THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018

  • @rayfromjersey but this time you actually did something for it ;)

  • Hello!

    I think it's worth mentioning that there has been confusion with the Timezones.

    So, I'd like to reiterate that THE GRAND ODYSSEY will begin on April 14th, 2018 at:

    • 17:00 PM EDT
    • 14:00 PM PDT
    • 10 PM BST
    • Sunday, April 15th 7 AM ACT

    For all your timezones need

  • @siriondb said in THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018:


    I think it's worth mentioning that there has been confusion with the Timezones.

    So, I'd like to reiterate that THE GRAND ODYSSEY will begin on April 14th, 2018 at:

    • 17:00 PM EDT
    • 14:00 PM EDT
    • 10 PM BST
    • Sunday, April 15th 7 AM ACT

    For all your timezones need


  • You guys totally rock! THIS is the community spirit...(and the game) that I want to see. Our very own Cannonball Run!! (Baggsy Captain Chaos). I absolutely support this and hope the rest of the community get behind you.

    Rare if you're reading - give the guys some exclusive loot to reward the winners.

  • @siriondb so what time is this for USA, New York. Would really like to participate.

  • so what time is this for USA, New York. Would really like to participate. Plz let me know so I am ready.

  • @shadowworld109 17:00 EDT so 5... right now

  • Will it require a download when the clock hits the starting time? If you're already in the game playing, would you have to restart your game session?

  • Ahoy!

    Today is the GRAND day!

    We are very eager to start this Event and we can hardly contain our excitement!

    We really wish to provide the Sea of Thieves Community with a grandiose time.

    That being said, it is important that we give out these instructions:

    • The Proof of Completion must include the GamerTag of the person writing to the Delegates. It is preferable that each Crew designates a Spokesperson. Your Crew's Progress is tied to the GamerTag.
    • The Delegates will be appropriately visible on both Discord Servers.
    • No other clues or help will be given out by the Organizers.

    I. Sportsmanship and Respect will be at the base of your interactions with each other and with the organizers.

    II. Inappropriate Behavior will result in an immediate ban and removal of any future Events and Discord Servers.

    III. Be More Pirate

    If the Hoarding Crews suffer an Almondbeard and the servers die, we will postpone the Prize until we can get an acceptable Haul to offer to the Winner(s). Please understand that we have no control over that but that we are willing to make things right.

    Fortune Awaits!

  • hey I'm looking for a group to join for this event


  • A truly excellent Community inspired event and effort on the part of both Fortune and Crew of Thieves as well as a generous offer of reward for those completing the hunt.

    Good hunting to all!!

    @siriondb said in THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018:


    Fortune and Crew Of Thieves are happy to announce their collaboration to bring you an Event that shall resonate in Sea of Thieves’ History!

    The time for The Grand Odyssey has arrived!

    I. What is “The Grand Odyssey”? :
    This Event is a Scavenger Hunt, a Treasure Hunt, and a Race! This Event will pit Crews of Pirates against each other in an adventure to acquire the treasure of the Duke of the Ancient Spire.

    II. When does it start? :
    The Grand Odyssey is to be held on Saturday, April 14th at:

    • 17:00 EDT
    • 14:00 PDT
    • 10 PM BST
    • Sunday, April 15th 7 AM ACT
    • Sunday, April 15th 10 AM NZDT

    III. Who can participate?:
    This Event is open to EVERYONE. Every Pirate, regardless of their allegiance, is free to try their luck. There is no Age Restriction, nor is there any Region Restriction.

    IV. How can I participate?:
    This Challenge can be completed in a Sloop or a Galleon. The Crew sizes are up to you! That being said, we suggest that you find some companions to aid you, for the Sea is fierce and a fickle mistress.

    V. What are the rules?:
    Pirates must complete certain challenges and provide proof of their success through Screenshots and Clips, depending on the task at hand.

    ⦁ As you complete the different objectives, you will need to send your Proof of Completion to a Fortune or Crew of Thieves Delegate through our respective Discord Channels.

