 3 holes and concentrate on fixing up the tier 1's and bucketing in-between because the tier 3's take too long and you risk getting knocked off the fix. Lots of cool little tips, some of which I realised I knew at one point but had forgotten, very useful stuff.

  • @JaegerDelta3465 said:

    Think of it like queuing up for a battle royal team mode without a team and then getting frustrated that all the other players have teams.

    I do that all of the time, but not by choice - nobody ever wants to play with me. 😢

    ...and I don't like playing with randoms who most often lack skill and/or communication. 😒

  • @atomictoyrobot said in Skeletal ships feedback:

    Excuse my language but FRICK Skeletal Galleons.

    I just spent 15 minutes being aggressively assaulted by a Skeletal Galleon as a solo sloop player.

    Within those 15 minutes I wasted all of my cannon balls, all of my fire bombs, all of my planks of wood, was knocked off the ship twice.

    I got so heated raged quit without giving a damn about my loot.

    I don't understand why Skeletal Galleons take so much work to sink especially when they are such a broken PvE experience.
    Their aim is dead on, rarely do they miss a shot. They turn incredibly fast, they sail fast, they ram you with zero regard to causing damage to their ship. It's so frustrating.

    I honestly don't know what to do when one is chasing me across the entire damn ocean. I hit the hull with a ton of cannon shots, which seems to do nothing. I throw fire bombs onto the deck to try and keep the skeletons off the cannons, seems to do nothing. The boat doesn't burn like a ship normally would so the fire just fizzles out. They seem to take on water at a slower speed so they take forever to sink, if by some grace of God they even do sink.

    It's so frustrating as a solo player to have to deal with these boats.

    They arent too bad!

    I solo these things in a Brigantine so in a sloop isnt even a challenge.

    Aim below water line.
    Full right or left turn and you dont even need to steer, just fire and repair. Its easy!

    They are tough at first but you soon learn their pattern
    They basically mimic your steering inputs.

    Full left or right turn, sails all the way down. No special balls needed. Down it in about 50 cbs if you arr accurate.

    The sloop has a tighter turning circle so you will have more opportunity to hit and you will remain mostly in their blind spot

    Doing the same in a brig, youll remain outside their firing arc almost indefinitrly in open water doing this trick. After s few barrages at least. Then you can hit them and they cant hit you.

    Theres tons of ways to kill them.
    I mainly choose the wheel technique (full left or right) so as a solo i dont need to steer. I can focus on repairing and firing.

    Take a storage crate to shores of gold and scuttle your ship and load in tons of cannonballs like 500 or so. Practice firing from stupidly far away. Before you know it, you can hit things from very far away all from muscle memory. (For the odd occasion it drifts far away)

    Those skellies wont stand a chance!
    Neither will any pesky pirates when you are comfortable doing long range shots, which you cab only learn by dumb firing lots and lots of shots and getting a feel for it.

  • Do they follow the same mechanics as player ships in regards to sinking or do they take a specific number of shots. I've been on the ship and noticed like a ton of skeletons repairing, so I assume yes, but then sometimes we freaking lay into those damn ships and take so many hits before they sink. That's why I ask.

  • @bartelchunk said in Skeletal ships feedback:

    Do they follow the same mechanics as player ships in regards to sinking or do they take a specific number of shots. I've been on the ship and noticed like a ton of skeletons repairing, so I assume yes, but then sometimes we freaking lay into those damn ships and take so many hits before they sink. That's why I ask.

    No they don't. They can't bail water, they respawn faster than we do, they sail and turn faster than we do, you can't break their ship components, and unlike our ships, they slow down the more they're filled with water.

  • just harpoon them, get close so they cant shoot you then bucket water into them, no resources needed and no rage quit

  • @galactic-geek
    I guess I mean sinking mechanics? Does the game just track number of cannonballs hit, hit over period of time? Is it worth it to try to hit them a lot quickly, or do they just take X cannon balls no matter what.

  • @bartelchunk They can repair, so it's certainly not the latter. If you can consistently hit the same spot over and over again against a skelly sloop though, you can usually keep them from repairing or firing upon you, water will flood in, and they'll sink in less than 10 shots.

    In fact, on a bit of a side note, I can confirm that if you're slooping it up, it takes precisely 10 cannonballs to kill a standard megalodon.

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