Forum User Groups

  • Hello and welcome to the Sea of Thieves Forums!

    You may have noticed that some users have badges below their names with phrases like 'Founder', other users have cool sashes and a badge that reads, 'Deckhand' and you don't know what those mean. Below is a handy guide which explains each user group and their badges.

    Global Moderators

    Users with this tag are Official Forum Administrators, they have full moderation access and can ban players from the Forum.

    They cannot be tagged on the Forum.

    Rare Employee

    Members of the Rare team can be found on the Forums, listening to feedback and engaging in conversation when they can.

    They cannot be tagged on the Forum.


    Here to keep you safe and make sure everyone is following the rules, the Quartermasters are made up of volunteer moderators and Community Managers. You can go to them with any issues you may have or concerns re: The Forums.

    They can be tagged using @Quartermaster.


    You will find their immortalisations in game and they've been around since before launch. Deckhands were the original moderators before we needed an in-house Community Team but their game knowledge is next to none and their ability to help sets them apart. You will see them lurking around here and on Discord, advocating for our community and working closely with the Rare team to help us steer a steady course.

    They can be tagged using @Deckhand.


    Users with this tag are a select group of players who received special previews of upcoming features and improvements to the game before launch. This was the Insider Programme before it became Insiders.

    They cannot be tagged on the Forum.


    Users with this tag are community members who took part in our Technical Alpha Programme. Through their feedback and play sessions they provided us with lots of valuable data.

    They cannot be tagged on the Forum.


    Users with this tag are community members who have signed up for insider information on the Sea of Thieves. They have access to the Insider Programme Forums where we post staff insights and sneak peeks of incoming game features. Information on the Insider Programme and how to join can be found here.

    They cannot be tagged on the Forum.


    Helpful, knowledgeable and welcoming, the Boatswains are here to help others feel at home and to guide them through the games. Feel free to ask them questions and get their advice on how best to sail on the Sea of Thieves. They are NOT MODERATORS Boatswains can not help you with moderation issues.

    They have no responsibilities, or official duties but we hope the Boatswains will play a key part in welcoming new players into the community. We will be adding to this group fairly regularly, and are always on the lookout for new Boatswains!

    They cannot be tagged on the Forum.

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