Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7

  • @pasha-entreri Darn it.... looks like they are keeping Old Faithful...

    Unless this is New Old Faithful... they might have made it a place I actually don't mind visiting??!!?!

  • @musicmee haha. I'm surprised nobody else mentioned something about that. I scrolled through every post just to check before posting.

  • @fishst1ck said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @hudson-rl Don't you have a voice? It works better than typing

    Not everyone speaks the same language but text chat works as a translation tool as well. Also, a lot of people keep others muted. This fixes everything that @Hudson-RL mentioned already.

  • @pasha-entreri @Musicmee Fixed....

  • Great work on the update especially on the shorter server downtime

  • @mad-jack-ketch I put the game in Windowed Mode when I want to switch to my desktop. Seems to work for me.

  • @hudson-rl said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @sshteeve great so instead of just adding text speak. A nice little feature in many social games, a feature that’s already implemented on the windows version of sea of thieves. I have to keep abandoning ship and finding a new crew.

    I'm really sorry to reply, and I'm not asking for an argument, I'm just stating my side of this, although xbox text would be great, I don't think it should be that high on the list. I played 3 hours last night with a crew of randoms, 2 talking 1 using non verb (blatantly xbox) I had a mic on, but mute, because it was early hours of the morning and family were asleep.

    We managed to do forts, chests, shipwrecks, and bounties. I used non verb the whole time, and everyone knew what was where and when.

    I too was playing on the Xbox, so everything I was saying was from the text radial, however, they knew what I meant, there is many non verb text to give, which easily makes it possible to communicate.

    I talked in the end for about 20 mins, as they were a really good crew, but I seriously don't think text on xbox, although I'd love it, should be crazy high on the list of things Rare must do.

    In my opinion they've made a good job of the non-verb for now, and the options aren't so limited.

  • @straw-hat-blake entitled? Hardly. It’s just something I’m looking forward to. I haven’t stopped playing because of it and I’m not telling people the game is dead. I love the game, it’s just a small feature I want added. No different than all the other posts begging for new ships, new content etc.

  • Saw on Reddit that two things were missing in the release notes that they added in the comments:

    • Merchant Alliance also benefits from the change with less low-level animals with higher levels
    • Fixed issue with music not playing from other players
  • @bearcubbin said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @fishst1ck said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @hudson-rl Don't you have a voice? It works better than typing

    Not everyone speaks the same language but text chat works as a translation tool as well. Also, a lot of people keep others muted. This fixes everything that @Hudson-RL mentioned already.

    Only the chatwheel gets translated and that's available on both PC and Xbox. I just think typing text on an Xbox is a feature that's rarely asked for apart from @Hudson-RL. With no chatpad available for Xbox One and no normal keyboard support there will only be a handful of people that would get happy for such a feature.

  • @g0rrr1lla said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @personalc0ffee It says May and it is May and there is still no extra content.

    And it is STILL May lol
    Thanks for reminding us.

    In time... good things come to those who wait.

  • @fishst1ck Xbox has a chatpad. I have one. Xbox supports keyboard. I’ve used one.

    Gears of war 4, monster hunter, rocket league, eso all use text speak to name a few. There’s no reason it can’t bring up the on screen virtual keyboard for players without a chatpad etc.
    Listen guys, this is getting out a control with people replying why they don’t want it in game. Which is just silly. Whether it comes or not is out of my control but I’d still like to ask for it and I’ll continue to do so until Rare say they won’t implement it.

    You make it sound like the idea isn’t already in the game talking about different languages etc. You realise it’s available on win 10 right?

    There’s a post on the forum from @TEDDY-25 a dev saying they plan to implement it. I’m not pulling the idea out of thin air here.

    As for me just me wanting it. Just search for keyboard functionality/text speak on this forum. There is dozens of posts. Not just from. Go on reddit one of the top posts this week is asking for it. Look at the top comments on YouTube videos all asking for it. Players want it.

  • @personalc0ffee

    Then you just do a looking for players beacon / post on Xbox or Discord and invite them in manually. I much prefer the looking for players method of finding people anyway as you can hear them first before inviting them to the game and decide there if they will fit nicely with your crew.

  • @musicmee Agreed! Finally no more seven X's on a map with only one Captains chest or Marauders chest as the highest payout!! GH level 50 incoming..haha

  • @fishst1ck said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @bearcubbin said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @fishst1ck said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:

    @hudson-rl Don't you have a voice? It works better than typing

    Not everyone speaks the same language but text chat works as a translation tool as well. Also, a lot of people keep others muted. This fixes everything that @Hudson-RL mentioned already.

    Only the chatwheel gets translated and that's available on both PC and Xbox. I just think typing text on an Xbox is a feature that's rarely asked for apart from @Hudson-RL. With no chatpad available for Xbox One and no normal keyboard support there will only be a handful of people that would get happy for such a feature.

    You are right about the textwheel, I wasn't thinking of that. But there is actually a chatpad for Xbox. I own one myself that has full typing capabilities that I use in Rocket League and other games as well that allow texts. It connects directly to the bottom of the controller. Why give this feature to PC and not Xbox? Why argue against something that would literally only have benefits? If someone is trolling the chat feature, mute them.

  • @katttruewalker True but still only 4 to a galleon. Where's the fifth crew mate we need a cook ! Who's going to cook up the livestock and sharks..sad..oh so sad

  • So; taken a quick look in game.
    Imperial Sov weapons are in. Ship colours and sails are in.
    NO Cutlas.
    NO Figurehead.

