Promote Game Guides and Tutorials from Rare

  • Hello,

    So I have been created guides for Sea of thieves almost for one year now, the most and foremost thing I always here "In-game Tutorial is very Basic" and other players "I quit the game after a few days of playing, then came back months later, if it wans't for this video I won't know how to play" This goes for me and other creators. Without these, new players give up the game specially if they got it on gamepass since no one wants to waste their time feeling dumb.

    I have seen Several Games where they have an in-game link with "Video Tutorials" where it links to top community channels and guides. People like me, Captain Falcore and several others spend hours grinding the game on a daily basis to help the community and specially new players.

    The Bottom right Panel when you first launch the game should have a window for video tutorials, where it links to a page on this Sea of Thieves website showing each of our channels, or links to guides playlists. This way Rare helps the likes of me with further exposure, and helps new players be able to actually play the game and commit to it after watching a 3 minute video for basics. On the other hand, Rare Devs won't need to create an in-game tutorial because with all honesty, the game has lots of features, it's hard to create an in-game tutorial for a game of this type.

    Just my two doubloons, some other games do that, why not Sea of Thieves? :)

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  • @phuzzybond There are now in-game tutorial for new players.

    Hopefully other people will learn how to google for help if they need further explanation.

    I too created a set of video tutorials because at the time I didn't like the ones that where out there. I started during the cursed sails event.

    I like quick to the point tutorials, on the plus side I did find some fun SOT channels that I now follow.

  • @phuzzybond
    Maybe im old school, but i liked that there was no tutorial. It was fun to figure things out on my own.

    It would help alot of players honestly though

  • @phuzzybond I wonder if the news about creator crews that just dropped in the dev update will play out kinda like you mentioned.

  • The whole point is to explore, communicate, and learn. If you watch a good video tutorial, you can know just about everything in an hour (assuming you can retain it all), and then there'd be no mystery left to warrant continued play.

    In other words, you basically end up with the same result. The difference is that by learning over time, you extend the time played with occasional eureka moments, versus players that give up too easily because they're unwilling to put forth any effort - like those who consistently complain on here for the devs to change the game when the fault often lies with themselves.

  • It's kinda odd that i made this post today and then a few hours later Joe comes with a Creator Crew Dev Update :D that being said, lets wait and see how that turns out.

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