This will never stop

  • Dear PL:
    It seems due to the fact that Game Pass is on sale and new players are new to the game for the first time. Why would you feel the need to attack them? Your PL I know the game doesn't have nothing for you but why take it out on all other players? New players have a Alliance flag you join under fails Intentions so you attack them? So there is nothing that can be done and this will keep happening not like the Dev's are going to do anything.

  • 44
  • Just beacuse they are new doesnt mean they cannot be attacked.
    You cant often tell if players have loot before u sink them.
    Also just because a player doesnt have fancy sails does not mean they are new.

    Everyone gets attacked. Its part of the game.

  • Nobody will be safe next week everyone gonna sink at some point.

  • It aggravated me the very first time it happened to me when I first started playing; however, it also taught me what the game was really about. If you going to be a pirate, then it’s just something you have to be mindful of at all times! The little ones will learn how to defend themselves if they choose to keep playing—it’s just the order of the seas!

  • @gravity-dt said in This will never stop:

    Dear PL:
    It seems due to the fact that Game Pass is on sale and new players are new to the game for the first time. Why would you feel the need to attack them?

    Why not?

    Your PL I know the game doesn't have nothing for you...

    Right it has a lot for me/us all regardless of the rank of a PL or not.

    but why take it out on all other players?

    Take out what? Piracy?

    New players have a Alliance flag you join under fails Intentions so you attack them?

    It's called betraying! Works as intended. You should proof with who you allie up and you should make them anyway stay away and do their thing and contribute to the alliance for themself.

    So there is nothing that can be done and this will keep happening not like the Dev's are going to do anything.

    until you learn to live a Sea Dogs life by yourself.
    Maybe you arent cut from the same cloth, then learn how to deal with Sea Dogs and become a Sea Lion ;-)

    But please stop crying!

  • @gravity-dt Ahoy there and welcome to the sea of thieves. As you might have noticed from the title one of the goals/ intentions of this game is stealing loot. It doesn't matter if you're new or a Pirate legend, you're at one point going to have your loot stolen.

    When you reach pirate legend status (these days achievable in a decntly short timespan) you're still playing the same game. Dig aquire treasure/ meet other people/ rob some people.
    There are plenty of pirates who don sailor outfits and standard hull and sails to trick people into thinking they are new (and easy targets) only to in turn steal all of your loot.

    The Greatest thing about Sea of Thieves is that there is no progression.
    Because of this you have two great advantages.

    1. If you lose loot you're not not getting stronger.
    2. If you fight someone he/ she can't do more damage then you or have skills you don't.
  • If the game is suppose to be a coopperative game then why is there no cooperating and just killing..?

    Ive quit the game but still lurk the threads for that hopefull one day that the game will be an adventure exploration game that does not include blood thirsty maggots all over the place. But as of 7-15-19 the game based on the forums is still only for the kill or be killed mentalities put there and that is something i will neither play or condone.

    Yes loot will be stolen and yes we will be killed but the game lies in that it states "will sails be friend of foe..?". The answer is always foe. No one in this game want to have cooperative adventure fun. They just want murder death kill. And that is not fun for everyone and feels toxic to those who join the game under the guise that this is a pirate adventure game with friends and foes. So chose killy killy friends for your crew or you will be killed killed killed. And your killy killy friends will not help ypu adventure because they just want blood. From other players.

  • @vuarapung
    Its you who are lying. Every person on the seas is not out to kill. As a matter of fact im usually the only one on the server tryin to pvp.
    No need to exaggerate. Just say you wanna play Sea of Thieves without the thieves

  • It's a pirate game, what am i supposed to do? Plus usually newbies go and attack you cause they think that they are some sort of super pirate ninjas but in reality they get wrecked. I wont be a pacifist in a pirate game of that means sacrificing the fun of this game and slowing down my progression with the legend commendations

  • @vuarapung The game is verry co-operative, just try and sail a galleon without a crew who work together.
    You need to co-operate to get things done with that ship (at least in any devent manner).

    Also what's 7-15-19? I first thought it was a date but there's no 15th month...

    @ShotaroTrump Exactly! So many times I've been attacked by a newbe sloop that just comes at me and starts shooting yet gets really shouty and salty when I sink them. Honestly you attacked me, not the other way around, but I don't seem to get trough, they only shout.

  • @vuarapung

    If the game is suppose to be a coopperative game then why is there no cooperating and just killing..?

    Their is plenty of cooperating, just the other day I was cooperating with my crew to sink every ship on the server. Cooperation is more then just playing friendly with other ships. Your manipulating the term to suit your needs.

    If I can go multiple 2-3 hour sessions being unmolested, its quite clear the servers aren't these murder death kill hotspots people like to spout.

  • You mean like the first day I played on the beta servers? I was destroyed many times. And then again on day 1 as a solo slooper. So many CoD crews ran up on me and just laid waste to my ship. I persevered and got better. I played smarter and dropped off frequently. Now I sink galleons for fun.

