No Bewitching Doll Dark Relic

  • I've done nearly fifteen dark relic missions, gallon and sloop, and haven't come across one single Bewitching Doll. It's a bit frustrating that I've spent quite a few DUBS just to get this one item and and keep getting everything excpet the Bewitching Doll. I know it's random, but it's ridiculous that it's taken this long

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  • @kool-egg That is a little crazy. I've completed each voyage once (4 total) and have collected all the relics already. The skull and box seemed to be the most common ones I ran into, and have only found the Mutineous Effigy once.

  • @d3adst1ck don't get me wrong, I still need 5 more ritual skulls and I have no problem playing, it's just bumming me out that I'm missing one thing and its costing me hard earned DUBS to get it.

  • @kool-egg Other people have never seen a Relic Skull, yet I have had 7 in my last few voyages but I am yet to see a Mutinous Effigy. It appears it is just a roll of the dice.

  • @triheadedmonkey it seems that way. I've just been hitting the shores, wilds, and roar on my own oever and over again. Just disheartening is all.

  • @kool-egg All of mine have come from the 3 original area voyages. (from your previous comment, maybe try the Ancient Isles...purely anecdotal guesswork but worth a whack!)

  • @triheadedmonkey i have actually! I'm not a particularly skilled player or good against golds so I leave the ancients alone for these missions.

  • @kool-egg GRRRR I hate Gold's....had 4 Gold Captains on the middle of Old Faithful the other night...only reason I touch the Blunderbuss...and carry a bucket of water 😁

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