Reapers are ruining the game

  • @scott100000000
    Sounds like your definition of "toxic" is "people who play in a way I don't like". A Reaper fighting and sinking anyone he sees sounds like exactly how a Reaper should be playing. And if some one is being a jerk just leave and find a new server.

  • @theglimglam couldn't be further from the truth. They are toxic. Almost all reapers are toxic. I dont say things for the heck of it you know.

  • @scott100000000 I've run into toxic Gold Hoarders, Merchants, Order of Souls, Athena, AND Reapers. Toxicity holds no allegiance. I clip, report, and move on with my day. It's a pirate game yada yada, you've heard the spiel, but at the end of the day it's no specific faction, players of all walks can be nice, players of all walks can be toxic. I've always been chill, said GG after a win or a lose, and I've had some SALTY SANDRAS come back at me, especially when I've been the one to sink them in both fair fights, and in unfair fights. No matter how a game makes you feel (WHICH! You are completely valid for feeling) remember to at least keep those feelings to yourself and be respectful, say GG, and move on. It's just a game!

  • @silentkiller646 Well so far I met one toxic athena in a hourglass match in an "honorable" fight against a fellow guardian and so far I met chill pirates or rightfully jumpy pirates. Though most usually chill and talk and I even befriended some of them. But it's ALWAYS Reapers that are toxic to me. Always slurs, telling me to commit suicide etc etc typical Reaper slander. I only met two Reaper crews that were somewhat chill. While some people are willing to hear you out it's the Reapers that kill on sight and care little what you're doing or have to say

  • @scott100000000 That's Reaper gameplay, they pillage and plunder, and hunt emissary flags. Toxicity isn't necessary but like i said, clip and report. Neither of our experiences are shared experiences but at the end of the day the only issue is the trash talk, which shouldn't be in the game anyway.

  • @silentkiller646 I just wish it wasn't every reaper. I think the reapers motto should be changed. Cause it's kinda promoting this behavior. Cause the servant says "throw away the pirates code" and oh look at that, the games rules are also called "pirate code" so I think the Reapers take that a little TOO literally, thinking they can do whatever and get away with it cause "Reaper"

  • @scott100000000 in my 5.5k hours i can honestly say i have met more pve minded folk that are toxic.

    Not to point fingers her but it just makes me wonder how you respond to an attacking player ?

    In no way should anything you say be responded with with suicide requests or the like but if you come in hostile over the comms then it can at least be expected to be returned in kind.

    Again not pointing fingers it just makes me wonder

  • @callmebackdraft Well I used to be a runner. I avoided combat for a longtime. I played since before the first adventure drop. Lost membership so didnt play for a year or something cause when I got membership and decided to give sea of thieves another shot, it was season six. Still ran, got pirate legend, figured now I should focus on pvp. But I used to have poor sailing skills and could fight if someone boarded. So I would either just die or scuttle to escape harassment and spawncamping.

    Season 8 helped me improve so I started staying and fighting more. I've been winning fights i'd normally lose cause even amateurs would of been able beat me. My cannon aim is still garbage. But yeah i'd get killed by reapers often and they'd always tell me to kill myself and that im bad at the game.

  • @scott100000000 sagte in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @wolfmanbush Yeah but it won't stop the reapers. Whenever I see a reaper on the map it just gets stressful and extremely irritating cause once I put up my flag they're gonna hunt me across the map just to sink me even if I have no loot to offer.

    You got the emissary flag up...that's not "no loot"
    The emissary flag, even lvl 1, is high tier loot
    You don’t want to get hunted? Don’t use emissary...this is a risk/reward system, you want to get more money out of your haul, you have to take the higher risk

  • @scott100000000

    Cheers for the loot dude, saved me grinding out that PVE. Top man

  • then learn to defend yourself practice .its Sea of Thieves .Stealing is the main point of the game reality you the complainong gamer who just wants to pve alone is ruining the game ...

  • @callmebackdraft

  • @captlobotamy was that last message meant for me ? I am kinda confused with the tagging in a separate message and all especially since i share your stance

  • Find a server with a Fort of Fortune on it and PVE away. The Reapers will be far too busy to bother with you. Just be ready to sell when it drops.

  • @callmebackdraft yeah it didnt upload i see now its blank .i simply agreed with your post

  • @captlobotamy ah alright that makes more sense :)

  • @callmebackdraft :D thehe yeah sorry about that mate .didnt realise til i saw your reply .👊✌️

  • @schwammlgott said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @scott100000000 sagte in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @wolfmanbush Yeah but it won't stop the reapers. Whenever I see a reaper on the map it just gets stressful and extremely irritating cause once I put up my flag they're gonna hunt me across the map just to sink me even if I have no loot to offer.

    You got the emissary flag up...that's not "no loot"
    The emissary flag, even lvl 1, is high tier loot
    You don’t want to get hunted? Don’t use emissary...this is a risk/reward system, you want to get more money out of your haul, you have to take the higher risk

    I know about the whole emissary flag love reapers have. But dont you think it'd work in the reapers favor if they oh I dunno.....wait until they get the flag level higher BEFORE going for the sink? It tells me they're being toxic if they go for a freshly spawned ship with grade 1 and no treasure only to sink me and trash talk the entire time. It's childish

  • @scott100000000 said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    Not only does Rare keep making updates that benefit the Reapers but Reapers just keep ruining the fun. Just a bit ago I struggled to finish a skeleton fleet and here comes a galleon to labor off my hard work. Two board me, instant kill me and I just quit cause im so sick of people constantly benefiting off my work and constantly chasing me.

