what has happened to PvP in this game?

  • @simplelyricc

    running away is a viable PVP tactic in sanbox/ seabox games!

    If i stand no chance and cannot get rid of you i sail into the shroud and to me it's a win against people who want to outnumber me and kill me.
    I sacrifice the loot with a smile on my face :))
    If i cannot have it nobody can have it ^^
    I choose to have a remis instead of a checkmate if i can.

    Tools not rules - seabox MP, if i'm in a disavantage i try to be the one that dictates what happens next.
    A Remis is better than a lost game!

  • @bugaboo-bill it is just the fact that there is no point to PvP rn. It is buggy and unfun when you actually can engage and there is never any loot to plunder

  • @simplelyricc

    first reply was about your 1st post, i have red more until.
    Agree on many points here with most of what people said.

    actually the PvP meta is bad and boring and doesnt lead to funny, challeing piratish fights - mostly, not all the time.

    The other thing is i think many people dont hoard anymore.
    If they do and got wrecked, they comlpain about sailing 4 hours hoarding treasures and then got sunk :)

    good challenging fights are rare in this game because of the nature of the community - many pure pvp sink on sight, and some even dont care for loot and also many pure pve achievers and completionists who often dont accept the SoT nature of having PvP.

    The people who play as intended and do a good mix of PvEvP have a good time and they risk loot, sometimes they are greedy for anothers loot, sometimes they are not and stay passive minding their own pve business, but are always ready and happy to PVP as long as it's fun and not serious, no trashtalk and no exploits and such.

    i like shipfights, we do very well against other ships, even if its two or three sometimes.

    Rare need to focus on that, and they do with all that reaper stuff.
    Thats PvE to incentivice PvP, but around PvE content.
    All the Rum Runner Events we had, the REapers chests, we got a golden version, think of it.
    FoTD its all eactly about that. PVEVP!

    but what do many people, they refuse one part and do pvp only and use exploits and all is possible just to fight and win for no other reason than to fight and win and the ones who want to grind endlessly without any disturbance an competetive player interaction.

    To me as a pvevp player i have the most fun if i meet other pvevp players, who immerse a little, like the pve gameloop, love a good fight between pirates as long as it isnt 4 vs. 1 spawnkilling stuff.

    Encourage Rare to imprive the game an to have more PvEvP players and les and less of the extremes of only one side of the medal.

    Playing as intended is sper fun to me for 2 years now.
    There is no other game i enjoyed that much for that long.
    And i do always PvE with PvP in mind and ready to face it or to be the one who comes for you :)

  • The biggest reason why people don't horde loot aboard (in general) is because Ships aren't a very safe to keep things.

    Why horde loot that can easily get stolen when you can drop it off every time you pass an outpost? (which is every few minutes.)

    Players should feel safe on their ship and "in danger" when off of it. Even at outposts. But no one feels safe aboard their ship. And this all comes down to the stupid "non-retractable" ladders. Basically Rare gave us Castles where you can't close the gates. If Rare created the "illusion" of relative safety onboard with retractable ladders, players would be more inclined to keep their treasure there.

    And we Reavers would have to board by harpooning, jumping, cannoning (or just climbing up the ladders of crews who forgot to raise them). Ships would become "castles" in players minds and that would lead them to filling up their castles with Gold! Which we could then steal. Because talented Pirates don't need baby ladders to board!

  • @viperishemu2992 i mean blunderbuss is a thing and that pretty much stops you from being able to board. Retractable ladders would pretty much stop you from boarding unless they allowed you to ram them or they rammed you

  • @simplelyricc said in what has happened to PvP in this game?:

    @viperishemu2992 i mean blunderbuss is a thing and that pretty much stops you from being able to board. Retractable ladders would pretty much stop you from boarding unless they allowed you to ram them or they rammed you

    Boarding should be hard and require skill. But that is a totally different topic.

    I'm just pointing out to the OP why (most) players don't hoard loot on their ship. And that is because Ships don't "feel" safe. A drunken baby with one leg could board one (if it knew how to swim).

