[Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion

  • @gipperseadog making a seperate PvE mode doesn't serve all players...just a minority, it would even make it unplayable in the PvP mode then, because there won't be anything to steal then...
    I can say it won't ever happen, the devs ALWAYS say just NO when the question about PvE servers come up, for over 3 years now!
    I didn't need to read everything, every sentence I started to read was stuff I hear almost every week since over 3 years...a friend, one of my crew, also often said, PvE servers are needed...now she knows herself, it would be a different game since playing with me...we never even would have met if it would be any different
    Start to realize it won't happen...
    To your "I love the game but...", guess how often I hear this...it's always the same...loving the game, but can't deal with a core aspect of the game...doesn't make sense

  • @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I love this game as it is and i play everyday, but please don't ever tell someone that if they cant live with the way this game is setup, to go play something else. it's not up to you to tell them something like that.

    This is economics 101 mate.
    If you don't like a product, don't buy it and stop using it, it is really that simple.
    SOT was not built for a pve player base, or a pvp player base. It was built for pvpve players.
    If you don't like the genre of the game then that's tough. Adapt or play something else.
    There is nothing wrong with enjoying different games, there is nothing wrong with preffering other games.

  • @cotu42 That's the funny part. I started playing this days after release when it was free to play.

  • @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    In all fairness to them they had no clue what your intentions were because you were silent the entire time. As far as they know you were just the guy who destroyed them for an hour and were coming back for seconds. Not sure why you were expecting a friendly greeting or maybe you wanted to see if they would attack so you could gank them again. I just say that because I had an aggressive friend PvP'er who would approach players in situations where players had every right to be weary and if they so much as made one false move he would use that as his "go" to destroy newbies and have an excuse for it when I told him to knock it off he would say "well they fired first!", needless to say we arnt friends anymore. I do hope that was not the case here.

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    My suggestion to you would be next time you want to go find someone you just spent an hour ganking or anyone for that matter maybe let them know why you are coming over again and if you cant communicate then dont go over at all and leave them be. I am not saying this to be rude to you. I just know I do not like it when silent ships sail up to me.

    No, you're right. I should have tried coms. Might have grown my crew.

    Im not going to judge you by this tale but it did surprise me given what your overall tone has been here. I do hope you do not laugh while ganking new players often. I think us as vets need to extend an olive branch even if they attacked first. I mean its not like they attacked you while you were fishing, you had a reaper chest, it marks you on map for combat. You say they shouldnt attack if they dont plan to win but hey they are new, they will not win all fights actually none of us win all fights, we have all been sunk.

    I wouldn't consider it ganking, as I didn't go after their loot. Just made them stop chasing me. I sunk them at reapers. And they had turned in almost all their loot

    I think this case also shows Rare needs to make it easier for us to see the gamer tags of people we have come in contact with as they do not always show in recent, atleast for me they dont. If there was a system in game that said "you just killed so and so" then you would have had a record of the name. It also would benefit reporting purposes. Also maybe RARE can make it so xboxers can text chat in game. I mean make a keyboard pull up on the screen so xboxers can type.

    Brilliant and needed.

    I will add I would not be pleased if my husband woke me up while gaming lol.

    Like I said, I chose life.

  • @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @cotu42 That's the funny part. I started playing this days after release when it was free to play.

    It is not free to play, either you have the Game Pass or you bought the game. In any case you are paying for it.

    Even if it was free, it is still a PvEvP game.

  • @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    There is the Arena, why can't that be the place for PVP?

    Just wanted to clarify that Arena isn't a Place for PvP, it is simply designed as a condensed version of Adventure mode to give people who have limited access an experience in SoT.

  • @gipperseadog

    The query remains, why would you in a PvEvP game want to separate the two elements to change the very nature of the genre it falls in? It is a PvEvP game, because the PvE and PvP are done in the same world.

    How does this satisfy all of SoT players while there is a very large group here stating that they do not want to choose at the menu screen what version of the game they want to play; they are PvEvP players and enjoy the mixed nature of these type of games. People really have to stop with this delusional idea that there are only two groups: PvE and PvP that need to be satisfied. The game was created for the PvEvP players, it is a game that falls in the PvEvP genre.

    Also, as I mentioned before it is not as simple as you claim it is to create a PvE mode.

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    So in which statement are you lying?

  • @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    So in which statement are you lying?

    Neither. Both can be true, you angry little troll.

    In the second statement, which you once again purposefully removed context, I was talking about people who are attacking you for no reason. Like the people who sail by ports sinking spawn ships. Context is important.

    Thought you were done talking to me anyway... I think the liar would be you. Lol.

    You're about one more of these personal jabs away from blocked.

