Please add much needed Toilets, my pirate can't hold it anymore.

  • So the idea is pretty simple.

    Rare has had toilets in their games as this exceptionnal article will demonstrate:

    I think we need toilets in game and in order to get the discussion going here are how I think it should be done.
    I would also like to acknowledge the Official SoT Discord community for their input and uwavering support to this idea!

    Where ?
    At outposts.

    What ?
    Simple wooden hut much like Shrek's but respecting the architecture of the outposts buildings.

    Why ?
    For fun and because as the the title states: can't hold it anymore.

    How ?
    Have it so that it is an item you can interact with but only for a limited amount of time (15 seconds or something). Like the ladders or sails, etc ...
    Have it so that you can't really spam it either (dunno if that would be easy to do though).
    The idea is that if there is a queue, it not be too long. Practical thinking!

    Let's have a wheel chat with specific stuff like:
    "it's getting stormy in here"
    "haha burying treasure, if you know what I mean ..."
    "That uncooked meat sure did a lot of damages"
    "Sure hope the Kraken doesn't find it's way up this hole"
    "Busy, taking care of business"


    Can I take damage or die on the toilet ?
    No, toilet break is sacred. Killing or damaging someone on the toilet is a grave offense. There should be a line added to the pirate code for that kind of sin. But, once you are out of the toilet, anything goes.

    Can I play with my excrements ?
    I would argue for it, but I don't think it would be very sanitary. So no for now.

    Why can't we have toilets on our boats ?
    No need, just do it overboard. But I guess we can have them built later on for extra comfort.

    Toilets at every outposts.

  • 49
  • This might me the strangest request i have ever read. But u know what i love it. Anything that adds more humor to the game is fine with me.
    I would still try to keg someone while they are on the toilet tho 💥

  • What in heavens name is a toilet?
    Is that French?

    Europeans dont even have running water in homes, yet the Aztecs did.

    This is the real reason each pirate has a bucket.

  • @ironuzuka as weird as it sounds I totally agree! Especially being a massive rare fan and playing their older games it was toilet humour and toilets everywhere haha! Let’s get those toilets added. If not to the outposts maybe a little cabin toilet section to the boats 👀

    Great suggestion haha!

  • I would like to see toilets on outposts, maybe interact with it to get a 10 minute pass on getting afk kicked. Very handy for solo sloop.
    Should also have The Great Mighty Poo singing in the background:D

  • @barnabas-seadog said in Please add much needed Toilets, my pirate can't hold it anymore.:

    This is the real reason each pirate has a bucket.


  • HAHAHA just a Yes for all this Conversational sentences!

    Yehaaa! Spreaad the cuuurse in the seaaas!

  • @barnabas-seadog

  • Why you holding it!? My pirate just holds onto the railing and hangs his end over the side and let’s loose.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 I want the deluxe experience and won't settle for uncomfortable monkey business.

  • Toilet ? Why ? I've been using the poopdeck ...

  • @lem0n-curry I want comfort of an in land restroom. Where I can browse my magazines whithout fear of falling in the ocean.

  • @ironuzuka said in Please add much needed Toilets, my pirate can't hold it anymore.:

    @lem0n-curry I want comfort of an in land restroom. Where I can browse my magazines whithout fear of falling in the ocean.

    Beach your sloop :).

  • @lem0n-curry Privacy is key though! My precious buttock is not for everyone to see and contemplate.

  • I seriously hate this suggestion, I hope it makes it into the game someday.

  • First off that is what the poopdeck is for and secondly, ewwwww

  • @contentzilla

  • @Ironuzuka
    Wake up after a long nights sleep.
    First topic on the front page is this thread still.
    Boys its good to see we have our priorities straight around here

    Forget adding content and more Tall Tales... we want toilets! 🚽

  • @ironuzuka said in Please add much needed Toilets, my pirate can't hold it anymore.:

    @lem0n-curry Privacy is key though! My precious buttock is not for everyone to see and contemplate.

    Should have thought about that before you bought the cheap trousers.

    And precious isn't what I would call that crevice

  • Why the discrimination against Urinals? We need Urinals stat!!

