
  • A dueling mechanic that allows two pirates of the same crew to fight, assuming that both pirates want to take part in it. I've been wondering why this isn't a thing. It would make it possible for people to practice against friends and the likes. If there are flaws in a system like this feel free to tell me as I haven't thought of any

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  • @wolf11712 I do think it would be cool and have mentioned this before. They would have to be very careful on how they do this.

    1. Both players should have to accept.
    2. There has to be a way to cancel
    3. A way that you can’t duel around enemies. It could be abused. If they are going to miss instead of waiting for the cool down they could hit a teammate to continue the combo or prevent stun.
    4. Maybe a second health bar appears and duel ends when it hits zero so you don’t die.
  • I would rather have full-blown Friendly Fire and it be an individually toggleable option in the Crew Management section of the menus. This proposal would allow players to duel or mess around at will, and switch back at any time.

    P1: FF-On (Opt-in)
    P2: FF-On (Opt-in)
    P3: FF-Off (Default)

    P1-P2: Can damage each other.
    P1-P3: Cannot damage each other.
    P2-P3: Cannot damage each other.

    This way nobody can be griefed by being forced into friendly fire, and can opt back out quickly. This would also allow a part of the crew which likes FF to not be hindered by the rest.

    I also think FF should be on for cannons at all times :)

  • @archangel-timmy friendly fire with cannons would make boarding ship impossible and cause players to stop. Boarding ships is apart of ship to ship combat. As I said earlier friendly fire could be abused in combat. Instead of being stung by a sword miss you could swipe a teammate or use it to continue a combo.

    Edit: gotta be careful on my wording I said impossible but I didn’t literally mean impossible. Was an exaggeration.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 said in Dueling?:

    @archangel-timmy friendly fire with cannons would make boarding ship impossible and cause players to stop. Boarding ships is apart of ship to ship combat. As I said earlier friendly fire could be abused in combat. Instead of being stung by a sword miss you could swipe a teammate or use it to continue a combo.

    I feel you are I correct on all accounts. FF on cannons would not make boarding impossible, merely change the way players board in a minor way. This wouldn't even deter people from trying to board as it is easier to board on the opposite side in most cases since the enemy crews attention is toward the the ship firing at them. CCB's and Kegs are worse for your own crew in any boarding situation as this AoE on a crew ball will impact your teammate, and the blast radius on a keg has a higher chance of dealing damage to your teammate.

    Friendly Fire also cannot be abused with the system proposed either as it would be fully opt-in per session for each individual player. If 2 players choose to enable their friendly fire, they accept all of the risks along with it and any fault in your example is purely on the players themselves and not the mechanic.

  • @archangel-timmy if players opt in they could use their teammates to continue combos or avoid the stun from missing when facing enemies.

    Players that are impacted by cannons would either stay off ships in order to not get hit by own cannon or communicate to teammates to stop firing cannons. Therefore would change the dynamic of ship to ship combat.

  • Im pretty sure they will add this sooner or later but theres other focuses right now.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 said in Dueling?:

    @archangel-timmy if players opt in they could use their teammates to continue combos or avoid the stun from missing when facing enemies.

    I'm sorry, but declaring that as a useful tactic is absurd. Purposefully damaging and stun-locking your teammate to continue a combo for a chance of damaging the enemy is not a viable tactic and will not have the impact you are touting. Grasping at straws a bit here :?

    Players that are impacted by cannons would either stay off ships in order to not get hit by own cannon or communicate to teammates to stop firing cannons. Therefore would change the dynamic of ship to ship combat.

    Of course it would change some things. But not in the dramatic "no more boarding, it is impossible" way you are basing your argument on.

    Friendly Cannon Fire has crept into the game multiple times as a bug, and each time a good portion of the feedback has been in favor of it staying. There were comments from crews who were surprised by it as it was a bug, but quickly adapted and kept boarding while enjoying the added risk.

  • @archangel-timmy If I said it would be impossible to board I apologize maybe I worded it wrong. I understand you could still board. It would just push people away of boarding is what I’m saying. Slicing a teammate once to get the edge and a kill? I’ve seen people abuse way less.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 I could see the potential for a few to try it, but this will be few and far between.

    If it were to be brought to the game, and the data aligned, I could see Rare getting rid of the combo off of a teammate altogether or something.

    I just don't think this one little thing is enough to squash the idea as a whole.

  • @archangel-timmy I would like to see dueling though I’m not against that. There are times when I’m sailing and have time to kill and I’d like to practice combat. Personally I wouldn’t be for a toggle where if both people accepted its 100%. I have teamed up with people messing around and trying to kill skeletons together with opposite teams almost always results in someone getting sliced and killed by accident. If it was a toggle I feel like off and on would get annoying. Every time you fight or kill skeletons having to switch between friendly fire and not wouldn’t be fun.

    I was hoping for a literal duel. Just like the make friends emote causes friends list to pop up and add them. You could both do duel emote which would start duel.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 I can respect that. I prefer the added danger, and trust my crew to not mess around when we are on an actual mission.

    Love getting multiple ships for our crew and doing voyages/forts/fleets together. Would be nice to have that danger while on the same crew because tracking down a second ship is tedious, lol.

    We shall see what comes :D

  • Dueling would be a great addition. Love the idea. The implementation would be tricky and needs to be considered for all the reasons listed in this thread.

    If I can add one thing to the duel, allow the participants to wager on it. Whether it be for specific loot, all loot, or for your ship supplies.

    I’d love the ability to duel my enemy and settle conflicts with swords vs. Cannon-fire/kegs.

  • Friendly fire would be nice, but I can understand it would be to difficult for some.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 I think a big point you are missing is that in his proposal friendly fire is opt in and you can turn it off. So if a crew likes the challenge they get it. If a crew wants to board without worrying about cannon fire they turn it off.

  • @william-flint no I understood that.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 than what's the issue with boarding? You can just turn it off.

  • Having to toggle in the the heat of battle would more than likely mean death. I don’t think you should be able to toggle it. It would be fun to duel but turning friendly fire on and off not a fan. Just my input. It’s a forum people share opinions.

  • @andyxxpanda1290 it is a forum for that, and it is a fair point. I was just wondering about the reasoning, and had missed your above post that explained it.

  • @william-flint no prob sorry if I came off condescending didn’t mean to if I did just defensive. Keep on pirating.

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