Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort

  • (Oh man, here comes another Man O'War suggestion ...) The Man O'War has been mentioned dozens of times, and generally it's been mentioned as a player ship. It only got me thinking about it when a friend of mine suggested, "what if it was a boss battle instead?" And to me, that's a golden idea. But only if it's carried out proper. Enter Sea of Thieves' first mobile skeleton fort!!


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    The Man O'War would be a true challenge for crews sailing the high seas, as it is a unique battle that requires both a hearty crew of experienced boarders and crewmen to bring the structure down. These are just ideas of how it would function, as imagined in my head:

    OBJECTIVE: Board, and loot the Man O'War before it sinks into the briny depths!

    Phase One: Rising out of the depths of the sea, the Man O'War ascends from the waters, armed to the teeth with skeletons! It boasts five decks, four cannons on deck two and four cannons on deck three sticking out of respective portholes for limited angling, but massive firepower on each side, for a total of eight cannons per side. Four boarding ladders, two per side. Occasionally, from deck three, sea mines will be dropped into the water, to destroy any boats attempting to follow it. And if that wasn't enough, decks four and five are armored, with reinforced upper decks, making sinking this ship impossible. The toughest part of this fort is boarding in the first place, considering the significant threat the ship poses. But, the ship is very slow compared to most ships, and that makes it easier to board. It also has poor aiming, considering the cannons cannot be angled much in their restrictive portholes.

    • Tactics: Shoot cannonballs at the portholes, to defeat the skeletons manning the cannons, and not only make an approach easier, but temporarily disable cannons before they are re-manned by other skeletons. Someone will need to, temporarily, remain on the ship to keep it safe and prevent it from sinking.
    • Objective: Board the Man O'War either by shooting crew members onto the ship, or getting them close enough to grab a ladder and climb on.

    Phase Two: Teamwork! While crew members are on board, they'll be assailed by various skeletons and a skeleton captain. While moving on down decks, ammo crates and food barrels will be available per deck below the top deck, to assist in the survival of the pirates, and they'll come in contact with the skeletons firing the cannons on decks two and three. Two separate capstans on the top deck will slow the Man O'War to a halt. Cannons, after a skeleton has been defeated, can be rolled backward out of the port hole, and then the port hole can be locked, permanently disabling the cannons.

    • Tactics: This phase is critical, and important to free up crew members to help assist in the fight, and be able to complete the end-goal of the Man O'War. Grabbing food and ammo to stay alive, while defeating skeletons will keep them off the cannons! Locking the cannons down will assist the pirates outside manning the ship, and lowering the capstans will stop the massive ship from moving.
    • Objective: Disable the skeleton cannons and lower the capstans!

    Phase Three: Deck four has been sealed off, and requires a gunpowder barrel to get in. If the crew does not have one, there is one available every two minutes (assuming that the fourth deck is locked still, otherwise it does not drop any) at the rear of deck three, rising up from a small trap door from deck four. This is where they would normally be dropped into the sea. Once the charge has been blown, this blows open deck four's locked doors, and the crew enters the armory of the ship! A good wave or two of skeletons are here, each with their own respective captain to lead them into combat, and once they are all defeated, the Skeleton Lord Captain appears, to challenge the pirates trying to steal their plunder!

    • Tactics: General combat to reach deck five, the fabled vault of the Man O'War.
    • Objective: Defeat the Skeleton Lord Captain and his cronies to retrieve the key to the vault!

    Phase Four: The final phase, after defeating the Skeleton Lord Captain, is retrieving the key dropped by the boss, and using it on deck five's locked vault door. Skeletons stop spawning after this point. Opening the vault door reveals a big treasure trove of a deck, filled with various treasures and small objects of value! But, once the vault door has been opened, one final laugh is had, as a ticking sound is heard for about a minute or two, before the armored walls of deck five explode, and open up a couple holes in the ship. Now, it becomes a race against time and greed, where the pirates must grab as much treasure as possible as the Man O'War slowly starts sinking into the water. With careful planning and time management, the pirates might be able to get all of it, if they're fast.

    • Tactics: Utilize prep-time wisely, have all pirates at the ready, have treasure chests at the ready if need be, and move as many treasure chests and loot as possible to get on out of there! Utilize the gunpowder drop hole to drop treasure out the back of the fortress, as an alternate drop-off than the top deck.
    • Objective: Loot the Man O'War before it sinks!

    This was generally just an idea, but I figured I would make it far more detailed and drawn out, so everyone has a better idea of what I'm talking about and can look it over. Naturally, there can always be adjustments, but here is my idea pitch in completion, of the Man O'War skeleton fortress.

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  • That is a very interesting idea. I think that for there to be another vessel with physics might be difficult for the game's resources though. I would consider keeping this instanced in The Arena. An Arena mode where instead of several teams, there are two teams, and they are split between two Man O'War size vessels in a big team death match. Maybe these ships are more sturdy, ya know, and take more time to sink but also bail. And maybe there can be kraken as an environmental threat, or megaladons instead. I dunno. Maybe The Arena players are not enough to allow them to be split between modes. We already have controller-only instances as an option, so I just don't know. I do really like the idea of having to loot a PvE objective that is sinking though. That is clever and emergent.

