༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ The Final Beta has been summoned! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

  • anyone else getting a kiwibeard error or is it down right now?

  • @ever-reddy we did. But he had his friend with him who whould pick it up

  • Question the pre order place holder we had on xbox was black dog 96MB is now launch environment so where is or Full Game at have The Launch app and FINAL Beta app nothing about Full game app at all game is paid for but have know full game download at all

  • @flyingeagle1 We noticed far more idiots this time around - most likely the fault of an open beta for the final test. At least it prepares us for the kiddies getting hold of the game come release day.

  • I also noticed a load more non-mic pirates this time around - hard to get people working with no mic to speak to me with!

  • @sshteeve Ive heared people have been experiencing problems with getting their microphones working

  • @dalinoge It was a shame too as it kinda ruined the experience in some cases. Our crew of 4 had one bloke who could be heard by my brother in law and I, but not by the third woman. He similarly couldn't hear her.

  • @flyingeagle1 I am curious what would happen to the chest if you all locked that person in the brig, further more... what if someone on a duo sloop did this and couldn’t be locked up, that is extremely disheartening.

  • @wesley-sanguin When locked in the brig I just afk until they turn in their stuff, I still get credit/gold

  • 5 day and we can start

  • From playing the beta, watching tons of gameplay and content on the game, I'm very excited to play. Already have a crew just waiting on the release!

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