Share your solo slooper pvp tips please

  • We all have quite a few tools at our disposal now and many of you can be quite creative in attacking other solos and even crewed ships.

    When you aren't running from ships anymore and you feel it's time to go on the offensive and do an honest day's pirating.

    What strategies and things do you find work best for you?

    What's your most effective weapon?

    Do you prefer to board or remain with your ship?

    How does your strategy change when against a crew as a solo or a solo against solo?

    We all get in a routine when we play this game and doing the same things over and over can make you complacent. So I'm here checking to see if there's any golden nuggets of information, something I haven't tried and could add to my existing knowledge.

    Thanks for sharing if you do guys.

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  • My top tip for solo slooping would usually be: find a crew! This really is a game which is best enjoyed when coupled with others (even people you don't know).

    But if you insist on playing alone, then you really need to polish your skills on all ends:

    • You're going to need excellent sailing in order to deny cannon sight to your opponents, while providing such for yourself.
    • In between your sailing, you're going to have to find time to shoot cannons. The further you land them from, the better.
    • You're going to have to decide when is the best time to follow a barrage of cannoning with shooting yourself over in order to wipe the enemy and give enough time for the holes you created to flood their ship.
    • Choice of weapons is up for you to decide. Don't watch what others do/say. Chances are that you will perform much better with the loadout you're accustomed to, rather than trying to play what's currently considered "the best".
    • Last but not least, pinpointing the exact spot of where you sunk your enemy, so you can loot afterwards. Solo PvP mostly means that you're going to have to leave your ship carry on, as you board the enemy to sink them. When/if you do sink them, your next challenge is to find that spot. Sometimes you will be lucky and the environment will provide enough hints to find it. Sometimes you'll have to grab your compass and open your eyes. Look for your ship or something else nearby, and check which direction it is from you. Sail to the opposite direction of that object to find your booty.

    I just realized you're actually an advanced player, I started this out as if I am writing to a beginner. So you're probably aware of all these already. But yeah, there really isn't anything more anybody can tell you about solo pvp on a sloop. There's no shortcut to it, you sink people in the same way you sink them while teamed up, BUT ALONE.

  • @daringclarky

    I steal unnoticed mostly.
    Most efficient weapon is patience and the spyglas and a rowboat ^^

  • @daringclarky

    1. Keep your ship (spawn point) safe.
    2. Get a feel of who you are up against before leaving the ship.
    3. Keep tabs on your ship when ever you decide to risk leaving it.
    4. Keep your ship moving, even when you take off most of the time I just have my ship twirling circles (half-ish sails).
    5. Once your ship takes damage, it most likely is time to be back on board.

    If you want to try-hard as a solo, you don't really leave the ship and just battle them on the seas. It allows you to disengage when you need to and recover. The decision to leave your ship is very situational and all relies on the safety it is in; can you avoid it getting even a single hole.

    The most effective weapon, getting near without being detected. I avoid line of sight as much as possible in my approach, ideally I will be on the other side of the island or seemingly not going for them. Aka strike before they are prepared for you.

    Personally I love the new chain shots, if you are able to disable a ships masts, lay some damage into it and avoid needing to patch... it means you can try and board to actually sink them at a decent speed. Else it is more a war of attrition and patience.

    Fighting as a solo is very dynamic, frustrating, challenging and small decisions can simply mean you can lose the fight pretty much instantly. Your strongest weapon; mistakes your opponent makes.

  • What I've been doing is raising emissary and simply PVE'ing while getting super supplied.

    Once, supplied, or a Juicy target is found, I sell and drop emissary, no matter what level.

    Then if solo sloop, I usually go with the war of attrition. I do a drive by, raise sails to halfish, poke holes, cannon over.

    While over there I usually check to see how much wood they have, so I'll know if I can win the attrition or not.

    If not solo, I always have one person on the ship and one person boarding the enemy ship.

    My loadout I carry around with me is usually sword anything. Sword was buffed recently and it of course doesn't run out of ammo.

    If I KNOW i'm about to board, i'll run blundy, eye of reach. If i'm getting boarded I'll run sword blundy. If I'm PVE'ing I'll run sword, eye of reach.

  • As a guy who likes to run solo with a reaper emissary flag. Usually the most successful encounters are those that start with surprise and the enemy ship is parked. I usually sail up at an angle behind them where their cannons cant get me but I have sight on their stern and side hull. I raise my sails, take out the mast first with chain shot, then lay into them with cannon fire. After a good bit of that I usually set my ship to moving slowly to deter boarders and go board them to hold then off till they sink.