  • The general concept of this idea is not new. I like how you added detail for structure, but at the same time, I don't like how you kind of shoe-horn the whole thing into a single required strategy (boarding). I would like to be able to choose numerous methods to defeat such a ship, keeping in sync with the sandbox nature of the game.

  • @galactic-geek As I said - it's just an idea, and kind of hastily ramshackled together, and plenty of it can change. But I figure, if I gave it more structure and detail, it's more likely to be considered as an idea rather than just a passing "do this".

    It is, honestly, vaguely based on Fort of the Damned, where there generally is a specific route to complete the fort, but you present a good point, that it should be a little more 'open'.

    Like Phase One is designed to be pretty clear cut what needs to be done, which is equivalent of, defeat skeleton towers, -then- land crew mates. But Phase Two is a little more loose, considering, you could, in theory, skip that step and go straight for Phase Three, but that puts your ship's crew at risk, at the cost of trying to complete an objective faster.

    Fully open to hear suggestions, as it's a general work-in-progress of an idea, and constructive criticism is absolutely encouraged.

  • Breathtaking.... just wow, you got my vote

  • @thelostsentinel Great idea!

  • A Man O War ship for players can work in a Man O War server, the technical side is the main problem but i really hope to see it in the game.

  • @theurgicfox47th Thanks for the support!

  • @faceyourdemon I’m referring that the ship should be a fort, not a ship. There’s a lot of balance issues with it being a player controlled ship, I believe this to be a happy middle ground.

  • @thelostsentinel I fully understand your idea, not a usable ship but im saying that a Man O War isnt that hard to balance once everyone in a server are using the same ship.
    The technical side is another issue.

  • Great potential! Love this idea

  • Good idea

  • @don-jakobi said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    That is a very interesting idea. I think that for there to be another vessel with physics might be difficult for the game's resources though. I would consider keeping this instanced in The Arena. An Arena mode where instead of several teams, there are two teams, and they are split between two Man O'War size vessels in a big team death match. Maybe these ships are more sturdy, ya know, and take more time to sink but also bail. And maybe there can be kraken as an environmental threat, or megaladons instead. I dunno. Maybe The Arena players are not enough to allow them to be split between modes. We already have controller-only instances as an option, so I just don't know. I do really like the idea of having to loot a PvE objective that is sinking though. That is clever and emergent.

    To your knowledge, have the devs mentioned anything regarding large-scale ships having issues within the bounds of their physics engine? As far as I'm aware, the Sea of Thieves engine seems quite stable, and capable of handling quite a fair few things at one time, but I could be mistaken.

    Thank you for the kind words and feedback!

  • @thelostsentinel Well, when asked if a 1 person or 6 person ship was coming, they responded with "think bigger", so I don't think it'll be a technical problem. Bigger than a 6 person ship though, maybe your idea isn't too far off? A massive ship filled to the brim with skeletons!


  • @mferr11 said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    @thelostsentinel Well, when asked if a 1 person or 6 person ship was coming, they responded with "think bigger", so I don't think it'll be a technical problem. Bigger than a 6 person ship though, maybe your idea isn't too far off? A massive ship filled to the brim with skeletons!


    Wow! I've actually never seen this video before. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned more on the same subject. Good find though! This was posted this year, too.

  • All you have to do is curse ball the sh*t out of it. And once you put holes in it , ballast ball will finish it off very quickly. Unless they make it immune to curse canon balls.

  • @theycantdeportu said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    All you have to do is curse ball the sh*t out of it. And once you put holes in it , ballast ball will finish it off very quickly. Unless they make it immune to curse canon balls.

    Curse balls could absolutely make it easier to board! Makes those curse balls really worth something more, to peaceball the cannons and drop the anchors.

    However, the idea is that the ship is unsinkable, so ballast and cannonballs would not actually sink it. (And if it does sink via the above mentioned 'bombs in the vault', the vault holds all the treasure, so it would be lost to the ocean forever!

  • @Deckhands @Quartermasters

  • @thelostsentinel But when a ship sinks, the model disappears and the loot would surface surely?

  • @octopus-lime Easy enough fix. Just don't have the loot spawn until the actual vault door is opened.

    As I mentioned above, the ship cannot sink, because the bottom part is armored. It only begins to sink at the last phase, where a trap sets off.

    It's meant to function more like a fort than a ship, in all reality, it's just moving in the water, as opposed to being a solid island. All the treasure is located in the bottom, inside the vault. None of it is loose.

  • @thelostsentinel said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    @octopus-lime Easy enough fix. Just don't have the loot spawn until the actual vault door is opened.

    As I mentioned above, the ship cannot sink, because the bottom part is armored. It only begins to sink at the last phase, where a trap sets off.

