Increasing Cheaters... What the Punishment System?

  • Hi, I saw developers telling of real punishment of cheaters...

    But, im reporting every confirmed Hacker I find on the game with my videos and im still watching their profiles "sailing the seas" today.

    That includes the Xbox App message history of them mockerying of that and saying "Everyone here cheats"

    I use the traditional way of Xbox app: go to the profile and report, but when I check them a week later, or when encountering them again on the game, they salutate me and mock again.

    Really there are people working on checking the players's integrity?

    Im getting bored of people with fake skills killing my crew and meeting them again and again every week. Really sometimes I quit playing for a while because i meet them again in-game.

    Worst! I navigate from last year february, this game made me start streaming, and Im always training new players and encouraging people to invite more to our spanish-talking Discord clan. Its not a big clan, but im always getting Long-time-fidelity-players.

    Really Im thinking you are loosing lots of PvP players diaily, because there is not an efficient cheat-tracking human team.

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  • @el-kape can you link a video of a cheater? I didn't encounter any so far.

  • @el-kape I have been playing the game since the start and quite frequently. Are you talking about cheaters or macro users?

    I have come across in those hundreds of hours maybe two pirates that I found fishy and felt that they were using actual third party software. Making themselves unkillable and such. These are an extremely small percentage of players.

    On top of the claim that you come across the same people on different sessions in other crews?

    Now unless you take over servers and they are your buddies the chances of encountering the same pirates on a different crew is extremely small. You have 6 ships per server and thousands of people in the pool to be grouped with. The chances of being both set on the same servers again are unlikely and especially happen more than once, unless they are actively stream sniping or it happens on an invitation base.

    As far as I know, Rare wields the ban hammer and throws it around at a frequent rate. It isn't instantaneous though and they will always properly investigate the claims. They also analyze the data and investigate any indications of abnormalities to determine cheating.

  • @cotu42
    Diddo, I see too many holes in this story and it's very fishy, fishy as in this story seems really far from the truth
    I've never seen another player that was in another crew on different occasions on servers
    Also how do you have them "confirmed"?
    Video proof?
    I have salty players accuse me of cheating and report me at times (rarely but its happened probably 5 times a year at most) and I reply saying "gotta love hacks", it's a joke

  • @el-kape

    U using Xbox app to report people yes?
    This means u report them to microsoft.
    Now u want Rare to check this report and act accordingly?
    Maybe (small tip) report the player to Rare.

    If i recall correctly u can use support tickets for it.

    If u ask me will Rare never ban a player which is reported to microsoft. Its like going to Mc Donald's and say why didnt i get the Whopper i ordered.

  • Without seeing the incidents myself, are they actually cheating? Way to many people, in my experience on this game, hop aboard they must be cheating train. Coming from a majority of Pc gaming, cheating is already quite rare to see. Maybe these people are still sailing, because they aren't actually cheating?

  • “Confirmed” by who? How?

  • SoT servers are trash and completely ruins PvP. When it takes me 2 handcannon shots and 9 sword swipes to someone's face to kill them; it's the SoT server cheating me, not the player.
    Also, I'm not sure how long it takes to verify someone cheating. And I think they punish cheaters all together in waves.

  • @boomtownboss

    Are you sure you hit them? I have literally never seen anyone take more then 2 shots from pistol and survive, let alone adding sword swipes.

  • @man-o-war-meche said in Increasing Cheaters... What the Punishment System?:


    Are you sure you hit them? I have literally never seen anyone take more then 2 shots from pistol and survive, let alone adding sword swipes.

    I was in their face the whole time and their character reacted. The game's servers have terrible hit registration. The same guys were taking snipe shots at me and he said "I hit him!", I took 0 damage...

  • @el-kape xbox just wants to make money and they don't care about their players who play their games

  • @cotu42
    Cheaters of course! you can do same macro movements with your "micro-hand" mannually.
    No, I mean third party software.
    Things that make them 200% health (yes, i counted the hits they need to die and there are double).
    Sometimes they wield 3 weapons whithout using the armory.
    The most obvious of them use quantum leap, being on two places at the same time.
    But the less trackiest of those on video is one that satures the nearly players and dont allow them to swap tools or use them, you must have the word and the support of your crewmates to report them. I know that is very hard to get the proof, but they are leaving tracks on the game, obviously; and we need a team tracking for that!!