  • @iceman-d18 only issue now is arena not getting updates and everyone has been muted, rare said its due to the amount of reports (well for the muting anyways) and i just read a post where someone had to jump through hoops with his recents and finding a players twitch profile just to report him (this was in adventure btw) but in arena you have acess to everyones gamertag/profile via other crews menu, imo way easyer to toss out reports. I honestly dont think the arena shpuld have gotten the mute because its waaaaay easyer to report in arena vs adventure. Also how many of those reports was cause someone was a salty loser, or just didnt understand the mechanics and thought someone was hacking when the persone reporting is new to the game. For example i got into a match (before the no update or muting) and we played like normal and won, got into the lobby and the 3rd place bpat was calling us hackers (him and his crew) and mentioned he was streaming (that was our last match anyways) and he had his crew and stream chat conveinced we was cheating and was wanting his crew and stream chat to report us. I record all my games incase of crud like this, i uploaded the whole match to youtube as unlisted and gave him the link ao we could see we wasnt cheating.....he just started the game 3 days prior and had 12 people in his chat and his crew ready to toss out reports on us. All cause we play are more seasoned and he was new amd didnt understand the game mechanics (the match they never lifted anchor and was just launching out to ships nearby) again way easyer to report players in arena than adventure and how many of those reports that caused the arena mute was cause of people like the guy i encountered, sore losers? Sorry for the rant just think the pvp comunity is being punished cause some bad eggs, wich are also in adventure but again that comes to how easy it is to report in arena vs adventure. And the arena not getting updates? It only got one and imo just made it cannon farm a boat full of noobs or afk people. Doesnt sound like an arena or a condensed version of adventure to me. Just sounds like a way for those working on comendations to put a bad taste in new players mouth when it comes to arena. I think the arena should get atleast one more update before back burnering it. Also mute players by default but give them the option to unmute cause i miss general chitchat in the lobby or a simple gg or goofing off. Again sorry for the rant im just annoyed with what they are doing to the arena (im part of the 3%) and i play arena waaaaaaaaay more then adventure even though i have all arena related comendations unlocked.
    Edit: 4,000 woot!

  • @omgitsnegan They are two polar opposite statements.
    In one you praise communication and note that most of your interactions are pleasant.
    In the other, your first post in this thread, you scoff at the idea of communication with others because of the horrifying amount of toxicity you encounter.
    Only one of these can be true. Either most communication you have is pleasant, or most of it is toxic.
    The only conclusion that can be drawn is that in one of them you are lying and so I ask again
    In which one of these statements were you lying?

  • 4000

    Had to.


  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @cotu42 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    The best solution to this "ENORMOUS" problem is to learn how to:

    • Pay attention
    • Park your ship properly
    • Sail away

    The best way to be left alone is by avoiding others and it is not relying on other people showing mercy. To make it clear, those that fail at this have a problem with others attacking while those that learn to keep themselves safe have rarely any problems at all.

    The only means to have them 'stand down' to convince them to not sink you is by direct communication. Talk to your opponents, ask them nicely and before they are already on your ship, pumping cannonballs in it... The art of negotiation starts with speaking from a position of safety or strength, if they already won why would they back down?

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    This is the full quote!

    In the second statement, which you once again purposefully removed context, I was talking about people who are attacking you for no reason. Like the people who sail by ports sinking spawn ships. Context is important.

    Where in that context am I speaking only about situations where it is about people sinking newly spawned ships; you might be at an island, you might hold a reaper chest, you can be anywhere out on the seas; such as in your own story! In your second part you were the one approaching and you claim if they acted friendly or opened up communication you would have showed mercy and empathy no? Context is important... Either you would stand down when they talked to you or not. Yet do not act like you did not make this statement in response to me suggesting to talk to other players within the game in the full context of the game.

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    Had to.


    And you failed :)

  • @limend said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    Had to.


    And you failed :)


  • @cotu42 that's what I was talking about. Clearly I wasn't referring to two way encounters, the spawn comment was just an example, not verbatim.

    You guys sure do grab at straws a lot.

  • @the-staples-89

    Oh I totally get where you are coming from. The amount of Salty pirates that throw out reports of hacking because they got beat fair and square is unreal.

    What I meant in my comment, is that what it was intended to be. It was always intended to be an condensed version of the game, straight to the action if you will, for those who couldn't commit to a longer session. Granted what it has become is exactly as you described.

    I guess Rare has the numbers behind Arena and we can only assume that it was only played by such a small portion of the player base that Rare think their resources would be better spent elsewhere.

    It's a shame for players like you who do play Arena (I didn't really enjoy it myself) that it is no longer being supported.