    When I dont have the element of surprise it is usually a fight of attrition and has a high chance to end badly. All it takes is getting hit in the face with a cannon ball at a bad time against an experienced crew and you are done. Sometimes I am able to end these attrition fights early by hitting their sails ,putting some holes in them, and boarding. Usually this only works against sloops or very inexperienced brig/galleon crews as it requires solo killing the entire crew.

    In these kinda of fights I recommend getting a feel for your opponent. If they aren't on a sloop, can properly maneuver their ship ,and their cannoners aren't drunk on grog, it is usually time to peace out. If they are on a sloop, well, hope their cqc skills arent as good as their aim and have at it.

    I have also had great success parking my ship behind a near by island and rowboating in. Lots of players dont check the map for reapers often enough. The goal here is usually to light up their ship with firebombs and ram it into things till it sinks.

    Other tips include: Always bring food better than coconuts.
    Have your regen bar full before you start a fight.
    Dont bring wood or cannonballs to a boarding action. You want to steal there's and eat their food if you can.

    I have found as a solo, gunpowder kegs in the crowd nest are a liability. Lose your mast while you are solo and more often than not you are dead. If you store them somewhere else they will fill the ship full of holes. Best alternate location is behind the map table. You will get pretty hurt if you are on the wheel if one detonates but the ship will at least keep moving.

  • The first shot should always be a firebomb cannon shot. Then rigging shot UNLESS you're going to outrun them.

    If it's a sloop or even a brigantine a rigging shot can be advantage them as you leave them in your wake out of firing angle.

    I'm not sure a solo sloop can really effectively do anything.

    You probably need cursed balls to really pull it off. Probably the ballast ball. Pepper a lot of holes into their side so they take on good water then ballast them and hope they swamp.

    You'll get to know me as the crazy Kamikaze who tries everything.

    Except for successful boarding and guarding their holes there really isnt much you can do to defeat even a sloop while solo.

    I want to emphasize the problem with solo is you can't really use the full compliment of cursed balls on much but a Galleon with much effect.

    I've been sailing a Brigantine which is generally much faster than a sloop...and solo sloopers can 180 turn with anchor trick.

    So maybe there's advantage there being slower and therefore turns tighter.

    But for the most part .... I mean only thing I can think of is you can anchor them as your pass in broadside. Then do a 90 degree turn with anchor instead of 180. And fire at them into the bow or stern.

    When they get underway again is when you'd raise your anchor and maneuver again.

    • hit with cannon firebomb (most powerful single shot)
    • hit with chain or anchor curse ball etc.
    • drop anchor with quarter turn and center to give broadside to their bow or stern after you demast or anchor them.
    • open good tier three holes and keep hitting with blunderbombs from cannons.
      *I forgot to mention the best shot in the game. Blunderbombs.
      *Blunderbombs will blow anyone off a hole...and blow them to ribbons too.

    If you already have holed their ship then you dont need to board to protect holes. If they are disabled just park off bow at distance and hit with blunderbomb/regular shot mixes.

    If the ship is small you'll keep them fairly unable to do anything. If large you'll probably blow someone off raising an anchor while keeping everyone on any ship type off the bow/stern holes.

    THIS I think is about the best you can hope for in ship-to-ship.

  • Cursed cannonballs are the most important thing-particularly the sleepball, jigball and anchorball. If you're fortunate enough to have the jump on them or a good angle, take down the mast with chainshot. Send fire over to keep them panicking.(If you're lucky, you may also ignite a barrel once the mast has come down)

    Run regular cannonballs across the waterline of their hull and then focus on hitting them at the cannons-hopfefully sending a pirate or two to the SotD.. Once they've sufficiently been peppered along the waterline, launch a sleep ball or two. Give them a bit more pepper along a mid deck if it's a galleon and then hit them with a ballast ball.

    I can't overstate the importance of the ballast ball. It absolutely makes all the holes become a top priority and drowns a gally that previously had a manageable number of holes.

    If you're on open water, get a feel for what kind of angle you'll turn when you set the wheel and sails a certain way. You'll want the ship to be executing turns without you being at the helm so you can focus on combat and repair. The only time you should really be going in a straight line with sails fully down is for escape or pursuit. Know that while you're making maneuvers, they are too-so hitting whoever is at the wheel can be very effective, especially if there's a chance it runs them into an object.

    If you've got a comfortable escape distance and there's at least 120 seconds between when they can expect to catch you, consider jumping overboard with a handfull of food and firebombs(and a keg if you got it).

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