Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best Kraken Screenshot!

  • A toast to the lost Fireship

  • Had a blast fighting this Kraken with friends.... thought I would use the new Emote

  • @lizalaroo
    I think we had some events ahah

  • The Poor Chaps never saw it coming..

  • @lizalaroo

  • @lizalaroo

  • @bluefemale Sorry lovely. Your link doesn't show me any pic


  • After fishing for ruby splashtails for 4hours on a dead server turns out everything was waiting for us

  • Set her aflame and adrift. Then along comes Karen, looking for roasted pirate...

  • Bad Orders! Right at the outpost! Come on Kracken. hehe

  • A Fiery kraken battle

  • As the storm raged on and I raced to the dueling ghost ships, his tentacles arose from the deep

  • FOTD, 2 Galleons, 1 Brig, 1 Sloop, Skeleton Ship & Kraken all in one picture while tucking!

  • karen

  • This Ancient Terror has a Kraken tentacle coming out its mouth.


    Mind you, this was mid-storm, and we had TWO Chests of Sorrow.

  • Go away, Karen. I'm trying to catch a Stormfish -.-

  • This isn’t an entry but I’m confused on what it means by dm On the forums. How do I check these?

  • Me and the boys taking on the kraken!!

  • @huntgaming00 when you click on your picture (top right) you will see your notifications tab. To the right of that is the status tab and if you click that you will see the chat tab at the bottom. Click that and you will see any ‘direct messages’ sent to you.

  • @lizalaroo thankssss

  • Well that's it for this mission.
    'Kraken' screenshots, like I said :D
    Back tomorrow for the winning pic! Oh and a new mission.... should you choose to accept it!

76 out of 102