"Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast"

  • It's a quote from a poem by William Congreve, 1697. I have no idea who he is, but that's the best translation I found for the french proverb la musique adoucit les mœurs. And it's quite beautiful in itself.

    Listen to this beauty me mateys:

    I am Jeremiah Dixon
    I am a Geordie boy
    A glass of wine with you, sir
    And the ladies I'll enjoy
    All Durham and Northumberland
    Is measured up by my own hand
    It was my fate from birth
    To make my mark upon the earth

    He calls me Charlie Mason
    A stargazer am I
    It seems that I was born
    To chart the evening sky
    They'd cut me out for baking bread
    But I had other dreams instead
    This baker's boy from the west country
    Would join the Royal Society

    We are sailing to Philadelphia
    A world away from the coaly Tyne
    Sailing to Philadelphia
    To draw the line
    A Mason-Dixon Line

    Now you're a good surveyor, Dixon
    But I swear you'll make me mad
    The West will kill us both
    You gullible Geordie lad
    You talk of liberty
    How can America be free
    A Geordie and a baker's boy
    In the forests of the Iroquois

    Now hold your head up, Mason
    See America lies there
    The morning tide has raised
    The capes of Delaware
    Come up and feel the sun
    A new morning has begun
    Another day will make it clear
    Why your stars should guide us here

    We are sailing to Philadelphia
    A world away from the coaly Tyne
    Sailing to Philadelphia
    To draw the line
    A Mason-Dixon Line

    Would you mind sharing songs that give you a sense of peace in your soul?

    A stargazer am I

  • 19
  • @jetorchidee97

    I discovered this one back in the day as it was used as a sample in: "The KLF - Chill Out" album.

  • @foxdodge Very good! I love it! I'm now listening The KLF - Chill Out, it's very strange & ethereal, I love it even more! Thank you for sharing :)

  • @jetorchidee97 According to Wikipedia:

    Chill Out was conceived as a continuous piece of music, with original KLF music interwoven with samples from songs by Elvis Presley, Fleetwood Mac, Acker Bilk, Van Halen, 808 State and field recordings of Tuvan throat singers. According to KLF member Bill Drummond, the album and album sleeve has "the vibe of the rave scene over here [in the UK]. When we're having the big Orbital raves out in the country, and you're dancing all night and then the sun would come up in the morning, and then you'd be surrounded by this English rural countryside ... we wanted something that kind of reflected that, that feeling the day after the rave, that's what we wanted the music for".

  • @jetorchidee97 mine would be stormfrun's on the sea of thieves

  • @closinghare208 Haha nice mate!! I didn't know this one, that's the perfect song for a jolly concert at the tavern!

    On a side note, if you edit your post (with the wheel on the bottom right corner of your post) and put your youtube link on a new paragraph, it will be embeded directly in the thread. edit: 👍

  • @foxdodge a dit dans "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" :

    @jetorchidee97 According to Wikipedia:

    Chill Out was conceived as a continuous piece of music, with original KLF music interwoven with samples from songs by Elvis Presley, Fleetwood Mac, Acker Bilk, Van Halen, 808 State and field recordings of Tuvan throat singers. According to KLF member Bill Drummond, the album and album sleeve has "the vibe of the rave scene over here [in the UK]. When we're having the big Orbital raves out in the country, and you're dancing all night and then the sun would come up in the morning, and then you'd be surrounded by this English rural countryside ... we wanted something that kind of reflected that, that feeling the day after the rave, that's what we wanted the music for".

    Oh man, it makes me want to live it for real! Thanks again, it's not everyday that I discover music I'll listen for the years to come.

    edit: I'll put it there:

  • @jetorchidee97 I edited it

  • @closinghare208 a dit dans "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" :

    @jetorchidee97 I edited it

    Well played!

  • I though my whole life it was Beast.

  • @glannigan a dit dans "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" :

    I though my whole life it was Beast.

    Beast? Would you mind sharing a link over there?

  • @jetorchidee97 he's talking about the quote

  • @closinghare208 a dit dans "Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast" :

    @jetorchidee97 he's talking about the quote

    Lol my bad, I understand now! "Beast" instead of "Breast".

  • @jetorchidee97 that's fine mate

  • But darkness makes me fumble
    For a key
    To a door
    That's wide open

    The Police - Darkness

  • This is a beautiful song:

    The Corries Will Ye Go Lassie Go (Wild Mountain Thyme)

    And we all go sail together

  • One of the best song ever:

    With Hammer and Hope

  • Ye might want to listen to this me mateys

    The Star of the County Downe

  • What about this one?

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