Ability to sell back cosmetics (clothes, weapons, equipment, ships etc).

  • I love the different skins that Rare has added to the game and I feel like you can really customize your pirate to fully suit your taste; however, I feel like the ability to sell back skins is a function that would really be appreciated.

    I am sure I am not the only one that has bought an item only to later regret wasting my gold on something that I bought on impulse. Or maybe you just want to de-clutter your inventory of all those skins you bought and never use.

    Now I am not saying that we should just be able to buy and sell at will with no consequences, but perhaps:

    • An item can only be sold back to the merchant you bought it from.
    • The gold you receive is not the same amount you paid for the item, but rather ~50% of it's original price.
    • There is a cool-down period from when you buy an item to when you can sell it, maybe 24 hours.

    Until then, cheers and I'll see you on the Seas my pirate friends!

  • 19
  • Ahoy mate! This has been a discussion in the past. The idea was the sea ports would be the place to sell things back. They would also function as thrift shops. The items would be temporary available as extra items for sail. Was thought such items would have a worn, torn, weathered look. Cheers!

  • @x-crowheart-x I didn't even think about the worn look aspect! That would be really cool I think|!

  • Even if we could just discard the skins for no profit, that would be great too. I just think this would be really appreciated by most players.

  • It was brought up last week about a trade house where you could dump items or trade time limited cosmetics.

  • @barnabas-seadog Do you have a link or something where I can read more about that?

  • @phaedead
    Check a thread titled "Year 1 celebration with Duke" in the regular SoT forum.

    I brought up the idea of an auction house, but another player just thought others would charge real money at insane prices. Like event codes on Ebay.

    I was thinking more if an in-game only mechanic where other items are traded or bartered for gold, doubloons, time limited swag, hunter trophies, whatever.

  • @PHAEDEAD how long have you been playing for? Im sitting at 2.5 mill and have bought pretty much all the cosmetics. Just putting it out there, once you get those numbers you won't really need to sell your stuff back. Unless I'm missing something here. Hang on there bud!

  • Having come from other games where there's an option to trade skins on Steam or Skin trading sites, I find it a refreshing but unusual feeling, to not be able to trade and buy SoT skins.

    I'd really like the Black Dog skins including the weapons etc but they are locked out.

    I'm assuming Rare decided against skin trading or it was Microsoft Gaming that did? I don't know why this isn't a thing in this gaming area of the World. It's good in some ways though since the skin market becomes a skin scam scene (Say that three times quickly)

  • @darthmaxor1991 I've been playing on and off for about a year. My issue is that I impulse buy stuff and it crowds up my inventory when I only play with one set that I actually like.

  • @yourenowontv Yeah I get that. But I don't think that they should make it that you buy skins with real world money. Maybe like somewhere that pirates can just drop off unwanted skins and newer pirates could pick them up for a small in game gold amount. Something like that...

  • @PHAEDEAD what do you mean it fills up your inventory? It's in a clothing/equipment chest?

  • @darthmaxor1991 He's referring to the phenomenon where when you open that chest, due to so many options, its extremely difficult to find what you're looking for. I experience this primarily in the armory, but a bit at the Shipwright and clothing chests as well.

  • Ooooh, I've never had that issue.

  • @vorondil1 are you guys talking about actually locating a certain cosmetic from your chests? Like flipping through the pages?

  • @vorondil1 This could easily be resolved if they had a tab where you could save loadouts that you like for your ship and character.

  • @darthmaxor1991 yep! It's not like a huge deal or anything, it's just an inconvenience. Only time it's really important at all is when you're trying to access the armory and can't get the right type of weapon you want in a rushed situation.

    @StarQuest yes, I have for some time now been hoping for a customizable "favorites" tab, where we could save preferred items to select from faster.

  • @barnabas-seadog auction house seems like a really good idea!

  • 2 yers and this topic is death... what a shame

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