    Presumably because of the same reasons that the Castaway / Ruffian / Grand Admiral items are going to be leaving the shop.


    At least we had a CHANCE to obtain those items in the first place - Items for which I spent the entire of last weekend hardcore grinding gold so that I wouldn’t miss out on items which are soon to become exclusive colours.

    But Sovereign set? The one ‘faction’ I actually really care about?
    I don’t even get a fighting chance to OBTAIN these items in the first place because they are removed BEFORE they even make it into the game...

    Really not happy with how these items are being handled right now.

    Do the people are Rare not actually play video games themselves? Do they not understand having a collector mentality and wanting to purchase all the items so that one can have a matching set of equipment?
    This is not an uncommon thought process to have for people who play video games with cosmetics involved.

    This is such a silly problem to have.
    This literally shouldn’t be an issue.
    The items mentioned last week SHOULD_NOT be leaving the store for ANY reason and the Imperial Sovereign SHOULD have the same completed item sets as every other set of items in the game.

  • @sshteeve maybe they bring more because of the Quests you have to do (bring in 10of these and 10 of these, trade in 150 skulls)

    that is what make you level up faster... at least that would make sens, at least for me.

  • Private crews are here! Yay!

    alt text

  • @hudson-rl
    I was replying to @Bearcubbin who stated that text chat currently works as a translation tool which I'm pretty sure only works for the chatwheel options.

    All the games you mention don't have voice chat enabled by default though, which makes the comparison slightly different. The only way of communicating with the other players is either by text chat or being in the same party with them.

    I understand why some people would like to have the option as the chat wheel is lacking and it seems simple enough to implement since it's already ingame for PC players. I think on the big list of feature requests it'll probably not even make the top 50.

    Yes you're right you aren't the only one asking for it, after a short search I found at least 2-3 topics about it and only one of those was made by you. What I also saw is that none of these had any replies which makes me think that it's not really a much requested feature.

    I'm sure this will be added in the future but please stop acting like this is something the entire community is asking for.

  • @hudson-rl i like this

  • This is a great patch. Private crews will be an essential feature to have. Can't count how many times a crew mate gets DC'ed only to have some rando get in before he can rejoin, then rando won't leave. So this is a big welcomed feature.

    Glad to see RARE taking care of the important things first. Keep up the great work.

  • Hooray for private crews great add on! Now we need more fresh and new weekly events, figure heads, sails(more than what has been added already good job BTW), Hulls(possibly in the mid twenty range new unlocks along with lvl 40 would be nice) Loving the ability to hand items to crew members definitely save someones a**e in a But please address the grinding issue once your above lvl 40 or higher. It's starting to wear on people quite a bit and gets frustrating to be stuck in a grind without a good payout in sight. As always keep up the good work guys!!

  • @hudson-rl these are two of the most obnoxious and obvious bugs. They happen all the time. I can’t play a game without having players lose all their clothes on the ferry or have their instruments be silent.

    Ive not seen these bugs acknowledged by Rare. Please let us know that you’re at least aware of them.

    Otherwise thanks for the continued improvement. Now when are we going to get more food and enemy variety?

  • @wc-mattman Yeah I've had this a few times. I reported it to Rare via a Bug Submission and video yesterday

  • Anyone had a look into the changes to the health bar UI?

  • @fishst1ck those games most certainly have voice chat enabled by default. Can’t speak for sure about eso as I only ever played it in party chat though 👍
    Keep cherry picking info to suit your argument though.

  • @riz agreed! I’ve seen a post of reddit about the silent instrument bug being fixed but I’ve yet to test it for myself. Fingers crossed though.
    Still find it strange how it’s not been acknowledged though. The bug crept in a couple patches ago.

  • Twice already in the last 30 mins or so, i have the dreaded almondbeard lost connection message pop up and lost all my progress. Umm. Try fixing it properly?

  • One thing I'm noticing with this is that I can't see my full character in the vanity or clothing chests. The item description cuts off the character at the knees, making it hard to see boots and pants.

    Aside from that, it's great!

  • @dreamingnomad

    • Still hopeful for a larger ship, as we could easily fill a 6 person ship most nights, due to the recruiting of #DADSPirates

    A larger ship, really?? I'd downvote this if it was possible.

  • @ineed2p0op said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.7:


    • Still hopeful for a larger ship, as we could easily fill a 6 person ship most nights, due to the recruiting of #DADSPirates

    A larger ship, really?? I'd downvote this if it was possible.

    It be okay. Wit' thar being an achievement for a 5 member band I don't foresee a crew larger than 4 coming.

    Thar be more crying out for a solid 3-man ship than for a 5+ ship, so I would think that be more likely.

  • There is an issue with the 'Here, take this!' feature that we are currenly investigating.

    alt text
    For updates on server status, please check our Status Page.

    The patch notes have been updated as follows:

    Patch Notes - 1.0.7


    • Here, take this! - Imagine the scene, skeletons surround your crew, your crew-mate has been bitten by a snake, they have no bananas and there are no resource barrels in sight! Now you can help them CRONCH their way to full health by handing them a banana! This also works with wooden planks and cannon balls. You helpful pirate you!
      Unfortunately this feature is causing an issue and needs to be temporarily removed from Patch 1.0.7 while we investigate further.

    Progression & Economy Updates

    • Strike Gold - As Pirates rank up with all the trading companies, the chances of finding more valuable rewards has been increased. Say good-bye to those Castaway Chests at higher ranks!
  • and now the servers are down....

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