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @cotu42 that's what I was talking about. Clearly I wasn't referring to two way encounters, the spawn comment was just an example, not verbatim.

    You guys sure do grab at straws a lot.

    You were commenting on, the removal of context aka what I sated and I did not limit the type of encounters to be taken into account, therefore do not twist the context to defend yourself at the expense of my statement; which set the context. The context was about the full range of encounters upon the seas, they are my words after all.

    Each encounter has two parties involved and their starting position is dependent on the choices they made. All encounter has one party sailing towards the other, that is the nature of the gameplay and it does not make it that the one approached is not part of the encounter. Also it makes it impossible to talk to each other if one party is not present! Who exactly is drawing at straws here...

  • @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @schwammlgott said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I love this game as it is and i play everyday, but please don't ever tell someone that if they cant live with the way this game is setup, to go play something else. it's not up to you to tell them something like that.

    I find this statement rather odd. I mean sure at end of the day it is up to the individual but why is it so bad to suggest other games to someone who hates how SOT is currently set up?

    If I had a friend telling me they hated playing PvP games I would say "hey maybe try something else". What is so terrible about that? Games are made for everyone to play but not all games are for everyone. Same can be said for music, movies, tv shows, fashion ect ect ect.

  • This is a product and the developers have a right to take it in the way they see fit, but fundamentally there is an intent here to make money.

    Adapting the game to cater for those that enjoy PvE only would satisfy a reasonable proportion of the customer base and it does not have to be done in a way that limits the enjoyment of PvPers.

    There are times when I just want to progress my rep, alone, on a sloop and I do not have the skill, experience or ability to defend myself. I am not unemployed and so do not have hours to study youtube videos and guides and practise the 'get gud' advice on offer. My preference, would be to toggle PVP off, do what I want to, feel rewarded.

    I just spent hours doing a mechant voyage, loaded up, of course moments later a skulls upon me, sloop of 2. Spend ages trying to dodge, game throws at me 2 skele PvE sloops to attack me as well as the PvPers. Felt imbalanced, felt unfair, felt unrewarding. I have no doubt the PvPers were delighted, they ruined my evening - people don't stick around for bad experiences.

    Ok I can sling my anchor and go play something else, most will never care because they can't see beyond their own plank. Negative reviews travel 10x faster than positive ones and that'll ultimately impact the bottom line if enough people do it.

    So for those so aggressive about the PvErs that just want to quietly have some fun - you push us out at peril to your own long term enjoyment. It's sad your fun has to come at the cost of mine.

  • I just don't understand how people buy a PvPvE game and then complain when the PvP part kicks in.

  • @mferr11

    Apologies that you are having difficulty understanding, it's what I'd refer to as my preference. Sometimes I find things in life I choose to subscribe to or engage with (marriage as an example) where 90% of it is great, but 10% can sometimes do with a little improvement. I do recognise not everyone has the capability to understand another persons viewpoint, that is ok.

    Having read much of the thread, I am trying to reframe having my backside handed to me as a learning opportunity. Alas not everyone is going to feel like having spent a significant period of time playing and then getting severely outplayed by people they would have preferred not to have engaged with as super fun.

    I also don't think everyone goes into buying a game having read and known everything about it it wasn't even on steam and there was no marketing that indicated PVP was such a big component although it became obvious when it first came out.

    Many seasoned players that enjoy all aspects of the game have called out some good suggestions that I'll try from seeking out alliances to finding a clan as all my friends that game have bailed on this game because they want a bit of occassional random fun and similarly don't feel an investment in becoming a great PVP player or the 'run away' approach is one that enhances the experience for them.

    I still however, have an overriding feeling that a situation could exist where players electing to opt-out of PVP for periods of time would not entirely compromise the PVP fans experience and potentially create more space for people to align on the things they enjoy from the game as it won't be the same for all of us.

  • @toxikree said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:


    Apologies that you are having difficulty understanding, it's what I'd refer to as my preference. Sometimes I find things in life I choose to subscribe to or engage with (marriage as an example) where 90% of it is great, but 10% can sometimes do with a little improvement. I do recognise not everyone has the capability to understand another persons viewpoint, that is ok.

    I wonder sometimes when players use that phrase about not understanding the other sides viewpoints are they implying that they are one of the ones that understand?? From your words I want to let you know that you are also one of the ones who don't understand another persons viewpoint.

    Having read much of the thread, I am trying to reframe having my backside handed to me as a learning opportunity. Alas not everyone is going to feel like having spent a significant period of time playing and then getting severely outplayed by people they would have preferred not to have engaged with as super fun.

