Rare NEEDS to release game stats.

  • @vderickv it didn’t catch you did it? And you couldn’t have been running straight into the wind for 3 hours because the map isn’t that big. I didn’t say you could get away clean! I said it was faster into the wind. Clearly not fast enough that you can up and get out of render. That doesn’t mean the brig is faster into the wind. You’ve proved having the numbers is meaningless because you’re so sure your right all you’d do is say the numbers are wrong and the game is glitchy!

  • @red0demon0 the in-game experience of having played enough to be Athena 10. That’s all.

  • @betsill you’ve “heard” wow, and you need a video from me? Go play and find out for yourself. There’s a ton of forum posts about the brig and speed. Or just keep the old tinfoil hat firmly attached.

  • @haydnsym45 said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    @vderickv it didn’t catch you did it? And you couldn’t have been running straight into the wind for 3 hours because the map isn’t that big. I didn’t say you could get away clean! I said it was faster into the wind. Clearly not fast enough that you can up and get out of render. That doesn’t mean the brig is faster into the wind. You’ve proved having the numbers is meaningless because you’re so sure your right all you’d do is say the numbers are wrong and the game is glitchy!

    Infact they caught up about 5 times. Was able to beat them in battle ea time. I'm saying that we need the numbers because me and you are just going off hear say. I think (i know) the sloop is infact "slower" as in the brig will infact catch up against the wind. Prove me wrong. I did my own little I game test of this. I'd be happy to see some actual proof otherwise let's see some stats from rare on the matter.

  • For what are these numbers for?
    I dont know what people want or expect of this and why not just play the game and make their own experiences?!

  • @bugaboo-bill
    To clear up discrepancies around ship speeds based on those game experiences. And more then just ship speeds stuff like the damage falloff at a distance that we had no idea it existed until the patch notes showed the removal.

  • @betsill sagte in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    @goedecke-michel said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    Nope, Rare doesn't need to.

    Yes they do! If Rare doesn't do this then the game is gonna die, the stock market is gonna crash, and world war 3 will begin!

    You convinced me. They need to.

  • @betsill i would enjoy to see how many pirates i have killed in the time i have played. I feel like it could happen because they must keep track of it if they display the top pirate killer inside of the tavern on a poster. It would make PvP feel a bitt more rewarding. Even if it was only for your own eyes.

  • @betsill said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    "Removed Scaling Damage Distance
    For many players, this has probably gone unnoticed, instead being perceived as lag or server issues. Up until this update, we’ve actually been scaling the damage on projectiles, with longer range shots inflicting less damage on a target. While physically more accurate, it leads to more frustration and we’ve decided to remove it in favour of a more solid feeling overall experience. If you’re lucky enough to land that awesome shot between two moving ships, we’ll short change you no longer!"

    So they removed the damage fall off but left the server and lag issues? The lag is still as bad, if not worse, than before this update.

    To be honest, I never noticed any kind of damage reduction before they mentioned it.

  • @d3adst1ck Idk what to tell you man. I'm not behind the scenes. I'm sure they will fix it, but who knows when. some bugs were left in the game for a really long time.

    Well sure you wouldn't notice it. You can't tell what's happening to people you shoot. All you can see is if they are dead or not. This is definitely a problem though. players should have some kind of indication of what's happening in a fight. A health bar above players
    heads would be the easiest way to see what's going on, but a better option would be a progressive wounded animation(or something similar) that let's you know if roughly how bad they are hurt.

  • @betsill I don't think they need to display health bars. I just don't believe the game ever had damage drop off and they must have it in a test build and removed it but didn't realize it never went live. Over the course of a year, surely someone would have noticed or have footage of a sniper or pistol doing a lot less than normal damage at range. Unless the damage drop off only started beyond visible render range of players, at which point you'd likely never hit them anyways... :-/

    It would be more beneficial if they just moved to server side hit marker verification, so that you only get hit markers when the server has recorded damage. At least then you'd be able to tell whether what you are looking at is a problem with lag, or incorrect player position data, or some other problem with hit registration.

  • @galactic-geek It's incredibly unethical marketing(channeling their inner pirate maybe?). You can try and justify it all you want. It's not in the game "yet" is not a valid excuse for deceiving people who buy your game. How do people who saw the trailer know this? If it's not in the game then DON'T MARKET IT UNTIL IT IS! It's as simple as that. If you need to use stuff that doesn't exists in the game(most of it's still not hear a full year later) then that's a big problem which we can obviously see why they would do that with the early access lvls of content this game dropped with.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    @betsill I don't think they need to display health bars.

    I don't think so either. They just need something to let players know what's going on.

