I've got Hobbit Feet!

  • What have you named your pet?

    I always run around bare foot, so now whilst holding my monkey, the text options are humourous

  • 4
  • I got myself a blue and yellow macaw parrot. I have a pet cockatiel in real life called Tim, so I decided to go with something I like. My pet is called Tim II. It's a small detail but when you jump, I love that the bird spread their wings when you jump to keep their balance.

    Enjoy your time on the seas.
    Cpt. Soggy

  • I have not yet bought my pet, but I am eyeing a few choices.

    My buddy is buying a monkey and is planning on naming him Coolero. If you want to know why, I left it in Tavern Tales under "O Gran, O Gran, Let Down Your Ladder." It is a funny story and gave him the idea.

    Love Hobbit Feet btw. Gives me even more ideas.

  • @needsmokes my bird died the other week irl, so I bought a bird and named it Peaches after her, and now she lives on forever in the Sea of Thieves :)

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