Forum Bugs compilation thread.

  • Hello derrrr fellow forumites!

    Recently I have noticed a couple of scurvy bugs plaguing our fair forums!
    So I’ve decided to make this thread so we can collect the known ones in one place.

    If you know of any which I have missed please add them below and I will put them on this list and then fill out the appropriate support tickets so Rare has the information to squash them out.

    If there’s any suggestions you have on how they could streamline the forums or make them more user friendly feel free to put them down to, as you never know who might be reading. :)

    If you can try and fill out this as it will save me a little bit of time:



    Devices effected:

    Known Workarounds:


    Known forum bugs:

    • Notifications not showing:

    Not being told when you have notifications.
    (E.g You don’t have the number of notifications appear on your profile picture at the top right)

    iPhone/Android Tablet
    Not sure if it’s the same on PC

    If you click on one of your unlisted notifications they should appear after


    • No chat notifications:

    If someone sends you a direct message on the chat system you do not receive a notification telling you about it

    iPhone/Android Tablet
    Cannot confirm PC

    You just have to systematically check your chat messages frequently.


    • Chat locks/unable to scroll:

    Sometimes the chat will get stuck at the top of the chat box and if you scroll down it will instantly push you back up to the top. Making it not possible to read your recent messages.

    PC unconfirmed

    If you press the ‘X’ to close the chat and retry that sometimes will fix the issue but not always.


    • Notification button freeze:

    Sometimes when you press the notification button. (Your profile picture) it blacks out but your notifications do not appear. Repeated presses do nothing.


    Android/PC unconfirmed.


    Close the browser and restart the website. It usually fixes the problem. Or re-type in the URL.

    Profile/categories button freezes

    Sometimes when I try to get up the different categories up or press my profile picture icon nothing happens, even if I refresh the page



    Manually retype in the URL on a fresh browser and it normally fixes the issue

    Disclaimer: I wasn’t sure if this should have been posted in the feedback and suggestions catergory as it’s not about the game. If it needs to be moved feel free, or message me and I will re-create the thread there.

  • 10
  • Sometimes on phone,

    when I touch my icon the notifications it redirect me to my profile instead.

    I'm often login out, asking me to sign in again.

    Sometimes after posting something it redirects me back to the Categories instead of the post I commented or created.

  • also chat is unusable for me on android. it always scrolls up to the first message and it won't allow me to scroll down.

  • @sir-lotus I’ll add that on, it happens to me also. I’ve found if you exit the chat then click on it again it usually fixes it. But not always.

  • @knifelife said in Forum Bugs compilation thread.:

    Hello derrrr fellow forumites!

    If there are any suggestions you have on how they could streamline the forums or make them more user-friendly feel free to put them down to, as you never know who might be reading. :)

    In my opinion, I think to better streamline the forum and the reporting of known issues or bugs. They need to include 'Bug Reporting' under the forum categories.

    This would allow for a centralized location of reporting known issues and bugs by Rare and community members.

  • @nunoazuldimeter I’ll add it on, I get the same thing when sometimes I press my notifications it doesn’t do anything. I usually have to close the page and re type in the URL for SoT and it usually sorts it.

    @Friedwilly I believe the reason we don’t have a bug reporting catergory is because the support team don’t actually use the forums. That’s what I was told by @khaleesibot anyway. :)

  • @nunoazuldimeter Not sure if I added what you was talking about but if not could you try and fill this out for me. As it will make it easier:



    Devices effected:


  • Not sure if this counts as necroing but added a new bug I’ve found.

  • @knifelife I think this is a special circumstance and a helpful guide so not privy to the usual necro rules! :P

    Well not on my watch anyway!

  • chat option doesnt show up on iphones or ipads at times. The window doesnt scale to the device

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