Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment

  • @tak225 said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @squaz05 and out of that list which one are competitive and don't give you the choice to turn cross play off and crackdown has a lock on system so mouse and keyboard is not much of a advantage in that game


  • @squaz05 really you gonna use a card game as your example

  • @violet-oddsauce said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @d-jaguar to be honest with you, it's people like you who make people like me want to give up. It's like there is no room here for adventure, if YOU feel like messing with a boat for no reason, you will. Regardless of what that boat is doing. Sink boats to stop them from completing quest sucks. There are other games to play, but I guess there will always be people like you. You dont care. Your going to do what you want, regardless of others, because it's a pirate game. It's your right to be a pest to other boats. I get you.

    Think you messaged the wrong person. Haven't been on the forums since the update, but I seldom do what you think i do.
    Earlier i posted that i like to waste the time of aggressors who board my ship. I view it as entertaining and while they think they are dominating, I am just keeping them busy so others don't have to deal with them on the seas.
    Sorry if I made you think of giving up.
    Keep sailing, you'll find your way!

  • @tak225 said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @squaz05 really you gonna use a card game as your example

    To prove a point. It doesn't matter if you use a controller or a k/m on a card game, just like the advantages from K/M are irrelevant to the overall outcome of the a battle in sea of thieves.

    Maybe if sea of thieves has a decent tick rate, accurate hit registration, tight hitboxes, damage mitigation gear, head shot kills, stats and ranks, maybe then a controller should not compete against k/m.

    Don't treat SoT like an competitive Open World Call of Duty with boats. Because it's not.

  • @squaz05 agreed. Although, if you're on xbox and want to play SoT like it's CoD on boats, buy yourself a M+K for xbox for the most authentic FPS experience.

    Rare and MS gave everyone options. If you specialise in the player vs player PvP M+K is best, not required, but best. If you focus on ship v ship, controller is best, again not required, but best.

    If you just want to veg in a comfortable chair and see where the sea takes you, controller is best. You might need to deal with sweaty M+K pirates, but you'll be comfortably seated, which I personally find helps keep me in a relaxed state of mind about it (theoretitcally, depending mainly on which of my many multiple personalities is at the helm at the time).

    There are plenty of options for how you approach the game, the choice is yours. This is why I'm not against an opt-out in principle, it's just another option. I think it's important that the implimentation of this option is handled in such a way that it doesn't limit the options that are already available.

  • @boxcar-squidy said in Please add true optional crossplay. I can't enjoy the game at the moment:

    @squaz05 agreed. Although, if you're on xbox and want to play SoT like it's CoD on boats, buy yourself a M+K for xbox for the most authentic FPS experience.

    Rare and MS gave everyone options. If you specialise in the player vs player PvP M+K is best, not required, but best. If you focus on ship v ship, controller is best, again not required, but best.

    If you just want to veg in a comfortable chair and see where the sea takes you, controller is best. You might need to deal with sweaty M+K pirates, but you'll be comfortably seated, which I personally find helps keep me in a relaxed state of mind about it (theoretitcally, depending mainly on which of my many multiple personalities is at the helm at the time).

    There are plenty of options for how you approach the game, the choice is yours. This is why I'm not against an opt-out in principle, it's just another option. I think it's important that the implimentation of this option is handled in such a way that it doesn't limit the options that are already available.

    You hit the nail on the head.
    However that's why I'm against opt out in the suggested form (by platform). By splitting PC vs Xbox, there are not enough PC players to properly matchmake (as shown in arena where PC lobbies an unreasonably long time to fill up) instead splitting by input is a middle ground. PC players get people to play with, and Xbox Players get what they think is even playing field.

  • @squaz05 if rare chucked this game on steam they'd have plenty of pc players playing.

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