Supply Ships in Adventure

  • @hynieth none guarantee the loot you look for. A supply ship will have the loot you wan

  • @hynieth Yep, I've already mentioned this on at least 2 separate occasions and yet he persists. Good for him! Maybe he'll think of something that works? Keep pushing him to find out! 😏

  • I don’t care how it happens but as long as the end result is me having more cannonballs sign me up!

  • @ultmateragnarok think of it like that then. It's another way for people to use their gold. When you've bought all the accessorys money can buy what more is there to spend your hard work on. Typically a new player would join an open crew or have a friend already playing

  • @glannigan said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    I don’t care how it happens but as long as the end result is me having more cannonballs sign me up!

    After a good session, I always stock up a rowboat full of CCBs (30+), CBs (300+), and numerous other supplies for anyone who next finds it at the outpost.

  • @guybrush3pwood2 I like how you think

  • @galactic-geek sounds like sea of friends

  • @sirtreethachief It can be if you want it to be, but it's not without risk.

  • @sirtreethachief Another nice thing, if you're having trouble finding supplies, there are these barrels that float about called barrels of plenty. Just stop there and resupply. If you're alone or have a brig/sloop and want an easy way to stock up just look at this tweet from Cptn Falcore:

  • @hynieth said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @sirtreethachief Another nice thing, if you're having trouble finding supplies, there are these barrels that float about called barrels of plenty. Just stop there and resupply. If you're alone or have a brig/sloop and want an easy way to stock up just look at this tweet from Cptn Falcore:

    It's not supply's we lack its ships mate.

  • @sirtreethachief I can't sail for 2 meters without spotting a skeleton ship or another player. Plenty of ships on the seas, better yet. The skeleton ships often throw off my crew into thinking there's a plyer aproaching.

    There's talk (several NPC's mention it) about the grand maritme union.
    You might want to keep an eye out for this.

  • Why would pirates buy supplies? Arr!

  • @genuine-heather why would pirates make alliances? As I said you can fight them for the materials.

  • @hynieth said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    @sirtreethachief I can't sail for 2 meters without spotting a skeleton ship or another player. Plenty of ships on the seas, better yet. The skeleton ships often throw off my crew into thinking there's a plyer aproaching.

    There's talk (several NPC's mention it) about the grand maritme union.
    You might want to keep an eye out for this.

    Wish I could say the same about seeing ships the moment I raise anchor but it's not

  • The sea is full of floating barrels, the wrecks are full of barrels, the outposts, the forts, you can also find them on the islands. We rarely have a lot of effort to equip our ship with more than 100 bullets, 50 planks and a surplus of food more than necessary.

    If you still overuse your consumables, then refilling is usually not far away. The balance between using the resources for a current goal and the resulting risk of having too few resources for an upcoming unexpected encounter is one of the most important decisions in the game for me, which creates fun, excitement and surprise.

    No sailing supermarkets please, that in my opinion will destroy tension and is quite not necessary.

  • @SirTreeThaChief @Galactic-Geek

    A few things I want to adress with is post. The first pertains to the original idea, a lot of the supplies issue players run into is simply due to not knowing how to be efficient with it. I've stopped stopping to pick up supplies many months ago. Rather than stopping, try supplying while in transit. See a floatzilla of barrels, point the ship towards no obstacles and hop off the ship empty. Fill up and mermaid back. Apply the same for islands by cannoning off too them. It also helps knowing where particular supplies is more present, for example, floating barrels have a large amount of planks and cannons but usually lack food. While food is quite prevalent on forts, with less of the others. I will just mirror other responses with the balancing issues with buying supplies. New people will not have the funds, and its unfair to force others to pay, it doesn't help crews that have all new players.

    The second point I want to adress is the Flair Gun. While I agree with @Galactic-Geek with having the tools already at our disposal, I disagree a bit with the flair. A bullet can act like a flair, but it still isn't quite the same. A flair could linger in the air for around 20 seconds. For me it adds more options besides using guns. Flairs could determine signals between Alliances, and just add some RP based elements to the game. I would love for a flair, but til that point if they decide to add it I will make due with re purposing one of the tools we currently have. Tools not rules, and the addition of flairs take nothing away from the game, only adds to it. I'm not really seeing downsides to adding as an equipment with a re loadable shot.

  • @goedecke-michel said in Supply Ships in Adventure:

    The sea is full of floating barrels, the wrecks are full of barrels, the outposts, the forts, you can also find them on the islands. We rarely have a lot of effort to equip our ship with more than 100 bullets, 50 planks and a surplus of food more than necessary.

    If you still overuse your consumables, then refilling is usually not far away. The balance between using the resources for a current goal and the resulting risk of having too few resources for an upcoming unexpected encounter is one of the most important decisions in the game for me, which creates fun, excitement and surprise.

    No sailing supermarkets please, that in my opinion will destroy tension and is quite not necessary.

    It doesn't have to be something you buy in bulk then. It could be a stock of 5 with a one purchase per boat type of thing, exclusive items. Sea merchant holds 4 items, changes every boat (because not all merchants have the same things) and you can only buy small quantitys like 5. The main idea of the supply ship\sea merchant npc is to bring a human npc in sea for a little lore, and a new way to sneak around the seas and thwart enemies

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