    I just don't believe the game ever had damage drop off and they must have it in a test build and removed it but didn't realize it never went live. Over the course of a year, surely someone would have noticed or have footage of a sniper or pistol doing a lot less than normal damage at range. Unless the damage drop off only started beyond visible render range of players, at which point you'd likely never hit them anyways... :-/

    Read the latest patch notes/dev update. It did exist in the game and it was removed. There is no way to test interactions with enemies unless you get a crew to let you kill them/shoot them over and over which is very unlikely. Most people who got hit with the dmg drop off probably never noticed the difference(health bar is just a bar with no numbers) or thought it was lag/something else. Like I said in my post we don't know this stuff unless Rare tells us. In a game that doesn't even have head-shot multipliers(another thing that people thought was in the game for the longest time because of lack of official information) I would never imagine that there would be dmg drop off.

    It would be more beneficial if they just moved to server side hit marker verification, so that you only get hit markers when the server has recorded damage. At least then you'd be able to tell whether what you are looking at is a problem with lag, or incorrect player position data, or some other problem with hit registration.

    I haven't looked into how the game is set up, but maybe. You can suggest it in a post and maybe they will see it?

  • @vderickv 5 times in 3 hours - well, that's probably when you needed to turn or because the wind changed directions. It's not hearsay, and you can't know it because the sloop is indeed faster (not a lot, but faster) into the wind than the brig.

  • @haydnsym45
    I'm over this conversation now this will be my last response.
    I disagree with you based on my own evidence both of us going back and forth wont change as i'm sure of my evidence just as much as you're sure of your evidence.
    No matter what you or i say. That probably wont change the fact that no one really knows.

    And that's on Rare.

  • @haydnsym45 said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    @red0demon0 the in-game experience of having played enough to be Athena 10. That’s all.

    Nice, congrats! Still though, you should actually test it out by going on a straight line with another friendly crew

  • @betsill said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    @fluidsc said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    @betsill said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    I was hoping this would be taken care of on it's own, but unfortunately it hasn't. Rare needs to release all the available/reasonable stats for the game(ship speeds, weapon dmg, projectile speeds, cannon stats, CC stats, etc.). The latest patch that took away the damage falloff that NO ONE KNEW was even in the game was the last straw. There have been countless debates on these forums that go nowhere because we don't have the information(ex. people complaining about brigantine ship speed.) Is it faster? Is it slower? how much? under what circumstances? no one knows! so these discussions devolve into "well from my experience..." or "you are probably doing "X" wrong." We need the info and there is no excuse for it("it's not a competitive game" is not a valid argument). Rare also really needs to do much better at patch notes. There have been plenty of changes made in an update that were not shown in the patch notes. It's not hard. Every game I've ever played that updates has fully detailed and accurate patch notes. Either you know what's in the update, but someone was too lazy to compile it all or there isn't enough communication internally and no one knows exactly what's in these updates.

    No one knew there was damage falloff because there was no damage falloff. Just bad hit registration being blamed on damage falloff. Coincidentally, the hit registration is even worse now.

    The plot thickens...

    There was dmg fall off. The fact that you are denying it proves my point exactly. This is from the dev patch update:

    "Removed Scaling Damage Distance
    For many players, this has probably gone unnoticed, instead being perceived as lag or server issues. Up until this update, we’ve actually been scaling the damage on projectiles, with longer range shots inflicting less damage on a target. While physically more accurate, it leads to more frustration and we’ve decided to remove it in favour of a more solid feeling overall experience. If you’re lucky enough to land that awesome shot between two moving ships, we’ll short change you no longer!"

    Except that no amount of testing done by myself and other people has ever suggested that there was falloff damage. I am fully aware that they claim to have removed it in the patch notes... but it wasn't there to begin with. If it was, it did not work at all.

  • This is precisely the opposite of what they need to do.

    I wholeheartedly agree with Joe that revealing stats drives certain types of gameplay, and worse, the idea of min-maxing.

    Rare, please keep it as you have - no numbers.

  • @zherron-vorse said in Rare NEEDS to release game stats.:

    I agree completely. I had to go and gather information myself from arbitrary player run speed (8mph) all the way to explosive range of gunpowder barrels. It would be nice to actually have real tangible information at our fingertips that we can actually use and take advantage of.

    Or perhaps... just maybe... that's the point of the game? To explore, experiment and adventure? This isn't an RPG to min/max. It's an action/adventure game, so the system they have now is perfect.

  • Questions: How fast is the brigantine against the wind? How fast is the sloop against the wind? Do framerates effect speed and or combat? How much damage does a single sword slash do? How much damage does a sword lunge do?

    Answers: “Sometimes direct shots and sword slashes on enemies do not register, we’re looking to solve this issue before arena mode is released.”


  • Loosely quoting many forum posters of the past: “I’m not playing this game until the bugs are fixed.”

    11 months later...

    More bugs
    Stranger bugs
    Litter bugs
    Bed bugs

    Bright side: We can feed pigs now.

  • @they-sank

    • Using momentum bug that turns the sword into the most powerful mobility tool in the game.
      Rare-"that's fine"
    • Using 2 guns exactly the way Rare designed them.
53 out of 58