    I'm going to explain something to you and its something I've explained many times but I already know you are going to ignore it as you are a castaway. Probably an alt account or someone who is trying to get into an alliance server. Maybe you are an actual player but even still your inexperience lowers the validity of your opinion, but let me get back to my point.

    The largest portion of PvP and Competitive games are in the lower levels of the games game play. This is a simple fact. Lets take a ranking example. Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Master.

    The majority of the player base for any of those games are bronze, Silver, and Gold.

    Meaning the chances of you running into someone who will completely outplay you is very low.

    The reason why a lot of players lose is because they are simply just bad. I say bad because thats as simple as it gets. They don't have the knowledge or the experience which this game requires, which is EASY to learn.

    I've seen videos of players who snuck onto an Alliance server and the words I heard on the hot mics hurt my physically. I was physically harmed from listening to those words. Some of the phrases I heard from these videos.

    "Harpoons do more damage to mobs then Cannons"

    "You want to drop your anchor when stopping because its faster and better"

    "Ships have hit points"

    "If we get attacked we can report the players. We are in an alliances which means we are protected from being attacked and if players attack us they are griefing us so they will get banned."

    "Players can't attack you if you aren't fighting back"

    "Shoot the ballast ball first and it will make fill the ship with holes"

    etc, etc, etc.

    The reason why players from those alliance servers get trashed on so badly is because they honestly have NO idea how to play the game properly. They are just tossing around horrible information to each other.

    You could just learn basic things about the game and you would be completely fine against MOST ships out on the sea.

    You don't have to be a try hard to survive, you just got to know how to play the game and how to do things properly.

    Like not leaving your ship pointed at an island with the sails down flying an emissary flag. Its like an instant "free loot" sign because we know your ship is anchored because of the sails and the position of your ship means that you have to raise sails first, then anchor, or you'll crash into the island.

    I also don't think everyone goes into buying a game having read and known everything about it it wasn't even on steam and there was no marketing that indicated PVP was such a big component although it became obvious when it first came out.

    This is false. I don't know a single gamer/person who doesn't do even a little bit of research into a game before its bought. Looking up the type of game it is, what the niche of the game is. If its single player, multiplayer, if it has PvP or not.

    What happen was players thought that they would be protected like in other games. They used biased information from past games and used it when decided to buy this game. The other reason is that they didn't believe the game would be so blood thirsty. They probably heard "open world pvp" but figured that there would be mitigation or safe zones or whatever. That there would be more nice players then pirates. Unfortunately - Pirate game.

    Many seasoned players that enjoy all aspects of the game have called out some good suggestions that I'll try from seeking out alliances to finding a clan as all my friends that game have bailed on this game because they want a bit of occassional random fun and similarly don't feel an investment in becoming a great PVP player or the 'run away' approach is one that enhances the experience for them.

    Well at least you know your options and are willing to find what you can do. Thats good.

    The belief that you have to be a great PvP player is false as well. Again, the majority of the player base aren't PvP gods. They aren't even decent IN PvP.

    The reason why a lot of players lose to PvP is basic things, not guarding ladders, driving straight into a ships broadside, being REALLY bad at cannon shots.

    You can get extremely good at this game by just getting better at things you already do constantly. Helmsman and Cannons. New players and ESPECIALLY veteran players belief that boarding is essential to sinking ships. This is false. It used to be back in the day years ago before they put large holes into the ships, but boarding is not necessary if you know how to drive and land your shots.

    So you don't even actually have to engage in player combat just so long as you protect your ladders. You can sink everyone by never leaving your boat.

    Again, just by learning how to drive, which you do 90% of the time in this game anyways, and by hitting your cannon balls shots, which you can do when at an island or passing by some rocks. Just pick a spot and try to get your shot as close to where you were aiming as possible.

    You can even go to Arena for some matches and not even go for the win. Just naval.

    If you want a good person to watch I would recommend Mixelplx. Hes a really good player and he player solo a lot of the time and all he does majority of the time is drive and shoot.

    I still however, have an overriding feeling that a situation could exist where players electing to opt-out of PVP for periods of time would not entirely compromise the PVP fans experience and potentially create more space for people to align on the things they enjoy from the game as it won't be the same for all of us.

    Negative. This is where the you "don't understand the other side" statement I mentioned is directed at.

    This is what everyone says and it proves that they don't understand our side AT ALL. That they don't understand anything really. Not trying to be condescending, but you already know what will happen in some respect but for some reason you are ignoring it.

    We have said this over and over, the reason why PvE servers are bad is because they will separate the player base for one, the PvP server will just be aggressive ships ALL the time. Majority of players will do all their farming and questing in the PvE server and then go PvP after they get everything done.