    Fortune :
    Crew of Thieves :

    This Proof of Completion MUST include the Gamertag of the Pirate who contacts the Delegates. If it doesn’t, the Proof will be deemed invalid.

    ⦁ Once you’ve provided the necessary proof, you will be given a new Task/Objective/Riddle.

    ⦁ The First Step will be given out to everyone at the same time on this thread and on the two Discords.

    ⦁ There are 13 steps to this Event that are to be achieved to earn the Treasure of the Duke of the Ancient Spire and be known as the Odysseans!

    What is the Prize? :

    The Duke of the Ancient Spire, a noble and rich man, has promised to reward the Pirate(s) with a Galleon’s weight in Gold and Riches. A perfect opportunity to show the Gold Hoarders, the Order of Souls and the Merchant Alliance that you earned your place, without a doubt, among the Greatest Pirates of Sea Of Thieves!

  • @m3m3nto-memes im guessing this event will go on for a few hours..? will the "duke's treasure haul" be more than a skully forts worth of loot? and how is this all delivered? and when? same day? what If the entire winning squad cant be on the day of delivery? a lot of info and questions left un answered...

  • @siriondb MIXER.COM/KOOPATV

  • @k00pa The event will go on until there is a clear winner, but we expect it to last multiple hours. The "Duke's treasure haul" will be a lot more than a fort. It will be given to the winning crew after they complete all 13 tasks by inviting them to our crew (Prod1gyX Method)

  • @m3m3nto-memes i'm pirate legend but my friends that i play with aren't are we all able to bask in the booty should we win? i dont particularly need the rep or gold but i know they would definitely enjoy it.

  • @conal-cuan that would be great! Sorry for the late response. I haven't been on the forum in a few days.

  • I'll be streaming this today! ksikkihkinii on twitch! 😊

  • Hey! I'll be going live on twitch with the grand oddessy challenge!
    ksikkihkinii on twitch and Twitter!

  • Arr... What's the clue?

  • The riddle.. what does it mean? 🤔🤔🤔

  • Thinking cat is thinking...what could it mean?!

    @siriondb said in THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018:

  • @siriondb so.. 15 white chx in the sanctuary mall

  • Hello me and my friends can't get ahold of a delegate on discord what's going on cause if this is a race then you guys are slowing us down.




  • Congrats Odysseans!

  • Thanks to everyone who participated!

    It was great to see the clips and photos of everyone having a great time and forgetting the grind for a bit.

    Congratulations to the winners!

  • Well congrats to them I guess, thanks to our delegate we had to wait an hour. So not everyone had a fair chance on this poorly planned waste of time. I hope the treasure was worth it.

  • Congratulations!

  • @rayfromjersey said in THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018:

    So the reward is that you're going to give someone the Prod1gyX treatment?

    I love the level of infamy and shade there. "The Prod1gyX treatment"
    I just wiped a tear from me eye. thank you.

  • Raise a toast to the winners!!


    alt text

    @siriondb said in THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018:





  • @siriondb Congrats to the winners, well done, and thank you both Fortune & Crew of Thieves for a well delivered community driven event. My family crew had great fun mucking around with it. Big thumbs up from me.

  • @m3m3nto-memes said in THE GRAND ODYSSEY | In-Game Treasure Hunt & Prize | April 14th 2018:

    @k00pa The event will go on until there is a clear winner, but we expect it to last multiple hours. The "Duke's treasure haul" will be a lot more than a fort. It will be given to the winning crew after they complete all 13 tasks by inviting them to our crew (Prod1gyX Method)

    I still don't understand how you can invite another 4 members to your crew and reward those winners?...
    Is it possible to explain?

    Love the idea of the contest tho.

  • @dreamingnomad
    Have a four man crew (first crew) and let one person drop out so that one person of the winning crew can join up.
    Once the person from the winning crew is in, the other three people of the first crew will back out to create room for the remaining people of the winning crew.

    The first crew basically hands over their ship and loot to the winning crew.

43 out of 74