    My advice: Get good ! Became smarter if solo slooper, keep checking map and sea is the basis of this game.

  • I’ve learned over the years not to get attached to my loot and form strategies to keep it. If I lose my haul I remind myself that I will get it back plus more later, realistically you will turn in way more hauls than you will lose so don’t stress the occasional loss.

  • @scott100000000 sagte in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @schwammlgott said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @scott100000000 sagte in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @wolfmanbush Yeah but it won't stop the reapers. Whenever I see a reaper on the map it just gets stressful and extremely irritating cause once I put up my flag they're gonna hunt me across the map just to sink me even if I have no loot to offer.

    You got the emissary flag up...that's not "no loot"
    The emissary flag, even lvl 1, is high tier loot
    You don’t want to get hunted? Don’t use emissary...this is a risk/reward system, you want to get more money out of your haul, you have to take the higher risk

    I know about the whole emissary flag love reapers have. But dont you think it'd work in the reapers favor if they oh I dunno.....wait until they get the flag level higher BEFORE going for the sink? It tells me they're being toxic if they go for a freshly spawned ship with grade 1 and no treasure only to sink me and trash talk the entire time. It's childish

    You don’t know for how long they have been around...maybe they got bored looking for a higher ranked flag, or you are the only emissary around...sure a higher rank would be better, but sometimes you go for what you can get...
    And what do you mean with trash-talk? Are they insulting you? Screaming slurs? That would be not ok, just take a video clip and report them.
    If it's trash talk in a way, that just annoys you, because they have fun...than it's a you-problem...just get over it and go on

  • @scott100000000 said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @schwammlgott said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @scott100000000 sagte in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @wolfmanbush Yeah but it won't stop the reapers. Whenever I see a reaper on the map it just gets stressful and extremely irritating cause once I put up my flag they're gonna hunt me across the map just to sink me even if I have no loot to offer.

    You got the emissary flag up...that's not "no loot"
    The emissary flag, even lvl 1, is high tier loot
    You don’t want to get hunted? Don’t use emissary...this is a risk/reward system, you want to get more money out of your haul, you have to take the higher risk

    I know about the whole emissary flag love reapers have. But dont you think it'd work in the reapers favor if they oh I dunno.....wait until they get the flag level higher BEFORE going for the sink? It tells me they're being toxic if they go for a freshly spawned ship with grade 1 and no treasure only to sink me and trash talk the entire time. It's childish

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If I think that Grade 1 is going to actually get stuff done in a reasonable amount of time I might let them marinate a bit. But too often they just fiddle around for ages so I just take what I can get.

  • @scott100000000 "they're being toxic"

    Who is "they"?

    Did it ever occur to you that stereotyping people is toxic, that you are being toxic in this thread?

  • @scott100000000 said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    @valor-omega Did that, didn't work out.

    Try more. Most the crews I've crewed with on Discord from the LFC channels have been great, the poopy crews are an exception unless you are doing open crew.

    I know it's how the reaper faction is but if they weren't so toxic about it I wouldn't despise them as much as I do.

    But it's not just the Reapers that are toxic - a large chunk of the player base is.

    I ran across a solo-sloop (as a solo-sloop) that was camping Snake Island where my last Athena's quest was before the chest. I fire off a couple of warning flares to tell them to screw-off, but they just sit there. Ok, I figured that meant they were down for fighting for their stuff right? So I cache my ship, row over in a cannon rowie and just obliterate their sloop by arcing cannons over a rock from the rowie. After I take down their mast, I swim over to anchor them for the finisher - but when I get on deck they were already anchored LOL!

    Anyways, they're sinking and buddy comes up from below, sees me and just starts screaming a profanity laden blue streak into the mic: "WTFudge is wrong with you, you effing child! I have anxiety you can't just give people stress like this!!! Eff you I'm gonna kill your mother, what are you 6? You suck I hate you , I hate this game, I don't even have any treasure you @%@#%% etc.... etc..." Such toxic hate flowed from this one, even though I gave them ample warning and they chose to fight anyway... so the toxicity isn't only Reapers.

    Of course, after I sunk them, their ship had like 2 world events of loot float to the top so they were definitely a valid target!

  • @theglimglam said in Reapers are ruining the game:

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. If I think that Grade 1 is going to actually get stuff done in a reasonable amount of time I might let them marinate a bit. But too often they just fiddle around for ages so I just take what I can get.

    Right? Same. I've tried stalking low grade emissary ships, hoping to snag them once they get to 5 - but you know what happens?

    Most of the time they just diddle around doing nothing for 45 minutes, then set sail, crash into a rock, sink and quit. Like 90% of the time.

    If PvE emissaries were better at actually getting loot and raising their grade - I wouldn't be sinking every grade 1 I see immediately.

  • @valor-omega the problem is there there's no way to combat a level 5 reaper once they start chasing you, plus theres no incentive for pve players to fight back. It's either try run away to sell the loot as quick as possible and leave the game, or risk all the loot that you spent hours getting. Just for a flag that cost a few 1000. There's all the reason for reapers to go after other emissaries but pretty much no reason for those other emissaries to fight back. And honestly reapers are ruining the game for me as well.

  • As thread necro (reviving of old topics) is not permitted as per forum rules, we will go ahead and drop anchor on this here. Thank you.

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