    "SEE thats proof that more players want PvE servers HAH" - Negative. The PvE players are ignoring basic human nature. Its not about whats MORE fun, its simple human nature. Path of least resistance.

    Its the same reason we have consequences to certain actions even though those actions are bad for us.

    Example -

    Education - What do you think would happen if education wasn't mandatory?? If children or even teenagers had no obligation to go to school, what do you think would happen to the educational level of the people?? We all know how amazing knowledge is and how awesome it is to learn things, especially as you get older you start to appreciate learning things. There might be those FEW individuals that might love going to school and learning, but we all know that a majority would probably never go or care to even learn anything because they don't have to.

    We all know how important education is, but we all know that unless we were that rare individual that just absolutely loves learning, none of us would bother staying awake in class.

    Same concept here with PvE servers. There will be reasons why players will play on those, to avoid PvP, to complete whatever timed event in the fastest possible way, too frustrated to deal with things so they do it, or they could have other reasons.

    Not to mention that a lot of new players will probably never play on the PvP servers because they will start in the PvE servers "let me learn about this game first" and months will go by and when they finally play the PvP server they get rekt because everything they learned is just malarkey. Which destroy's their confidence and they never do it again.

    Point is that basic human nature to lower risk factor, to save time, for lots of reasons, they will play on those servers. The balance of PvP will be gone and it will be nothing but pure PvP with nothing else. There will be no PvPvE. It will be just cut down the middle.

    I know I read in an article where the devs for Elite dangerous said that majority players play in the regular server than in the offline version, but what they failed to mention is that everyone completes everything in the offline version and then plays in the regular after.

    I've heard players complaining about how even if they catch and destroy a ship absolutely NO ONE is carrying anything worth of value and because everything in the offline mode carries over to the online version, events are unbalanced as the players online can't compete with what players are doing offline.

    PvPvE types servers are a lot of fun. If and when you get better at the game you'll understand this. Lots of players who used to be for PvE servers always get turned around after actually putting in the time and learning how to play. They all do a 180 and say that PvP is what gives the game life and makes the PvE fun.

    Ask for help or for advice on what to do. Get better at the game. Don't shy away from it, you don't have to be a PvP god. Chances of you running into players that are THAT good or WAY above your level of play is really low.

    Good luck out there.

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    So in which statement are you lying?

    Neither. Both can be true, you angry little troll.

    In the second statement, which you once again purposefully removed context, I was talking about people who are attacking you for no reason. Like the people who sail by ports sinking spawn ships. Context is important.

    Thought you were done talking to me anyway... I think the liar would be you. Lol.

    You're about one more of these personal jabs away from blocked.

    Whooah! @scarecrow1771 .. Careful or you'll end up like me.. Tell him too many home truths (like he is the embodiment of a childish liar and a hypocrite) and he WILL block you, make no mistake about it fella! This guy just does not mess around.. Just ask those poor noobs...

    I only had to relay what my 12 y/o son's views were on sinking gally's and getting sunk in a pirate game (and how it doesn't matter if you do) and he whipped the carpet out from below my feet before I could even say "Chicken Isle..." and called me a liar leaving me very despondent.. :-(

    Maybe one day....

  • @iceman-d18 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @robert1marks said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    There is the Arena, why can't that be the place for PVP?

    Just wanted to clarify that Arena isn't a Place for PvP, it is simply designed as a condensed version of Adventure mode to give people who have limited access an experience in SoT.

    Not to totally disagree with you Iceman, but exactly why then do they give you a choice of adventure or Arena? take a look at the entry screen; it gives you
    "Set sail on a shared Pirate adventure; Explore the seas and live the Pirate life"
    The game entices you to choose this and go explore Island, get a treasure map, follow it to the "X marks the spot" and dig up your well earned treasure chest, doesn't it? sounds that way to me at least. (As for "live the Pirate life"; all the scurvy pirates that attack on site in this game would bring up "But Pirates are supposed to steal, kill, sink, and be all Baddy to other Pirates every time they are spotted") well, I'm going to bring up the fact that if real-life pirates did that in the past, there would be no pirates to read about in the history books.

    Now your other Option is "Arena" Now what does that actually sound like to you? Its supposed to NOT sound like Adventure, It' doesn't sound like a condensed version of Adventure, i mean why? Now what do you think of when you hear "Arena" The Gladiators that go up against other Gladiators? Maybe a wrestling cage "Arena" where two or more Opponents go at each other until one person or team come out the victor? This to be sounds like "Arena"
    Now, why would you want Limited access anyway in Arena? So you can get right to PVP. The SoT screen even says: "Get to the heart of the action and COMPETE FOR GLORY in the sea dogs ARENA. Now why would the game give you this choice? I would bet that there is where Player Vs Player comes into the picture. Im pretty sure you wont have time to leisurely go about your map, My guess is you will be engaging in PVP and "Competing for Glory!" That; I think is why there is a choice from the startup of this game.
    Good sailing!