    It's meant to function more like a fort than a ship, in all reality, it's just moving in the water, as opposed to being a solid island. All the treasure is located in the bottom, inside the vault. None of it is loose.

    yeah but all things sink on the sea of thieves so it wouldn't work in my opinion

  • @closinghare208 said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    @thelostsentinel said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    @octopus-lime Easy enough fix. Just don't have the loot spawn until the actual vault door is opened.

    As I mentioned above, the ship cannot sink, because the bottom part is armored. It only begins to sink at the last phase, where a trap sets off.

    It's meant to function more like a fort than a ship, in all reality, it's just moving in the water, as opposed to being a solid island. All the treasure is located in the bottom, inside the vault. None of it is loose.

    yeah but all things sink on the sea of thieves so it wouldn't work in my opinion

    Generally, it's meant to be more of a mobile fort than an actual sinkable ship. But, let's say, for the sake of a conversation - it could be sunk.

    Would it drop less loot than if you went through and boarded and followed through the motions of the whole gauntlet? I'd say that's a fair trade-off for effectively doing "less" work. Granted, it might be tough, considering it's five decks, and enough cannons to sink even a Galleon pretty darned fast.

    What do you suggest?

  • Haven't had a chance to read the whole thread (just a few of the posts), but I want to come back to this later so I'm sort of earmarking a reminder for myself here. The general idea has some solid merit, and I'd like to chime in but don't have the time just now to cover all the posts. I'll be back though, I'm intrigued.

  • I made a similar post regarding this just yesterday, where the captain is flameheart who is reborn.

    Notable differences is, the ship has Hp, once depleted it goes dormant, ready to be boarded.

    You then storm the ship and clear rooms and waves of skellies.
    The last of which drops a key to unlock a door to lower level.
    Each level more difficult.

    Bottom deck has Captain Flameheart.

    Kill him, ship sinks, escape before sunk, harpoon the loot and sail to outpost.

  • @daringclarky I don't like that you're forced to board.

  • @galactic-geek Thats fair. Not really a dungeon tho if you can do it all from ship.

  • So I do´t get how tbig this ship is and how easy to hit/how do you keep you self safe if 2 ppl board this?

  • @raf3121991 said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    So I do´t get how tbig this ship is and how easy to hit/how do you keep you self safe if 2 ppl board this?

    I would say that the ship itself is, well, frankly, bigger than a Galleon, but not too much bigger? It'd certainly be longer, taller, and a bit wider to accommodate extra decks.

    The methods above involve closing hatches where the cannons are located, so the ship can't fire back at your own ship, making it easy for everyone to get on board. (Historically, if I'm not mistaken, the Man'O War had cannons on lower decks, and there were ports to allow the cannons to aim out of. So they couldn't really be angled in any direction, only fire a bunch of cannonballs on the broadside of the ship.)

  • @daringclarky said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    I made a similar post regarding this just yesterday, where the captain is flameheart who is reborn.

    Notable differences is, the ship has Hp, once depleted it goes dormant, ready to be boarded.

    You then storm the ship and clear rooms and waves of skellies.
    The last of which drops a key to unlock a door to lower level.
    Each level more difficult.

    Bottom deck has Captain Flameheart.

    Kill him, ship sinks, escape before sunk, harpoon the loot and sail to outpost.

    I actually really adore the idea that the ship has HP, and requires a bit more than clever boarding to really slow it down - In the right that, yes, you can board and cause mayhem, but you need to do a little of both, like both attacking the ship and boarding it.

    Basically what I'm saying is - having a balance of both ship-to-ship and boarding action makes it less in-line with Skeleton Forts, and makes it closer to it's own unique experience, bringing a little more to the table than basically just a mobile fort.

    I also do really enjoy the idea of it being Flameheart's new flagship on the Sea of Thieves! What with the story leaning in that there's an attempt to resurrect Captain Flameheart, and, potentially, build a new ship for him to function as his flagship? Pretty great idea right here. If this got implemented far down the line, I'd say it'd be a grand addition as the final confrontation with Flameheart!

  • I would like to see an enemy that takes several ships/crews to defeat.

  • @thelostsentinel said in Man O'War: The Mobile Skeleton Fort:

    (Historically, if I'm not mistaken, the Man'O War had cannons on lower decks, and there were ports to allow the cannons to aim out of. So they couldn't really be angled in any direction, only fire a bunch of cannonballs on the broadside of the ship.)>

    Actually, historically the Man O' War wasn't a real ship. That is, it wasn't a ship type. "Man O' War" was simply an expression referring to a very large/powerful ship. However "Sloop of war" and "Brig of war" were actual ship types. So if we wanna talk history the Man O' War had as many cannons as any other ship.

    Cool idea tho, I'm on board!

  • @glannigan On one hand, hell yes! On the other, I can imagine getting upset because everyone else on the server is doing their own thing and no one wants to help.

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