How to end Alliance Server exploit.

  • @stundorn said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @wagstr sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    Cap alliances at 3 ships. That will force people to actually alliance and work closer together and not be off at all 4 corners of the map.

    Takes away from regular formed alliances i had during some events and still miss.
    Tools not rules, isnt it ?


    15 minute cooldown on hopping/scuttling. You can still have a five ship alliance if you're so inclined but I suspect that wouldn't be much of a thing any more..

    Better 30 or even 60 Minutes.

    I had no need to hop a Server for month, and after you logged in you could still do one hop, but be then restricted for 30 or even 60 Minutes .

    The only real need to change Server is when you get harassed over and over and cannot get away , when you scuttle but they come back to spawnkill you again, what i never experienced by myself .
    Another ist maybe to change the ship to be able to invite some more friends and that is why i hopped because 2 friends wanted to join me solo slooping.
    I dont see any other legitim argument to hop servers . (...)

    Not even when you've spawned on Dagger Tooth outpost in the middle of a stationary storm where the only voyages you seem to be able to find or buy are for Old Faithful, while Flameheart is taunting you from a nearby island ?
    That's just harsh ...

  • @galactic-geek said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @lem0n-curry @JollyOlsteamed It was either stated by Joe Neate or Mike Chapman in an announcement video or forum Q&A - I don't recall which, because memory is a shoddy thing. With that said, just because I know the truth from having witnessed it, it doesn't mean that it's my responsibility to show it to you. I'm certainly not going to waste my time pouring over hundreds of pages or hours of video to find it for you, especially since I've already stated that it's not really worth my time. That said, I have given you a starting point - if it's important enough to you, you're more than welcome to look for yourself.

    Perhaps the shoddy bit of memory is your mind "transposing" they saying "only a small percentage" (or similar) into "1 procent" 😁. My money is on that anyway.

  • @combatxkitty I’m not denying the fact that pirates create an alliance in a server. That does not make them “Alliance servers”. There is no menu option for said server. Betrayal and pvp can still happen. No threat is taken away. It’s just civility at play.

  • @jollyolsteamed if you stumble upon an alliance server why don't you just server hop? it's so rare after all (I've never met one) and server hopping is easy.

    It all feels like a "I've once stepped into dog poopie... Now I want to end them all!!" kinda argument.

    yeah sure, your session can be ruined by an ally server chasing you til you quit, but your session can be ruined by many other things, like bugs/glitches, server disconnections, your pc/console catching on fire, etc.

    And what do you do in those cases? You go for a brand new session after a bit of raging perhaps...

    Personally, I would try to mess them up however I can if they tried to chase me away. That would make a great story.... because after you have nothing to grind for, what's left there to be discovered?


    If you wanna grind, do a barrel roll.... err.. I mean, a server hop.
    If not, stay, and live the true life of a pirate.


  • @br0crastinat0r said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @combatxkitty I’m not denying the fact that pirates create an alliance in a server. That does not make them “Alliance servers”. There is no menu option for said server. Betrayal and pvp can still happen. No threat is taken away. It’s just civility at play.

    LOL ok whatever, not wasting my time here.

    Have a good day.

  • @lem0n-curry sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @stundorn said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @wagstr sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    Cap alliances at 3 ships. That will force people to actually alliance and work closer together and not be off at all 4 corners of the map.

    Takes away from regular formed alliances i had during some events and still miss.
    Tools not rules, isnt it ?


    15 minute cooldown on hopping/scuttling. You can still have a five ship alliance if you're so inclined but I suspect that wouldn't be much of a thing any more..

    Better 30 or even 60 Minutes.

    I had no need to hop a Server for month, and after you logged in you could still do one hop, but be then restricted for 30 or even 60 Minutes .

    The only real need to change Server is when you get harassed over and over and cannot get away , when you scuttle but they come back to spawnkill you again, what i never experienced by myself .
    Another ist maybe to change the ship to be able to invite some more friends and that is why i hopped because 2 friends wanted to join me solo slooping.
    I dont see any other legitim argument to hop servers . (...)