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Your opening gambit is you think I'm going to ignore everything you have to say because I'm new to the forum. Politely request you check your bias, I have taken the time to read everything you've said and note the positive suggestions. What makes it harder to digest is the range of baseless assumptions, that you failed to recognise I tried to read and reflect to understand a different mindset and labelled me with a number of glib and derogatory comments does yourself a disservice.

    On balance, I do see the point you make about any optionality around PVP may have the potential to split the game into 2 camps of PVE only and PVP only driving two extremes that would make it unenjoyable for those that enjoy the range.

    There are some games that have positive in-game community systems like the ability to play with veterans that have volunteered their time to help guide newer players on picking up what I percieved as more 'advanced' skills but perhaps you consider as essential basics. Either way I still think there is a gap here that a relatively casual player is not going to be able to plug quickly.

    Thank you for taking the time to set out your feedback clearly I did appreciate it, just would suggest not all of us are here simply to be combatative.

  • @wagstr said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    So in which statement are you lying?

    Neither. Both can be true, you angry little troll.

    In the second statement, which you once again purposefully removed context, I was talking about people who are attacking you for no reason. Like the people who sail by ports sinking spawn ships. Context is important.

    Thought you were done talking to me anyway... I think the liar would be you. Lol.

    You're about one more of these personal jabs away from blocked.

    Whooah! @scarecrow1771 .. Careful or you'll end up like me.. Tell him too many home truths (like he is the embodiment of a childish liar and a hypocrite) and he WILL block you, make no mistake about it fella! This guy just does not mess around.. Just ask those poor noobs...

    I only had to relay what my 12 y/o son's views were on sinking gally's and getting sunk in a pirate game (and how it doesn't matter if you do) and he whipped the carpet out from below my feet before I could even say "Chicken Isle..." and called me a liar leaving me very despondent.. :-(

    Maybe one day....

    I did think it was not fair you were called a liar , accused of making up stories, since I know you were telling the truth as I know and play with your son.

  • @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @schwammlgott said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I love this game as it is and i play everyday, but please don't ever tell someone that if they cant live with the way this game is setup, to go play something else. it's not up to you to tell them something like that.

    I find this statement rather odd. I mean sure at end of the day it is up to the individual but why is it so bad to suggest other games to someone who hates how SOT is currently set up?

    If I had a friend telling me they hated playing PvP games I would say "hey maybe try something else". What is so terrible about that? Games are made for everyone to play but not all games are for everyone. Same can be said for music, movies, tv shows, fashion ect ect ect.

    Hi Combat Kitty,
    Respectivly, there IS a difference between "Hey, if you dont like this game, maybe you can try this game it has..." and Hey if you dont like this game go play something else"
    Yep, i think you would take it the same way i did. People react to HOW sentences are said,
    BTW, I do like this game, I play everyday I've said this many times....But there are valid points that I read about from a lot of the players on SoT and I agree that IF there were any changes this is what I'd like to see, that's it. I've also stated that IF the Dev's were to change it, they would. I'm not making demands that they do.
    Like every person on this forum, i have my views, and would like to express my views without someone forcing me to bend to their way of thinking or being told to stop playing and go play something else.
    If i see you on the seas and you sink me, i promise i won't be screaming in your ears or crying that i got sunk, I'll say "good game" and start again! :)
    with that said; I'll say with a friendly smile: Thank you for listening to my views! Cheers!

  • There has been quite a bit of talk about communication here and how important it is.Two situations happened my last sail that I want to share to show to newer pirates here how important communication is.

    My crew were doing the fishing festival which is actually pretty fun and relaxing and that is when we saw a emissary ship just got done with an event. We were not Reapers so we had planned to leave them alone however they were flying Reapers Mark. Now if someone is a Reaper or flying that flag they are fair game. We head over to them and they arrived at outpost so we open fire and start to sink their ship. All sudden I hear a kids voice,I tell my crew its just two kids so we stopped attacking and started to repair their ship. We are not into sinking little kids. Anyways little communication went a long way. We told them they should remove the Reaper Mark flag because it pretty much says "hey I dare you to come over" and they did and were on their way.

