News from Elsewhere... a play review.

  • A fair review (IMHO)... from a guy who as actually played recently.
    Has seen the game from launch how it has evolved into its current state.
    Worth a look if you are new to the game... to see how things have changed greatly round here.
    If you are lucky enough, you too could meet the "Clown Crew".

    Clowns... seriously freak me


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  • @piratecraggy it's called wait...wrong game... ;p

  • @schwammlgott said in News from Elsewhere... a play review.:

    @piratecraggy it's called wait...wrong game... ;p

    lol.. took me a moment... I got there, or should that be "teyr" ? :)

  • @piratecraggy sagte in News from Elsewhere... a play review.:

    @schwammlgott said in News from Elsewhere... a play review.:

    @piratecraggy it's called wait...wrong game... ;p

    lol.. took me a moment... I got there, or should that be "teyr" ? :)

    English isn't my native language, so I'm not sure...I just write it the way I think and hope everybody understands what I'm saying... 😁

  • @schwammlgott

    Trust me... you do way better than me!
    I'm impressed with anyone with language skills beyond their own native language.
    "Craggy" was (and still is) pretty lazy in that department. :)

  • @piratecraggy so where are you from/what's your native language?

  • @schwammlgott said in News from Elsewhere... a play review.:

    @piratecraggy so where are you from/what's your native language?

    English is actually my native language.
    From Ireland myself.
    But have I admit that non-native speakers, sometimes have a better grasp of my own language.
    I have a mild form of dyslexia which doesn't help, the number of times I have to re-read my own posts to check what I have typed. :)

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