    Making Ships "feel" like a safer place will lead to players hoarding more loot. And do this by making retractable ladders that can only be raised from above. Get rid of the auto-mermaid and give players a summoning horn for when they need their mermaid (i.e. they jumped off their boat and forgot to lower the ladder first). By removing the auto-mermaid you would also create a tenser atmosphere at Outposts because you never would know who was lying in wait to ambush you. Ergo, players would cash in less often.

    On ship = feels like a safe-ish place.
    Off ship is risky with potential for ambushes.

    Or to put it another way. A safe with no door is not a good place to keep your money. Put a door and lock on it and only the Pro's can break in! But it will be probably be more full of money that the door-less safe.

  • @viperishemu2992 said in what has happened to PvP in this game?:

    A drunken baby with one leg could board one (if it knew how to swim).

    What kind of day care are you running lass? You feed rum to yer chitlens, hack off a leg and then throw them to thee fishes?

    Breaks me heart thinking about a chubby faced babe, wooden leg its only chance to float to safety....

  • I feel like op is a troll, but hey i could be wrong.
    PVP is unfair in this game and i don't even play that often, but when i do i do PVE and i PVP whoever i see, but i dont chase empty seas for PVP.

    PVP in the PVE world curently is mostly bullies, there is no rank or lvl system but it's basicly guys good at PVP fighting weaklings instead of going to Arena.
    I am above average at PVP in this game and while i love to bully and murder ships for loot or just to ruin their fun, ik PVP is bad and unbalanced in favor of the bully.(guy without loot n nothing to lose)

    Don't get me started on the siren, it is such a bad mechanic, or needs improvements.

    I was Solo Slooping vs a Galleon 4 guys, they were doing a fort, i kept harassing them for like 2-3hours. I would die, spawn on my sloop, turn arround attack them, die and repeat. My sloop has auto-pilot cuz good commanders do that.
    Despite them killing me very often, all i needed was a lucky break to bring my plans to fruition. I kept spawning fast enough to pose a threat to them so they couldn't finish the fort.
    Eventually i blow up their ship and kill them, by the time they got back to the island i had defeated the boss by myself and took the vault key, hid it on my ship and took off.

    Ofc they waited for me by the island to come back and get the loot. I did, i put my ship on auto-pilot, i jumped off in a dingy. They took the bait and followed my ship.
    I loaded some of the loot onto my dingy, they figured out it was bait and came back to the fort to find me. Outnumbered and without a proper way to fight a galleon off, i'd have lost you would think? Not if your name is tooty pattooty super poopy, then you'd be wrong. I got on their ship and put the skull flag, I killed myself without them seeing me, spawned back on my ship.
    Based on flag, i guessed wich outpost they were going to, i headed there in advance with some barrels. They were still busy loading the cargo so i had some time.
    I boobytrap the outpost. They take the dingy down to sell the stuff, i blow their ship as they are further away with the dingy, set the boobytrap, kill them on the island and sell the loot they so nicely delivered for me.
    IF those guys didn't rage quit, idk.

    And why could i afford that? Cuz i had nothing to lose.
    PVP'ers need some bigger punishment and some mechanics need to be remade, i do stuff similar to this all the time cuz the game let's me. Mermaids man, one of the PVP'ers best friends.

  • @liuxiangjiang The short version is this, cuz i had nothing to lose i could afford to die 10 times with my ship and all, they had to die just once with their ship and lose all they had fought for.

  • Many, like me, do not have much time to play, and the only time we can play is dedicated to completing commendations, we cannot waste time in pvp or risk losing the loot/commendation.

  • you guys are completely missing my point. This is a game based around Thieves and Pirates. So why in gods name does everyone not want to focus on the biggest part of the game? Ofc i'm all for PvE improvement but i don't think literally anyone gets the core premise of the game and all you have to do is look at the title. Sea Of Thieves. Game about thieving isn't very good when there is very rarely any loot to steal. And with the retractable ladders. That is a stupid idea it just gives players the option to not let people board. Meaning Ship vs Ship combat would be the only combat unless you rammed them(very unlikely against anyone with any kind of skill)

  • It's amazing how I've seen posts like this since the game launched.
    The more things change...

  • @electricknights would you not agree that PvP needs a huge rework?

  • @simplelyricc
    What do you mean by PvP?
    Combat mechanics? Incentives?
    Honestly, I think people's minds need some serious reworking, but I don't have major issues with this game, as it is (obviously, some combat mechanics still need fixing up and such).