    Second incident we got attacked by a sloop while doing FOTD. Crew mates killed them, I stole their ship caught it on fire and sailed it into a rock. After that another sloop with alliance flag came up to us. I had seen that sloop off in distance prior to the attack from first alliance sloop sailing side by side so they were together. We attacked them and sunk them however on the fairy (I died in process) I heard them saying "they attacked us for no reason!". I said ummm hi excuse me we just had to sink your other alliance ship for trying to blow us up with kegs we thought you were coming to attack. as well. They said no and they dont know why the other ship did that they just sailed over as they were following them. I said ok sorry for misunderstanding they said its ok, we had bit chat , they said they would leave us alone, I said we would leave them alone and that was that.

    So really its all about communicating. Is it always pleasant? No it is not. I wont let the unpleasant people stop me though.

  • @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    There has been quite a bit of talk about communication here and how important it is.Two situations happened my last sail that I want to share to show to newer pirates here how important communication is.

    My crew were doing the fishing festival which is actually pretty fun and relaxing and that is when we saw a emissary ship just got done with an event. We were not Reapers so we had planned to leave them alone however they were flying Reapers Mark. Now if someone is a Reaper or flying that flag they are fair game. We head over to them and they arrived at outpost so we open fire and start to sink their ship. All sudden I hear a kids voice,I tell me crew its just two kids so we stopped attacking and started to repair their ship. We are not into sinking little kids. Anyways little communication went a long way. We told them they should remove the Reaper Mark flag because it pretty much says "hey I dare you to come over" and they did and were on their way.

    Second incident we got attacked by a sloop while doing FOTD. Crew mates killed them, I stole their ship caught it on fire and sailed it into a rock. After that another sloop with alliance flag came up to us. I had seen that sloop off in distance prior to the attack from first alliance sloop sailing side by side so they were together. We attacked them and sunk them however on the fairy (I died in process) I heard them saying "they attacked us for no reason!". I said ummm hi excuse me we just had to sink your other alliance ship for trying to blow us up with kegs we thought you were coming to attack. as well. They said no and they dont know why the other ship did that they just sailed over as they were following them. I said ok sorry for misunderstanding they said its ok, we had bit chat , they said they would leave us alone, I said we would leave them alone and that was that.

    So really its all about communicating. Is it always pleasant? No it is not. I wont let the unpleasant people stop me though.

    You olé softy pirate you...:)

  • @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @wagstr said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    So in which statement are you lying?

    Neither. Both can be true, you angry little troll.

    In the second statement, which you once again purposefully removed context, I was talking about people who are attacking you for no reason. Like the people who sail by ports sinking spawn ships. Context is important.

    Thought you were done talking to me anyway... I think the liar would be you. Lol.

    You're about one more of these personal jabs away from blocked.

    Whooah! @scarecrow1771 .. Careful or you'll end up like me.. Tell him too many home truths (like he is the embodiment of a childish liar and a hypocrite) and he WILL block you, make no mistake about it fella! This guy just does not mess around.. Just ask those poor noobs...

    I only had to relay what my 12 y/o son's views were on sinking gally's and getting sunk in a pirate game (and how it doesn't matter if you do) and he whipped the carpet out from below my feet before I could even say "Chicken Isle..." and called me a liar leaving me very despondent.. :-(

    Maybe one day....

    I did think it was not fair you were called a liar , accused of making up stories, since I know you were telling the truth as I know and play with your son.

    I block people whom I realize are not going to debate, just regurgitate the same talking points and dead horse arguments.

    Also because I'm not here to trash talk like a child.

    And crying about being called a liar after calling someone else one, is priceless.

  • @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @wagstr said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @scarecrow1771 said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    It was not, I'm rarely that hostile. They just chose to chase on a night I was in a mood to destroy something beautiful.

    Mostly I do talk, and mostly my interactions are pleasant when we communicate.

    @omgitsnegan said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    Do you actually play this game?

    "Talk to people"?

    They laugh, yell vulgar drool into the mic, then grief you of the server.

    Talk to them...facepalm

    So in which statement are you lying?

    Neither. Both can be true, you angry little troll.

    In the second statement, which you once again purposefully removed context, I was talking about people who are attacking you for no reason. Like the people who sail by ports sinking spawn ships. Context is important.

    Thought you were done talking to me anyway... I think the liar would be you. Lol.

    You're about one more of these personal jabs away from blocked.

    Whooah! @scarecrow1771 .. Careful or you'll end up like me.. Tell him too many home truths (like he is the embodiment of a childish liar and a hypocrite) and he WILL block you, make no mistake about it fella! This guy just does not mess around.. Just ask those poor noobs...

    I only had to relay what my 12 y/o son's views were on sinking gally's and getting sunk in a pirate game (and how it doesn't matter if you do) and he whipped the carpet out from below my feet before I could even say "Chicken Isle..." and called me a liar leaving me very despondent.. :-(

    Maybe one day....

