Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL Community Competition) - Best 'Captain and Crew' Screenshot!

  • Greetings, Pirates and Lubbers alike!
    Deckhand Lootin' Lizalaroo here!

    I am back with your next mission.......

    Winner of this competition will receive a code for The Obsidian 6 pack AND The Obsidian Capstan

    Your mission?? Should you choose to accept it?

    Let's see yer best 'Captain and Crew' screenshot!

    Let's see who can be the most creative again this week!

    To add you screenshot, upload it to a photo hosting site (like Imgur) then copy/paste the link straight into your post leaving a blank line between imgur link and your text.

    There is only ONE winner regardless of how many are in your pic. You post it, you’re in with a winning chance :)
    Note that only your first screenshot will be accepted, all others will be ignored and it must be posted in the competition thread. Please make sure screenshots taken are your own.
    Deckhands decision on the winning screenshot is final.
    Code will be DM'ed to the winner so please remember to keep an eye out for a direct message on the forums :D

    Entries will be taken up until Monday 31st August at around 4PM BST
    May the best Pirate win!

    Lootin' Lizalaroo

  • 113
  • @lizalaroo

    Best 'Captain and Crew' Screenshot!

    I've a question.
    What happens if the 'Captain' is rubbish....
    But the crew are 'Great' ? ... :)

    Speaking with my forum Captains hat on... of course

  • My loyal hand waving crew in the back all in uniform plus 2 pirate from a different crew

    They thought it was a good idea to copy my crew. lol

  • A crew is like a family you choose to go on adventures with again and again. The loot is temporary, but the memories last forever.

  • I'm not the Captain... he's the one in the Red jacket...
    But this was the crew when DADS got the kids involved too.

  • I usually play solo but when I'm not, my first mate and I never lose our balance.

  • Even during a quick break, lists have to be checked!

  • A captain betrayed by his toxic crew.


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  • @lizalaroo I NEED to know who is the pirate in the left of the shot, doing the Bangarang emote? in 2 & 1/2 years, I've never found another pirate who has even looked remotely similar to mine, and that pirate is near identical. Please, can you tell me?

  • @kreator-jill that be the legendary @CaptainPheebs. She be the best pirate anyone could sail the seas with and a hoot to boot!

  • Posting for @Lou-Enderdragon

  • They did not start out as my crew, and I'm not sure if I was in the other crew or if they were in mine. But since 4/8 were my normal crew (on two sloops) we met another crew and well...Had some joint crew fun. This day, we were all one crew!
    Who's the captain you ask?
    That's easy, the one wearing the hat.

  • Faithful two man duo that can take on the rough seas any day!

  • @lizalaroo @CaptainPheebs That is amazing! My long lost pirate twin! You've got a strong looking lady pirate, and I approve! (Sorry for posting off topic, just flabbergasted at finally finding a pirate look-alike)

  • @lizalaroo Figured I should post one on topic with an official submission.
    I call this one: "Orderly Chaos"

  • I did what you wanted me to. Do get Try obsidian set

  • Plunder Sniper Nest

  • Best crewmate a captain could ask for.

  • Chillin' with my crew

  • My Crew and 2 other crews ;D"THE REAPER ALLIANCE"

  • @lizalaroo
    Me and my friend after a good day on the seas.

  • @lizalaroo

    The pirate court together after a long long winter.

    Drownzera as captain.

  • @lizalaroo

    The Phantom Crew after a night of patrolling the seas.

  • This here is the most stunning, beautiful, and the best "after" moments I've had since I started sailing...

    My Team is filled with happiness and we always, no matter what situation we get in. We take it with a smile.
    Most of our crew also enjoy cooking, while on a quest, which I took a picture of.

    I enjoy taking photos with the stunning sunsets and shadows in the game.
    One of the reasons I bought the game was how good the texture and graphic it has.

    (Here are me and my crew. I had photoshopped our pirates with the SOT Background)
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  • Our crew always seems give the captain a headache with our shenanigans...

  • 50 Forts of the Damned in 1 session......jeese.

  • Back in the day, when we'd started the game.

    Don't know why, but I still feel a little nervous having them behind my back..

  • Hellooo,
    I'm sending this photo here with my big crew and , I hope they like it.

14 out of 113