    We have extremes of players that are equally off with this game. Those who want zero PvP. And those who focus solely on PvP.
    They are, roughly, the same, to me.
    Everyone also has to understand the chaotic nature of this game and how random the encounters, types of players on any particular server may be at any time. You might find 5 ships gunning for fights, not see any ships around, solo sloops minding their own business, open-crew galleons, skilled & experienced crews, and any and every mix and match and aspect between all of these possibilities.
    This is NOT a game where we load in and enter a death match arena to fight competent foes (or even just enemies that have rewards for us).

    Best advice is to go do forts, reapers, fleets and such, enjoy it, and interact with the player ships that may or may not get involved.
    It's too easy to have your mindset skewed when you don't focus on any of the PvE yourself.
    OR focus solely on PvP, if that's what you want - but do not expect the game (and other players) to be changed in order to suit your liking.

  • @electricknights i am talking about how clunky and bug infested the PvP is right now. Double Gun, Hit reg just to name a few problems

  • @simplelyricc yeah I'm tired of people thinking it's good and skillful to use bugs too win in a fight, specifically canceling the animation to double gun. Even when I find a crew looking for a fight, it's just people using the double gun glitch. It's sad how people think it makes them good by doing it

  • @mysticshadowzx in PvP there are 4 ways it can go
    They run
    They're afk
    They have no loot
    They exploit
    That is all that has been happening recently. No one has any loot because there are way to many places to sell it and far to little amount of ships meaning loot now is pretty easy to quickly run to the nearest outpost and sell it

  • @simplelyricc I'm sooo glad to see you complain. It brings hope that those starving for PVP decided to go do Arena. Lots of chances for PVP there. I myself avoid it. Heck, I'll even throw loot overboard while ships decide to chase me all over the map and waste my time. Or spawn camp my sinking ship and spawn killing me. I regard PVP with such contempt; tired of spawn killings, PVPers repairing my vessel so they can spawn kill. You beat me, take my non-existent loot and move on. If a PVPer across me again, just keep on sailing I'm not interested in their brand of fun.

    I'll just cancel my voyage and drop an Athena voyage and let you chase me around the map for hours on end to rack up those Athena miles. If you catch me, and I'm sure you will, I have already dumped all my loot, shot all my balls, eaten all the bananas I have, and hope to have a crate on board to fill it with boards and drop that over as well. And what do you get? Nothing. Come after me repeatedly, and I'll just do the same.

    To date, I have thrown well over six Reapers chests, and those giving chase didn't bother stopping to pick them up. Just kept on chasing.

  • @simplelyricc Having looked at your stats, and not knowing how long you have been playing. Shamefully you only completed 67 voyages and not sailed nearly a million meters yet. You seem out to just focus on PVP. Good luck with that. I have a friend at PL 5ish with 3.95 million meters sailed, 447 voyages completed, and 1,924 to your 700 islands visited. As someone else had said, do other things besides focusing on PVP.

  • @simplelyricc
    Maybe nobody wants to do that.

  • So your mad or upset pirates dont have no loot when you attack/sink them?

    Well derp that normal experience, you never know who has one if anything. And when pirates do have Loot, the good stuff anyways, they will run, especially if they are low on stock.

    Sooo..what the real problem? Voyages are fun, but NOW days...every new player is already PL and have no need to gather loot for factions. Thx rare for all them double rewards and double exp.

    Pvp still a thing, you know those random pirates who attack you and dont care if you have stuff. Some like the thrill of a good ship battle, but most always end with spawnkilling or stowaways who rather hide.

  • @burnbacon Thing is though a lot of people are still working on PL. It's hard to get there given the situation with losing loot and exp to other people. After PL and athena, yeah, PvP makes a lot of sense. That's kind of the crux of the argument. There's still player progressing towards PL and having a tough time doing it because others expect something different out of the game. Just different phases of the experience. Kind of the greatest argument for Private servers.

  • @capn-mcquacken
    And those pirates are careful. Slow but careful. They will reach PL in greater time, while still enjoying the endless voyages and commendations yet to be completed. Failed one day? Try again another.
    Just because you lost, doesn't make it game over.