    I did think it was not fair you were called a liar , accused of making up stories, since I know you were telling the truth as I know and play with your son.

    I block people whom I realize are not going to debate, just regurgitate the same talking points and dead horse arguments.

    Also because I'm not here to trash talk like a child.

    And crying about being called a liar after calling someone else one, is priceless.

    No, what is priceless is calling somebody a liar in a childish tat-for-tat and blocking them because they called you out on your hyperbole, lies and hypocrisy.

    Finish your milk..

  • @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @combatxkitty said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    There has been quite a bit of talk about communication here and how important it is.Two situations happened my last sail that I want to share to show to newer pirates here how important communication is.

    My crew were doing the fishing festival which is actually pretty fun and relaxing and that is when we saw a emissary ship just got done with an event. We were not Reapers so we had planned to leave them alone however they were flying Reapers Mark. Now if someone is a Reaper or flying that flag they are fair game. We head over to them and they arrived at outpost so we open fire and start to sink their ship. All sudden I hear a kids voice,I tell me crew its just two kids so we stopped attacking and started to repair their ship. We are not into sinking little kids. Anyways little communication went a long way. We told them they should remove the Reaper Mark flag because it pretty much says "hey I dare you to come over" and they did and were on their way.

    Second incident we got attacked by a sloop while doing FOTD. Crew mates killed them, I stole their ship caught it on fire and sailed it into a rock. After that another sloop with alliance flag came up to us. I had seen that sloop off in distance prior to the attack from first alliance sloop sailing side by side so they were together. We attacked them and sunk them however on the fairy (I died in process) I heard them saying "they attacked us for no reason!". I said ummm hi excuse me we just had to sink your other alliance ship for trying to blow us up with kegs we thought you were coming to attack. as well. They said no and they dont know why the other ship did that they just sailed over as they were following them. I said ok sorry for misunderstanding they said its ok, we had bit chat , they said they would leave us alone, I said we would leave them alone and that was that.

    So really its all about communicating. Is it always pleasant? No it is not. I wont let the unpleasant people stop me though.

    You olé softy pirate you...:)

    I just have certain way I go about PvP. Keep it respectful and certain guidelines I set for myself I try to follow.

    I may be a tiny bit of a softy though lol.

  • @scarecrow1771 dijo en [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    @gipperseadog said in [Mega Thread] PvP and PvE Playstyle Discussion:

    I love this game as it is and i play everyday, but please don't ever tell someone that if they cant live with the way this game is setup, to go play something else. it's not up to you to tell them something like that.

    This is economics 101 mate.
    If you don't like a product, don't buy it and stop using it, it is really that simple.
    SOT was not built for a pve player base, or a pvp player base. It was built for pvpve players.
    If you don't like the genre of the game then that's tough. Adapt or play something else.
    There is nothing wrong with enjoying different games, there is nothing wrong with preffering other games.

    This is economics 101 mate, if people wants something then someone is going to deliver in order to get money. It could be Rare, it could be another company, the thing is, PvP players can cry all they want about PvE players, but when PvE player get a PvE server or a PvE game they will not have any more people to bully and be toxic

  • I don't get why people is so obsessed with the idea of enforce no PvE gameplay. In Gta V you can play passive mode, so PvP players can do PvP, PvEvP players can do PvEvP, and PvE players can do PvE, why people struggle so much to understand that? They say, oh no one will play PvP if PvE mode is enabled, that mean that almost NO ONE wants to play PvE, wich is wrong, the only conclusion that I come up with is that PvP players want to do PvP against PvE players so they get easy loot and get to bully people. And no one can tell me that bullying isn't a thing in sea of thieves bcos they would be literally crazy. I have never got an encounter with PvP players that got me any fun, almost ALWAYS that I encounter a PvP player the situation is get chased for 1-2 HOURS then they give up and SURPRISE!! Everyone lose 1-2 hours, wow exiting!!!

    And to people that is like "O yU0 dONt lIKe The GaME thEn JusT DOnT PlaY It" well, I already uninstall the game until they add a PvE option, and I hope that everyone one else that wants PvE do the same, and I encourage them to join me, the only way that we will get a PvE option is only by demand, we have been posting for years, now it's time to do something else, not play the game, and even if they don't make a PvE option is alright, because that will leave a free market to other company to get advantage of, and will suffice our needs

    And last, to PvP players that hates PvE players, just relax there is no need to rage about PvE players wanting PvE servers, if you are concerned about servers getting empty don't worry, you already did enough about that, enjoy killing the game you like just because you don't know how not to be toxic

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