  • @contentzilla ama go with unisex toilets!

  • It would be funny, but I think they let the idea of sims-activities (like eating and sleeping) go a while ago because it didn't feel epic enough and would ruin the feel of the game.

  • @princes-lettuce I do believe a little bit of these "Sims" feature would make a great addition for RP and comical relief.

  • @ironuzuka said in Please add much needed Toilets, my pirate can't hold it anymore.:

    So the idea is pretty simple.

    Rare has had toilets in their games as this exceptionnal article will demonstrate:

    I think we need toilets in game and in order to get the discussion going here are how I think it should be done.
    I would also like to acknowledge the Official SoT Discord community for their input and uwavering support to this idea!

    Where ?
    At outposts.

    What ?
    Simple wooden hut much like Shrek's but respecting the architecture of the outposts buildings.

    Why ?
    For fun and because as the the title states: can't hold it anymore.

    How ?
    Have it so that it is an item you can interact with but only for a limited amount of time (15 seconds or something). Like the ladders or sails, etc ...
    Have it so that you can't really spam it either (dunno if that would be easy to do though).
    The idea is that if there is a queue, it not be too long. Practical thinking!

    Let's have a wheel chat with specific stuff like:
    "it's getting stormy in here"
    "haha burying treasure, if you know what I mean ..."
    "That uncooked meat sure did a lot of damages"
    "Sure hope the Kraken doesn't find it's way up this hole"
    "Busy, taking care of business"


    Can I take damage or die on the toilet ?
    No, toilet break is sacred. Killing or damaging someone on the toilet is a grave offense. There should be a line added to the pirate code for that kind of sin. But, once you are out of the toilet, anything goes.

    Can I play with my excrements ?
    I would argue for it, but I don't think it would be very sanitary. So no for now.

    Why can't we have toilets on our boats ?
    No need, just do it overboard. But I guess we can have them built later on for extra comfort.

    Toilets at every outposts.

    aye nice idea mate

  • We don't need toilets to be added soon, but it needs to make the build in the next two years. I can hold it until then.

  • Great read:

  • Could add a flushing feature, not sure how it would work, but seeing the beautiful water from sea of thieves in a toilet bowl would be great!

  • A bit old and also fake but still, the idea is there!

    I would love for similar feature to be added! If we can't get the actual toilets, why not just annouce you are going there.

  • @ironuzuka

    This is literally the stupidest idea I have ever heard. We need cosmetics and events that we can do. It’s almost as stupid as the shanties and the instruments.

  • @coffeelight5545 Which is why we need it so much!
    "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits."

  • @ironuzuka

    There were no toilets in the Golden age of Piracy. I’m aware that skeletons are unrealistic but they serve a purpose in this game. This stupid idea serves no purpose. I sincerely hope Rare never adds this idea into the game. Last thing we need is a game killing idea

  • @coffeelight5545 I doubt quoting historical sources for Sea of Thieves is very relevant.
    But I noted your firm disbelief in this idea.
    Me, on the contrary I do believe the game needs more fun ideas.
    I doubt adding toilets would kill the game. A game killed by toilets is not a very strong game to start with.

    One day I am sure you will come to realize the genius this idea possess and I would be honored to welcome you amongst our ranks!

  • Just no. I don't think we need this level of "realism" in Sea of Thieves. This isn't what I'd consider a "fun idea." Just a smelly one. LOL...

    Nevertheless, here's some related information some may find interesting:

    "The seamen either climbed onto the leeward channels (platforms along the ship’s side for spreading the rigging) and urinated into the sea, or went forward to the beakhead or “heads.” On the wooden structure overhanging the bows of the ship would be two or three boxes with holes in them. The seamen sat on the boxes, or “seats of easement” as they were called, and defecated through the hole into the water below. On smaller ships without a beakhead, the heads were inboard and the waste was discharged through a pipe in the ship’s side."

    Excerpt from Under the Black Flag: The Romance and the Reality of Life Among the Pirates (p. 69). by David Cordingly

  • Just go out on the bowsprit...

  • Guys, you are suggesting options for when at sea, I'm talking toilets for at the outposts.

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