    Keep Sailing.

    Wishing I hadn't reached PL myself on some days, because I've lost my own momentum.
    No reason to bother with Voyages or gold itself. Spend my my time just sailing and commendations exploring. Even yet, helping random Sloops.

  • @simplelyricc you are part of the problem, as u said in other posts that you never Carry Any loot. You look just like the guys you are describing. Why would I even bother to Engage You in combat? Just to steal your life. Not worth it, rather Mind my own business or avoid you. I'm trying to be a pirate and loot and everyone I run into is like you.

  • Obtaining loot & leveling overal has become easier. therefore a lot of players are maxed out on levels & have gold in the millions, so naturaly they dont care about loot as much anymore.

    The economy in this game is so broken that you can get 100k gold with just doubloons, let alone the new aditions of obtaining loot. And because of that leveling & grinding gold has been sped up, with only cosmetic as a goal to grind for.

    And ofcourse it doesnt help that there also is only 6 ships on a server, but rare did state that they cant do anything on that because of server stability.

  • @cpt-sockmonster most people have gold in the millions and dubloons in the thousands. Meaning really there is no point in carrying loot. meaning the only thing you are really playing for is PvP but when no one has any loot and there are only six ships per server :/ games kind of bland tbh

  • @simplelyricc said in what has happened to PvP in this game?:

    you guys are completely missing my point. This is a game based around Thieves and Pirates. So why in gods name does everyone not want to focus on the biggest part of the game? Ofc i'm all for PvE improvement but i don't think literally anyone gets the core premise of the game and all you have to do is look at the title. Sea Of Thieves. Game about thieving isn't very good when there is very rarely any loot to steal. And with the retractable ladders. That is a stupid idea it just gives players the option to not let people board. Meaning Ship vs Ship combat would be the only combat unless you rammed them(very unlikely against anyone with any kind of skill)

    So it's a game about thieving and pirates. So why should I go to all the work of finding my treasure and just let it sit on my ship until another crew approaches who just wants to take the short cut by taking it from me? If I have treasure on my ship that took a few hours to find and I see another ship coming for me, my first thought isn't to get into a combat situation, it's to make that ship chase me all across the map while my crew grabs chests and jumps overboard at every outpost we pass. It's my treasure, I'm under no obligation to get into ship to ship combat.

    My crew and I are not good at the PvP in this game (I prefer Battlefield for my PvP needs), so any PvP encounter pretty much guarantees we lose and as I said above, I'm not risking my loot.

    The other main reason we don't keep loot on our ship is the AI encounters in this game. It can be brutal some times. On numerous occasions my crew and I have gotten into a battle with a skeleton ship and during or just after the fight a Meg or Kraken will show up. One time we had a skeleton galleon come after us while we were trying to escape from the Kraken. The kraken also attacked the skeleton ship but during the struggle the Meg showed up. All the while, a major storm rolls over us. Needless to say we lost that fight but we had no treasure to lose. Just last night while anchored during a storm at Shipwreck Bay, our ship was struck by lightning, igniting a powder keg, causing others on the ship to detonate. Me and one crew member died, two others were ashore looking for treasure. They managed to recover our loot but then I had to sail half way across the map to get back there.

    All of these situations are the reason we don't horde loot. I don't put the work in just for someone else to take the easy route and steal it or run the risk of the game itself sending us to Davy Jones' locker. You're decreeing that most players aren't playing within the spirit of the game but it sounds more like you're just upset that you can't take the easy route and just get the loot without the real work of looking for it yourself.

    Just because a player is in the game, doesn't mean there is some obligation of playing the way you think the game should be played. If Rare really meant that to be the true method of how the game should be played, then we'd only have one or two outposts on the entire map, but then we'd have crews camping just those outposts and then you'd really see players, such as myself, leave the game permanently.

  • @simplelyricc Exacly my point.

    In my opinion they should put a limit to the amount of gold you can have, and have more things besides cosmetics wer you can spend your gold on.

    We do not need 10k doubloons & 20 mill gold in a cosmetics only game.

  • @kiethblacklion i mean i would still have to outskill you and your crew to get the loot and stop all of the above happening to me that is a short cut yes but in no way easy . The problem is not mainly that people have no loot the problem is that people rarely want to fight, Loot or no loot.

