Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5

  • I can’t find any of my PL gifts 🙃 I only see the golden sailors hat which isn’t even golden 😂 is there a known issue with it or something? I only logged on today to claim my rewards 😭

  • @vorondil1 I might have to test this to see how long it is now. I play solo and have a needy 3 year old and wife. Ugh.

  • @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:


    @ruigtand-nl said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I cant get in i get bronzebeard and alabasterbeard something failed :"(

    Servers are down till 12 so 2 more hours till servers are up.

    Is that 12 EST or GMT?

  • @unfadingshimmy I hear ya. My reading of the patch notes is not that they shortened the timer, but rather that they got better at catching people who try to get around the timer (like by rubber-banding their controller to make the game thing they're still active).

  • I Don't know about you guys... but My game is a mess right now...
    Any of the itens I bought appears in my inventory. I have no anniversary rewards, no legendary rewards, nothing. ahaha @Muse986 a word about this?

  • Can't buy anything in the shops and no gift received ... Something awful seems to happen with the inventory server :)

    Happy birthday SoT !

  • @crimsonconch said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:


    @ruigtand-nl said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    I cant get in i get bronzebeard and alabasterbeard something failed :"(

    Servers are down till 12 so 2 more hours till servers are up.

    Is that 12 EST or GMT?

    EST I think.

    Yeah sorry, I forgot of time zones.

  • @vorondil1 Oh! Yea I started a session and there was a random dude running in circles at Sanctuary Outpost. Forgot about those people.

  • As you already know: I log into closed crew then Alabasterbeard and Bronzebeard literally over and over. Decided to log into an open sloop - it works I get into the game (finally).

    Nothing is available can’t purchase new missions, none of the new cosmetics available.

    Not salty just reporting.

  • I didn't get my gifts.

    I have been a legend since September 2018

  • @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    EST I think.

    Yeah sorry, I forgot of time zones.

    No worries, just trying to see how much time I'd have to play before I have to start work.

  • Hi!
    What is the game version number for this update?
    Also Happy Birthday Sea of Thieves!

  • @crimsonconch said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    @theunknownd said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    EST I think.

    Yeah sorry, I forgot of time zones.

    No worries, just trying to see how much time I'd have to play before I have to start work.

    The maintenance was at 6 am till 12.

    (I saw the post somewhere of the downtime but now I can't find it.)

    Sorry, I have worded that completely wrong! The server was down from 6 - 12 am

  • Happy Birthday Sea of Thieves!!!

  • This is great and all, and not to sound impatient, but when will the actual anniversary update come out??

  • Have some patience captains

    The sea of change can be choppy sometimes. I'm sure Rare will have all the bugs stomped out shortly.

    As for me I am at work every time there is an update. It is usually stable or fixed by the time I get home from the bugs that people post.


  • Update on rewards:

    To those of you opening your chests and not finding your Year One rewards, don't worry, they're coming! So many of you have set sail over the past year that we need a little time to deliver all the gifts. They're processing as we speak and all should be delivered by Monday

    Also we're aware that some of you are having trouble getting back into the game. We're investigating right now and if you're unable to join, try again later.

  • Happy birthday Sea of Thieves

  • I can't get in! I keep getting Bronzebeard "Failed to Matchmake" errors. Is it just me or is this because the game is down right now?

  • @musicmee said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    Update on rewards:

    To those of you opening your chests and not finding your Year One rewards, don't worry, they're coming! So many of you have set sail over the past year that we need a little time to deliver all the gifts. They're processing as we speak and all should be delivered by Monday

    Also we're aware that some of you are having trouble getting back into the game. We're investigating right now and if you're unable to join, try again later.

    Thank you for the update.

    I love the rewards! They're amazing but the legendary ship stuff that we already bought is going to lurk in our inventory because we will never use them now. :P

  • @Musicmee

    One question. My friends and me thinking about the Year one Pirate legend gifts.
    Are they exclusive for year one pirates or is it possible to get them if you get pirate legend after March 25?

  • @musicmee said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:

    Update on rewards:

    To those of you opening your chests and not finding your Year One rewards, don't worry, they're coming! So many of you have set sail over the past year that we need a little time to deliver all the gifts. They're processing as we speak and all should be delivered by Monday

    Also we're aware that some of you are having trouble getting back into the game. We're investigating right now and if you're unable to join, try again later.

    Put this info in the patch note please, it will help a lot of people understanding what's happening :)

  • @musicmee monday? Argggggg

  • @alex-one996 said in Release Notes Discussion 1.4.5:


    One question. My friends and me thinking about the Year one Pirate legend gifts.
    Are they exclusive for year one pirates or is it possible to get them if you get pirate legend after March 25?

    They're exclusive for year one pirates
    For the people that got to legend before March 20 get's them
    For all the people that aren't legend yet, they don't get them.

  • @haveyoumetcory I am PL since the first week of the Hungering Deep, personally i dont get why people would be ‘ticked off’ by these free cosmetics.

    1: they are different then the ones you can buy as a PL
    2: not only the new PL’s get them but you too
    3: its a gift for pete’s sake, ever heard of the saying dont look a gift horse in the mouth.

    The ’only’ requirement to get these cosmetics was to become a pirate legend Within 1 year since SoT’s release what makes you, me or any other PL that attained that status months ago different from the ones that achieved it a week ago ?

    Thats right absolutely nothing, the only people that will get these cosmetics are the ones that attained PL status before this birthday, anyone after will not get them.

    And then again they are different then the ones eveyone can still buy.

    I spent 900K+on the regular PL ship cosmetics then i spent 1.5m+ on the athenas ship cosmetics and i spent millions more on gathering each and every single cosmetic thats in the game, apart from that i spent hundreds of doubloons on all the bilgerat cosmetics and guess what i still am swimming in gold and doubloons, so much i dont even know what to do with them anymore.

    Just be gratefull that Rare decided to do something special for the ones that grinded PL within the first year of its release what else do you expect them to do ??!

    Today is the 1st birthday for SoT AND my pirate, in two months its my PL anniversary and then 3 or 4 months thereafter is my PL A10 Anniversary and i am expecting nothing for it, i am gratefull for all the amazing stories i made with my crew the past year and i raise my tankard to the next year

  • anybody know will we will be able to connect im getting nothing but bronze beard and alabaster for the past hour after update

  • @muse986 for the implementation of m/kb, I've heard that those folks will be sorted with the PC players. For those of us with an attached keyboard for typing (no mouse), will we also be sorted with them? Just wondering if I'll need to disconnect the keyboard prior to launching the game to be sorted in the console community.

  • @musicmee too many pirates came out

  • @hudson-rl the kb&m works great! Works well with a controller too!

  • If we already have the mercenary set bundle could we get rewarded with a midnight blunderbuss ;) now that it’s pretty much impossible to get the hard drive, will that weapon skin be available in the game anytime soon?

  • @musicmee we all waited so long for this update. I went out of office early today just to see whats happening and now me and my whole Crew gets Alabasterbeard and noone can connect to the server …. I don´t want to sound mean or some but please - fix this fast. We waited so long for this update, you took a lot of time and when you release some it has to work in my opinion.

  • @katerbogen55541 im 120% agreed with you it's frustating to pay and wait for some thing who doesn't work

  • Year one shop items, roughly how long will they be in shop? I'm on a trip currently and debating if I should have someone log onto my account and get them.

  • @katerbogen55541 MAGIC .. after I posted the Problem - I can join a server… some magic happend.

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