    @WeakDexx Check the official topic for reporting players... It says to use Xbox app.
    There are not an official Sea of Thieves place to report. Please tell me if you get an efficient way to report.
    You can check it here:ómo-denunciar-a-un-jugador

    @Nabberwar You can encounter them very frequently on Brasil servers. To join these you must be closer to Brasil instead of United States. If you live close to Center America or northiest, you may see your game very clear of hacks and you can feel calm.

  • Watch these videos of bad hit registration. And tell rare to get their team in gear....

    @man-o-war-meche Not 2 pistol shots but watch these.

    [](link url)

    [](link url)

    [](link url)

  • @vderickv said in Increasing Cheaters... What the Punishment System?:

    Watch these videos of bad hit registration. And tell rare to get their team in gear....

    [](link url)

    [](link url)

    [](link url)

    Yes! We need to be more outspoken about this. Bad hit registration happens in all of my PvP encounters.

  • Hey guys! please dont ruin the thread...

    we re not reporting cheaters here!

    We re talking about a really need for a Cheat Detecting Team!
    Or at least a direct Sea of Thieves Report System.

    On Brasil servers you meet hackers everytime, but that does not necessary limited to Latin America. Im sure you at least once saw a pirate using third party software.
    Sometimes there are people using sort of crossing walls cheats, making hand-weapon bullets cross away the walls, or even the complete pirate crossing the wall as a ghost!
    I saw both.

    I repeat, please dont ruin the thread reporting here... if u want to report, make your new thread or use the normal Xbox way, I already reported all cheaters that I am sure they re using hacks.

  • Yea they should ad a bot that sense third party programs and ban people, one year has gone....or approximately 11 months and it should have been fixed already.

  • @el-kape

    I did not know! Me earlier comment makes no sense now :P.
    Still if i was u, i would use the support ticket and add a video capture (if u got it).

  • @el-kape I really can't help but think you're doing it slightly "wrong" by only reporting through Xbox Live - can you imagine how many reports (both true and false) Xbox Live must get from all the games they host? It must be thousands per day. Now imagine sifting through all those reports to weed out true from false and then acting on them.

    In my mind, beyond affecting your chances of being matchmade with who ever you report again in the future, I've a feeling reporting on Xbox Live mostly just ends up forever floating in the ether...

    My advice. Gather your evidence and head over to Rare Support to raise a ticket. Rare themselves will then be able to check your evidence against the games logs to determine whether what you experienced was cheating, or perhaps something else (ie lag) that might have given the impression of cheating.

    Here the link to raise a ticket.

  • @el-kape Not saying you are wrong, but running in to cheaters daily sound unlikely. Have not encountered a cheater yet, only people using macros but wouldn't call that cheating.

    And just because they say on Xbox chat that they cheat dose not mean they are cheating fyi. But the real ''problem'' is i doubt SoT have an anti cheat, so they rely on people submitting video evidence and a person have to make a subjective decision, if they are cheating or not. And i doubt a video only showing it from your side of the encounter is enough evidence to perm ban them, unless it is really clear what they are doing. High ping, low FPS and so on can make it look like weird things are happening.

  • @el-kape and how are you sure someone is cheating ? Your videos what are they showing ? A guy straight up flying in the air , shotting a eye of reach in full auto ?

  • Also how come , cant i have seen a single real cheater in the entire thousands of hours i spend on this game ?

    I no longer play because the game as been trash since the last update yet i wish they will come back to their sens .. still i think your claims of " cheaters " are more than overly exagerated and that you and your crew are simply not that good of players ... thats what i really think i would be very curious to see your " aledge " videos

  • @el-kape

    Ahoy there, if you suspect that someone you encounter is cheating you're able to report the player via the Support page or by any of the methods mentioned in this webpage.

    Rare have a zero tolerance towards anyone they find cheating and will examine the data associated with each report to ensure that there are no other reasons for the discrepancy you've encountered, so it's very useful if you can include as much detail as possible about the incident.

  • @boomtownboss i have talk about this for months , RARE never aknowledge that because " Joes littles fans " Aka hardcore Casuals diehard fans , are not concern by it because all they do is sword around and die and laugh about it ... and hate on summit1g and push this " double guns " phobia and the awfull new change they made to the game

    Thats said this as been rampant for a year and never been fixed .. 6 consecutives hits ... and nothing the guys isnt even eating banana while i was pistoling him and my friend even hit a snipershot on him as well lol

  • @boomtownboss

    I did this 9 months ago and few more time i have try to adress this .. nothing as been done

  • @stew360 Yeah, the hit detection is really bad. I have 4 or 5 video clips sitting on my hard drive where I hit people multiple times, hit marker and everything (you can even see their player model do the damaged animation) and they didn't eat bananas and stayed alive. I have also had a PvP encounter not that long ago where the other team was hot-micing and one of them was telling their crew that he had hit me with eye-of-reach and I was low health. Meanwhile I had 100% health lol. Then you will take a shot that doesn't even look close to the player, no hit marker, and they fall over dead.

