Could we please get a chance to get previously twitch dropped items in game?

  • I've been waiting for a chance to get the Rising Morningstar belt for ages now. Its the only belt I like the look of in the entire game and I hate that its impossible for me to get it.

    I'd happily pay a hefty price of, say, 10 million gold just to unlock it.

    Why cant we have a special shop for previously locked items to be sold at a very high gold price? This would add another gold sink for players who missed out on some items and still allow for players who got the items originally to not feel like they are worthless now.

    Or then make the belt a twitch drop again so I can finally live in peace and have my belt :(

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  • Imo they could have just implemented past drops into sottv rather than start another low chance giveaway item like the gilded phoenix weapons

    could easily get people to show up for drops they have missed and in my view it would be a lot more positive approach to activity than manipulating impulses to finish sets that were just standard drops up until the end

  • @wolfmanbush That or just add them into outpost shops, after a period of time. Make them somewhat expensive too, maybe around 200k per piece, or something.

    Another cool idea would be to turn the old doubloon shop idea, into the twitch drop, shop. Maybe they could introduce a new doubloon shop that rotates a few cosmetics each week, that can be bought by doubloons. That way, you can't just bulk buy everything and be done.

  • same after the belf and short gloves

  • @valor-omega

    200k sounds a bit too low if Rare want to keep these items "special". I feel like they should be very costly to keep them as special items. And veteran players, like me, who missed one of these would have something to work towards and grind a few million gold for :)

  • @i-jusa-i Yeah, that was honestly a ballpark suggestion. I'd be fine with twitch cosmetics being a mil or two, especially the obsidian set.

  • I would like the items sold on seatposts to be random and contain any in-game cosmetics... instead of a store with promotions it would be a random item store. In addition to past items it could contain cosmetics exclusive to seaposts.

  • @lleorb Being able to buy past twitch drops and such at seaposts at random would be a really cool way to do this yeah. Just keep the cost high so players who obtained them years ago dont feel like they are being trashed on.

  • Agreed. Ive been scammed out of getting one of my favorite dance emotes in the game, because I missed a twitch drop by 2 hours.

    I missed it because Rare didnt bother telling anyone outside of twitter that drops were activated. Still waiting for that dance emote..

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