  • @cpt-sockmonster exactly there is no real point in me getting loot and i don't really care for it seen as i have every cosmetic i would actually wear in the game

  • @burnbacon Will they though (enjoy it) Because it doesn't sound like it.
    I'm just taking a game design approach to this.
    If I worked at Rare I would be concerned with seeing people on the forums with a concern seeking a solution.
    Because otherwise were just alienating people who could otherwise be a part of the player base and contribute to the overall success of the game as a whole.
    And from that point of view all im seeing are a bunch of creative excuses on how to limit the game success because one type of player believes it's all about them.
    Well, maybe it is and Rare (SOT) is really underperforming if that's the case.
    If the game could have 10 million players but only has 7 million because of an issue it would be beneficial to bump up those numbers.
    Because deep down if there was a PvE server all the people saying the game would be ruined wouldn't go anywhere after they realize that it doesn't change the way they play the game.
    It's just a free for all against people with different opinions.
    Unless having Single player sloops to literally harass is a cornerstone to the games success, which it's not. SO giving THOSE specific people the ability to play alone will change nothing and your wrong if you think it will.

  • @simplelyricc said in what has happened to PvP in this game?:

    @mysticshadowzx in PvP there are 4 ways it can go
    They run
    They're afk
    They have no loot
    They exploit
    That is all that has been happening recently. No one has any loot because there are way to many places to sell it and far to little amount of ships meaning loot now is pretty easy to quickly run to the nearest outpost and sell it

    You lost me at 'They exploit'. To me that sounds like a whiner that cries foul if they lose. The rest makes sense; yep sometimes I run from a fight, especially if I'm outgunned and/or have something to lose. Sometimes I'm afk; I drink a lot of Coke Zero which means I need breaks. Often I have no loot.

    I disagree that there are too many places to sell loot; especially given that the most recent patch has limited where you can sell Reaper's chests and incentivized selling other things at one central(ish) island.

    I do agree that the seas often seem empty, and maybe the player count can be upped a bit; unless I'm on a sloop doing a fleet in which case there shouldn't be any other players around :)

  • @partyinsanjuan by exploit I mean quick switch double gun ect. Plus with the more I play, it is only rarely I get challenged for the best loot in the game, golden reaper chests worth like 35k rarely grant me any completion, forts worth about 50-70k rarely grant any opposition, my point is it is becoming to easy to do all of these high reward things especially in a full galleon.

  • Sea of theives has become to much pvp arena broke the game in that way ,not people say got play area if you want pvp and scuttle there boat when they see you ...also when people get recked the quit the server.
    Lot of people like me dont go after the loot at all all we want is good old pirate fun hide on islands then hide on your boat wait it out and wait clr the perfect moment to strike.. the best way to have fun in pvp is hidding on peps boat to take there loot at the best time cos if they see you they will scuttle and quit the server
    Rare needs to make server list so we can choose to go in high pop servers and actually find people. They need to double server pop to add more verity of boats on a server ... server merges need to be more othen rare needs to stop adding pve elements and add way more pvp stuff a lot more pvp challenges and would be great to have stats ( how many pirates kills canonballs hits on enemy boats sunk...) make a xp multiplier for the amount of boats you sink the more you kill and aink boat without being stopped the more xp and gold you make from voyages
    Encourage people to show there position.make is so you can ise the sloop with 3 people the brig with 4 the galley with 5 people make it so you can change the boat your crew uses without changing server ... make skull forts worth it again people dont do those anymore there used to have so mich pvp around them
    Make mermaids have a wistle systhem that you can wistle it when you need it so if you doing some sneaky stuff you dont get made right away bring in merchant ships that everyone sees on the map and has soon has you atack it you become visible for player to intercept you maby gaining loot for defending it themselves![alt text](image url) after ...but rare plz its 2020 double server cap in people and boats and merge dead servers has fast as possible... maby take out arena out of the mixe this game was great it still could be but plz stop adding pve elements and stop focusing on micro stransaction bring this game back to what it is a brutal priate pvp game and let harden up those care bears thst just want to pvp and are killing the funnest part of the game

  • @arcsommet9299 9 month necro.....

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