Guess for Gold Competition - How many Shrouded Ghost Megs Killed?

  • im gonna say 53 me and my friend has seen it 3 times now

  • has to be 69 :)

  • 24 one spawn per hour is my guess

  • my guess is 4

  • Uhh.... 23

  • I Think 5

  • 654.3 obviously

  • 22 is my guess

  • @lizalaroo The guesses are broken in two, there's who says two or three, and who says eighty, but my guess is 50!

  • I'm going to say 16

  • @lizalaroo 12 I guess

  • 21 come on, i need more doubloons

  • My guess would be 7!!!!

  • I'm going to have to go with 17

  • My guess is 53

  • @lizalaroo My guess is 9

  • 12 is my guess.

  • My guess is 9?!

  • @lizalaroo Lucky number 13 is my guess

  • @lizalaroo 1

  • My guess is 0

  • Guess is 69

  • I'm guessing 16!

  • 19 is my guess

  • @lizalaroo


  • 0, can't kill what doesn't exist.

  • @lizalaroo 24

  • It must be 97!

  • probably 30

  • 43 shrouded ghosts

  • I can tell it you EXACTLY 0

  • I guess the nicest number in existence. 69 Nice

    P.s. More then 1

  • 13 shrouded ghosts

  • 27 Shrouded Ghosts today, mates!

  • 7 is my guess

73 out of 998