    Not even when you've spawned on Dagger Tooth outpost in the middle of a stationary storm where the only voyages you seem to be able to find or buy are for Old Faithful, while Flameheart is taunting you from a nearby island ?
    That's just harsh ...

    These are the best starts ever , believe it or not by accepting that randomness of the game and very barely circumvent annoyance the game is able to create i got Hunter if the Shrouded Ghost title .
    Im convinced it is because i immerse and have a Pirate Adventure , because i play the hand i get dealed and dont ask for a new set of cards until i think this is a good hand.
    The best experiences i have is accepting things like they are.
    An Example from the last days.
    Server we joined in a Sloop had a sweaty reaper Brigg, we fought them , but need to flee because of less supplies and they luckily got a skalleone that gave us some time.
    Do we change Server when it starts this way and they wont let us do anything except PvP them?
    When we sink them will they comeback forever? Maybe yes, but OK we didnt change Server and scrapped our plans and tried to deal with it.
    We fought again, after getting supplies from kegs floating etc.
    Now they got in trouble. I said , well they have lots of loot and a R5 flag and we can only win and they attacked us, so be it.
    We fought hard and then they fled, we didnt know why.
    They ran, we chased , then another Brig showed up, we sunk while chasing. No joke, was a solo Brig and it catched up , but we sunk it while chasing the other Reaper to then sink the Reaper at RH.
    They had selled some stuff, maybe even Athena, but they had still a lot of loot and their flag.
    Was a good hunt because we sunk this other Brigg in between like Pro's what we for sure are not (have to say solo Brigg with Duke shipset , so maybe completely new not knowing what he did), and to our suprise the R5 had 3 supply chests , over 250 planks and 300+ Cannonballs , they were 3 we were 2 and they weren't bad in the fight before, they could have beat us for sure.

    Often when you expect a bad party the party is the best for years , often when i think this is boring it isnt but instead very entertaining .
    Its not allways true, but a lot of bad starts , even with sweaty PvP often end in a fun ans succesfull session for me.

  • I don't consider it an "exploit" but I do find it a shame that some players feel the need to only play on Alliance Servers. But they're not really affecting anyone else, there's no actual advantage, and they know themselves their progress is hollow. I can look at what I've done, having never been on such a server (was asked once in game, gave them my ship and left them), and feel some pride in that.

    Any negative feelings about what they've done would just be jealousy. If they're afraid to do "normal" servers, they clearly don't have the PvP skills to put up a fight, so they're not going to be a challenge in that regard either.

    Rare just wants players playing the game, and as long as they're doing that (and potentially buying stuff in the Emporium), I don't see them doing anything drastic to disuade them.

    I've been in favour of a cooldown on server hopping for the stability of the game's servers but I don't think anything more than 5-10 mins is really necessary, as it would negatively impact players who may have a need to change server for non-Alliance reasons.

  • I just laugh until I cry to all these "if I ever enter an ally server I do things to them" "last time I entered an ally server i did... to them"

    Are u serious?
    The definition of "ally server" is: 5 (the maximum possible amount of ships per server) ships from one discord(or similar) clan.

    You can't enter a full server what are you talking? And if they raise it again to 6 ships we change the rule to "6 ships define an ally server".

    I also read some playing it down: there is still the risk of backstabbing... No there are server rules you will be banned from our discord if you even enter a ally ship without permission from the other captain.

    The rule board for ally servers is about 25 rules or more.

    You are a bunch of funny people discussing over something you didn't think about. Just pull out ur feelings about something that brings you to rage posting here things that could, should and would be as you think. As a ally server sailer I just laugh at this post.

  • @raf3121991 Greetings fellow Pirate, If you would be so kind I have a query:

    As a once avid EvE Online Pirate the thought of being able to infiltrate others corporations/clans/guilds/groups and in this games case server alliances has always intrigued me.
    There was no better feeling in EvE than infiltrating a corp, building up trust and becoming a dedicated member over time.
    Only to unsuspectingly tear them down and take what you set out too in the first place.
    Thus I wonder if you or any of your other alliance server sailors have encountered this in any way?

    I understand that the chances of a pirate pulling this off is indeed slim to none, but to insist that in no way shape or form it could ever happen seems a little disingenuous to this pirate.