    It kills me lol.

  • @xcalypt0x And with their new ? horrible and slugish gunplay switch insane delay and ready speed after running delay , it exacerbate the hit reg problems X100 ...

  • @stew360 This part I have not noticed.

  • @xcalypt0x

    Look at this video link on the side of your name you will see the readyspeed
    Well notice me sempai notice me ;)

  • @stew360 But does it continually happen since those changes? It's possible that server was just suuuper slow at the time.

  • @xcalypt0x This issue as always happened .. i made thread about it 9 months ago and before that as well ... but it kept hapening ... just a week before the update we snipe some guy about 6 time for him to die and he was eating no banana and we were 2 shooting at him lol ... that was a very " BUFF " dude hahaha ....

    you know before there was these What the hell momments , but now its worst because if it happen it can cost you the fight while before it was much faster to deal with you were just shooting till he die , but now with those delay everything get slower and if the guy as a sword its Over lol he will stunt lock you into a sitting duck

  • @closinghare208

    @closinghare208 said in Increasing Cheaters... What the Punishment System?:

    @el-kape xbox just wants to make money and they don't care about their players who play their games

    Oh, ok.

  • @luciansanchez82 Really your post is the most usefull of all here...
    But, its really allowed to use a technical support ticket to report hackers?

    @KattTruewalker Your answer is the same link that I shown before... but in english...
    Close to get a solution, but... it only shows you how to report to Xbox =(
    Im sure Non-Brasil servers may be very clean, but I live in South America.

  • @el-kape I know you are frustrated but the second I read the line "But, i'm reporting every confirmed hacker I find" I instantly started to shake my head.

    This means that anytime something happens you automatically assuming someone is hacking when they could not be.

    Lets go over your experiences.

    You talked with the supposed hackers and believe they have confessed their hacking to you? Sorry to say, but a lot of players will just accept the accusation of being called a hacker, its a compliment at this point. Confirming the accusation and you leaving us alone is a lot easier than arguing with you for however long. Some people have called me a hacker before and I just say "yup thats right, I hacked my way and killed all of you guys." because no matter what I say they will think I'm a hacker.

    So next lets talk about what you are experiencing in the game.

    "They have 200% life, I counted my hits." - The games hit registration is off. This is a known issue that the community knows about that we are sure Rare knows about as well. It is not a hack, it is just server latency. On your screen you hit the person, on the enemy's screen they did not get hit. Its not hacks, just server issues. It happens A LOT. Sometimes the game will mis-register like 3 hits in a row. Its not hacks, just the servers.

    "I went behind the wall but they still shot me." - Again server latency. This is a known issue in any game with a shooter mechanic. They try to balance out the pings in a way that someone with worst ping won't be too much at a disadvantage then someone with super good ping. Example is that you are clearly passed cover and in hiding but you still got hit. On your screen you got behind the wall, however on the enemy screen you weren't around the wall yet. This is a known balancing thing that a lot of multiplayer games try to use. Its annoying.

    What if they are really hacking though? If someone is hacking and XboX finds 3rd party software messing with their game, they will ban immediately. Its not that they need a team, they have it and they are banning people. If the players you are reporting are not being banned, then they are not really hackers. Sorry to say it man.

    In over the year I've played, I've suspected of at least 15 people. After reviewing the videos and what was going on, I determined only about 5 of those were actual hackers. None them played since I reported them. I checked each name a month after reporting and none of them were on Sea of Thieves.

    One last thing I want to mention and this is not finger pointing at Brasil, but your guys server management is horrible. I've played on Latin American servers in other games and I have got to say it was the worst experiences in my gaming history. The servers were just HORRIBLE. My ping would be at least 100 and I would feel like I'm playing with 200 or 300 ping. I'm sorry but the servers are bad.

    Your whole problem can be straight up server issues and not hackers.

    I would advise trying to see if you can join other people on the LFG in the xbox app. Try to see if joining different regions yields you better luck. If you run into the same problem then it is clearly server problems and not hackers. All I can say man.

    Good luck.

  • They arent hacking, you are just bad.

  • @psychomyth are you fine with that?

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