Is this true about the sea dog tavern at k12??

  • So had a discussion with my fellow pirates today about sea of thieves myths floating around out there while sailing. One of the myths that got brought up was that when a new player enters the server lightning strikes the stone peak of the sea dog tavern at k12 and if you close enough you can hear thunder. I'm pretty sure I have heard this before a little bit after launch and on some video recently. If anyone can confirm or bust this I'll raise a tankard to you.

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  • It's sounds about as accurate as stuff I spread around about Captain D.B. Cooper on thieves haven and garth brooks on youtube comments so I wouldn't put too much stock into that sort of stuff.

  • If it answers your question, I HAVE seen lightning strike the Sea Dog Tavern, with no storms nearby (even have it on video too!) But i'm not sure it's to do with players joining or leaving. Either way, there is evidence lightning does strike, for whatever reason.

  • I believe this is a myth, but I've seen big content creators mention it so who knows.

  • No, it's not true... another SoT Myth. Change my mind.

  • @personalc0ffee let me guess was it falcore?

  • @wsurftvveeds among others

  • It doesn't strike the sea dogs tavern but it does strike the rocks just north west of Snake Isle. The formation you can sail through the middle of that was the origin basis for all the new portal rocks for the tall tales. It is centered on the map and when a new ship joins the server it is struck with lightning.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Is this true about the sea dog tavern at k12??:

    It doesn't strike the sea dogs tavern but it does strike the rocks just north west of Snake Isle. The formation you can sail through the middle of that was the origin basis for all the new portal rocks for the tall tales. It is centered on the map and when a new player joins the server it is struck with lightning.

    If this was true, one could test this by being on a closed crew, sailing to the location, then opening their crew. As players join their crew, there should be a lightning strike. If it was just when a new crew/boat spawns in, it would be much more difficult to demonstrate/prove.

  • @leftypirate99 It's only a new boat to the server. Has nothing to do with crew joining.

  • @cptnpotbeard
    right, thats why i made the distinction. your initial response said player, not boat/crew.

  • @leftypirate99 Ah so it does, but yes I meant ship. Was at work on my phone.

  • @cptnpotbeard said:

    It doesn't strike the sea dogs tavern but it does strike the rocks just north west of Snake Isle. The formation you can sail through the middle of that was the origin basis for all the new portal rocks for the tall tales. It is centered on the map and when a new ship joins the server it is struck with lightning.

    What is your reference for ANY of this!?! I smell BS.

  • The area getting hit by lightning and the thunder that can be heard is true, but it has nothing to do with players joining the server or players dying and ending up on the ferry (or similar).

    It's a leftover from the earlier Alpha Builds.
    The Devs changed something and the result you see now is an oversight.
    That's all.

  • I thought it was when a player went to the ferry the lightning struck :D

  • @lizalaroo
    Nope. :P

  • @lizalaroo said in Is this true about the sea dog tavern at k12??:

    I thought it was when a player went to the ferry the lightning struck :D

    Crikey! It would never stop when I was on a server then!

  • It is true and a cool feature.

  • @thor-von-blitz Are you sure? :D

  • @lizalaroo
    Yup, of course i am.
    Been sure about that for the last 3+ years whenever the question/theory comes up every odd couple months.

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