Tip for friendlier pirates approaching other vessels

  • If you're entering cannon range while pointed at my ship and you are not raising sails, I will assume you're coming in for a ram 'n board and fire on you.

    Better options would be;

    • Raising sails at a point where you can just coast inside cannon range, then turn and fire a player over to state your intentions and find out if they're friendly or not.
    • At the very least, slow to only 1/2 - 1/4 sail on one sheet and continue approaching. Depending on the pirates, you may still be fired on though.

    I've had a few too many instances lately where I get an earful from pirates with supposedly well-meaning intentions, that I sank because they didn't make those intentions clear soon enough.

    Also, not responding in voice comms or at least via quick chat is seen as at best; inexperienced player. At worst; hostile. Both of which can get you sunk (I don't mind helping out certain new pirates, but if you aren't saying anything and are just hanging around where I've got things to do, I might sink you just so you're gone.)

    Finally, if you see a ship get krakened, and you sail over with the possible intent of helping;

    • Again, voice comms
    • Don't use the harpoons to try getting loot when you haven't even downed a tentacle yet

    Following those two tips at the least, might help you avoid being sunk while trying to be helpful.

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  • We're Friendly, Truce, or Mercy from quick chat, use a megaphone so you can say it sooner.
    Might I add:

    Point your cannons and harpoons up.

    Fly the Offer Alliance flag.

    Edit... forgot these lol:

    Wave or Dance emote.

    Offer Food, or hold up a tankard or play music (not Ride of the Valkyrie...)

  • Good tips mate. Im not friendly, but i cant tell you how many times i have had players come at me top speed only to yell were friendly after i fired the cannons at them 😑

  • In the old days (a year ago at launch) we used to get out on the bowsprit and flash our lantern as a sign of "Parlay".

    I guess the Speaking Trumpet should have replaced this. But most people don't use voice.

  • @viperishemu2992
    Always wondered what happened to ppl flashing lanterns. I dont ever see anyone tryin that anymore

  • @nwo-azcrack said in Tip for friendlier pirates approaching other vessels:

    Good tips mate. Im not friendly

    So what's your livery, sail and flag setup so I can steer clear of you? 😅

  • @pithyrumble
    Lol usually the full shark set with reapers flag flying. But i always carry alot of loot on display all over the top of my ship! So you might wanna sail up and try and sink me and get rich.

  • Noooo. I just wanna sail around and dig up my own stuff, maybe get an alliance to make a buck or two lol

  • Honestly, I don't trust anyone in this game when they say or signal that they're friendly. For every time it's been true, about 3 times it seems to be a lie. I trust nobody in the seas.

  • @pithyrumble
    I usually have between 30 to 100k of loot before i turn in and log out. You would be saving alot of time sinkin me. Hours of grinding or 10 mins in a good ship fight?

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