  • @combatxkitty said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @br0crastinat0r said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @combatxkitty I’m not denying the fact that pirates create an alliance in a server. That does not make them “Alliance servers”. There is no menu option for said server. Betrayal and pvp can still happen. No threat is taken away. It’s just civility at play.

    LOL ok whatever, not wasting my time here.

    Have a good day.

    Honestly LOL. I still don’t understand why having more than three ships in an alliance is necessary lol.

  • @Ixxolos sure some times one tries to "infiltrate" alliance server and do things. But honestly he wouldn't do harm to anything or anyone.

    Rule 1 do not shoot ally ship (except both ships give the "ok" for the quest as example.)
    Rule 2 never enter an ally ship without permission.
    Rule 3 what fleet commander says is the rule!

    At first you get a warning if keep doing bad things - permabann from discord server and u r locked in until u afk out.

    See one person can't do anything to 5 ships you need one person on every ship to really harm the server. Or one whole ship with your friends. But then we will spawncamp you 2h straight. With 16 people on your 4 person galleon.

  • But now I show you the plus sides from alliance servers:

    We invented new games inside of sea of thieves like skull ball, grog barrel race, sailing races...

    Everything of this wouldn't be possible without alliance servers where all 20 people work together to invent new things and keep them alive with presents like ancient coins for the winner.

    That is what keeps this games alive a community that keeps the thing alive. Like minecraft would be totally lame without the servers where we hack cheat and exploit only to build the greatest things. Noone want to knov how it was build they want to walk the red castle from game of thrones!

    People like @all in here that are against alliance servers should also stop using the sworddash! The sworddash is bugabusing. Also the drop-running chests only because you can do it you shouldn't! Like alliance servers! We can we do like you sworddashing and drop-running !

  • @raf3121991 said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    But now I show you the plus sides from alliance servers:

    We invented new games inside of sea of thieves like skill all, grog barrel race, sailing races

    Everything of this wouldn't be possible without alliance servers where all 20 people work together to invent new things and keep them alive with presents like ancient coins for the winner.

    1. Custom Servers would accomplish all this. Even better because it's much easier to set up.

    2. Who is handing out these ancient coins? Partners are the only people that have access to ancient coins to give away.

  • @mferr11 sagte in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    @raf3121991 said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    But now I show you the plus sides from alliance servers:

    We invented new games inside of sea of thieves like skill all, grog barrel race, sailing races

    Everything of this wouldn't be possible without alliance servers where all 20 people work together to invent new things and keep them alive with presents like ancient coins for the winner.

    1. Custom Servers would accomplish all this. Even better because it's much easier to set up.

    Are custom servers available? I only played on normal until now

    1. Who is handing out these ancient coins? Partners are the only people that have access to ancient coins to give away.

    These are private people buying xbox credit from their $ and € funded by the community of our discord server.

    We work together to keep this game interesting and funny.

  • Today the polygon shows how amazing such things are:

    Yes this isn't made by rare but this is how to play a game if you love it. Keeping everything straight kills the game soon.

  • @raf3121991 Ah so you choose to go straight to the "Gonna clap you till you leave" mentality for those instances then , got ya.

    Enjoy the game how you'd like fellow Pirate but after that reply don't kid yourselves too much about it being a fair fun time for all who enter.

  • I'd say if an alliance becomes 3 ships or more they should be shown on the map.

  • I believe a lot of the players in Alliance Servers just don't want the pvp, and the extra money is just a bonus.
    If they had server merges happen randomly to some boats in the server they wouldn't be able to just keep the servers running. Though, it would need to be tinkered to not mess up people if they're fighting or trying to run away from people etc.

  • @app1e8l6 said in How to end Alliance Server exploit.:

    I believe a lot of the players in Alliance Servers just don't want the pvp, and the extra money is just a bonus.
    If they had server merges happen randomly to some boats in the server they wouldn't be able to just keep the servers running. Though, it would need to be tinkered to not mess up people if they're fighting or trying to run away from people etc.


  • Am I the only one the still gets extra ships the old fashioned way of just looking for them in game and offering to buy it or just asking for it? We do it because we've got more than 4 of us that like to play together sometimes.

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