Better pet mechanics

  • Firstly, I think you guys did a really nice job of making them seem realistic. I do however think they could have some better functionality. So I'm here to give my opinions on some more features for pets.

    1. Have pets do their thing. For instance have the ability for parrots to go pick up bait, trinkets and bottles on the shore. Monkeys could go up trees and pick out bananas and coconuts and such.

    2. Have pets interact with other pets. Moreover, maybe they start off timid towards each other but as you play they play and progress. they would play together on the ship as you sail and become friends of sorts.
      *Note: This functionality should be saved and applied in later instances with the same crew member. Maybe even only needing to do this process with one pet of the same type.

    3. Be able to train a pet to do cool moves. These moves would be pre-set moves by the game and then you can teach them in some way. They would have a random number applied to them as to how many times you need to repeat the process until they have learned. This could be expressed as a percentage and shown as them getting further in the animation of the moves, the further they progress.
      Note: Please no dabbing or flossing. Maybe they can only do these tricks/moves whilst on the player arm and using the player emote wheel.

    Thanks for reading. Feedback welcomed.

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  • @resonantvgaming problem is that it creates an advantage for those who purchased pets. They may have changed their stance, but it used to be each ship has the same chances. As they did not give everyone a pet, it would create a disadvantage.

  • @resonantvgaming

    I'd be up for everything you mentioned except them collecting things for you. As @d-jaguar said, that would be giving an advantage (however slight) to those who spent money over those who did not.

    That goes against the purpose of the Emporium and Rare's approach to the game overall.

    Everything else sounds cool though.

  • If pets helped, even slightly. I'd buy one in a heartbeat.

  • Yes but you can grind Ancient coins via ancient Skeletons. It may take a while but it's possible. Therefore not unfair as long as the player is willing to put in the work.

  • I think for the price, they do quite well. How they are now is the sort of thing I’d expect for the cost. Same for the emotes.

    The ship set, on the other hand, at that price...the ship set should verbally welcome me on board, tell me what supplies I’m running low on, sing to me, and cook my breakfast:

    Back to the point, I quite like how pets are. Though I certainly wouldn’t scoff at the idea of some added features :)

  • @resonantvgaming said in Better pet mechanics:

    Yes but you can grind Ancient coins via ancient Skeletons. It may take a while but it's possible. Therefore not unfair as long as the player is willing to put in the work.

    Which is the basic approach of many microtransaction based games. "Hey, you want this gameplay perk? You can have it if you pay for it. Sure, you can grind it out with our unreliable farming system, but you'll be at a disadvantage until you do."

    Naw, bro.

    I gave Rare a pass on the uneven currency bundles because they're fairly benign as far as manipulative marketing tactics go. But the minute you start dangling gameplay perks behind a paywall, that's when I'm out.

    The skeletons are a rare occurrence with a randomized value. Not a reliable way to earn coins. It would be a blatant way to try and force players into buying a pet.

    I'm all for expanding interactions and stuff, but no gameplay perks.

  • You lost me on point 1

  • @resonantvgaming I want to fire my monkey onto a enemy ship and have it cause chaos!

  • Just being able to put your pet on your shoulder would already be a cool addition :)

    Right now when you want to carry it with you you cant do anything else, since its sitting on your arm, it be cool if the parrot just chilled on your shoulder as you explored islands, sure it follows you around if you dont have it on your arm, but it still be cool look to have it on your shoulder :D

    And yes i know the game is First person so you wont actually see it for yourself, but it would still look cool, same goes for every other clothing item now nways :)

5 out of 10