  • @hynieth
    USA method of making dates, month is placed first followed by the day and year.

  • @nabberwar Ah, makes sense that it doesn't make sense :-P
    USA in a nutshell ^_^

    So @Vuarapung is saying that as of today we need to kill all pirates on sight? Sure, many players will hate me for it but if he wants me to...

  • @marsmayflower when the forts made it into the game(final beta if im not wrong)we cleared one with another crew,after it we had a chat from ship to ship and in the meantime they stole out chest from board. they set sail and both said friendly ahoy 1 minute later we realized our stronghold chest is gone,one of my funniest sot journeys ever

  • I’ve been attacked and attacking since Day 1.

    I’m not going to change how I enjoy the game just because I hit a certain level.

  • When attacked, try to bargain with them, offer some cursed cannon balls and even some cooked fish you have in your pockets. Many larger crews will be ok with this and repair your ship and let you be on your way.. Communication is key.

  • Dear Non-PL:
    It seems that you deem that once we reach a certain level in this game, we are required to stop playing it. Why must we stop doing the things we found fun just because the reputations have been maxed? I've been playing this game in the same capacity that I was since Day 1. Why should I stop now?

    Your PL I know the game doesn't have nothing for you but why take it out on all other players?

    Why are you taking attacks as personal attacks? No one is taking it out on anybody, we are just playing the game.

  • @weedstar-deluxe said in This will never stop:

    @marsmayflower when the forts made it into the game(final beta if im not wrong)we cleared one with another crew,after it we had a chat from ship to ship and in the meantime they stole out chest from board. they set sail and both said friendly ahoy 1 minute later we realized our stronghold chest is gone,one of my funniest sot journeys ever

    Ha, same thing happened to me on my first voyage (solo). I was coming back from questing, arrived at the outpost and met other players on the island. I was talking to a guy and telling him how I just had started playing and this was my very first voyage, had dug up a few chest, found stuff in a wreck, having a general blast. The guy chatted me up while his pal emptied my ship lol. No shots fired, just pirate shenanigans. Thought it was pretty funny, and learned a lesson of watching my back and not be too eager to trust haha. That was my welcome to the game, and I never stopped playing since that day.

    I knew what I was getting into when I bought the game, and I received nothing less than what I was expecting.

  • @gravity-dt I agree! I think it's ridiculous. And noob loot isn't even worth stealing! lol

    Having said that, I'm a PL and Athena 7. We were on a Gally last night and a sloop was coming straight for us, ran into us on accident, so we destroyed it quickly. We could tell that they were brand new but they crossed that line... which means war. Anyone that plays SOT enough knows that. We had a unicorn figurehead and Athena sails up. Gotta learn the game somehow I suppose.

  • Because there is no way to tell if you are a newbie.
    Also because Pirates

  • Because the newlings look the same as we do?

  • @thesnootymoose sagte in This will never stop:

    It aggravated me the very first time it happened to me when I first started playing; however, it also taught me what the game was really about. If you going to be a pirate, then it’s just something you have to be mindful of at all times! The little ones will learn how to defend themselves if they choose to keep playing—it’s just the order of the seas!

    As short as true.

  • I see a ship, I sink it. It's simple.

  • @goedecke-michel said in This will never stop:

    Because the newlings look the same as we do?

    Exactly this, just one fort loot worth of gold is more then enough to buy my default gear.

    @dislex-fx said in This will never stop:

    I see a ship, I sink it. It's simple.

    Yup, I do think it's more fun to rob them at gunpoint without sinking. :-) I make it a sort of sport to get as much loot with fewer ships sunk.

  • @hynieth said in This will never stop:

    @goedecke-michel said in This will never stop:

    Because the newlings look the same as we do?

    Exactly this, just one fort loot worth of gold is more then enough to buy my default gear.

    @dislex-fx said in This will never stop:

    I see a ship, I sink it. It's simple.

    Yup, I do think it's more fun to rob them at gunpoint without sinking. :-) I make it a sort of sport to get as much loot with fewer ships sunk.

    Well, true. We usually keep their ship up while we take all the supplies and loot. Then we sink em'. lol

    As well, I have played this way since beta. So, even when I was a newb I wanted to fight everyone.

    As a newb I fought. As a PL I fight. It's fun.

  • We teach them the meaning of piracy without griefing.

    We board, steal supplies and leave 1 hole. They can keep their loot but now work for it.

    We also do co-operation with enemy ships. We co-operate at forts so we can take the loot ourselfs at the end.

    We also co-operate by exchanging their loot for our cannonballs. We make this known before we shoot. Up 2 the enemy crew wether they want to exchange cannonballs or just hand over the loot to continue sailing.

    We also stock our ship with loot and roll up to exchange loot. take 1 piece of loot to your desire and we take 1 of their loot pile.

    Its not all about just sinkin enemies. Its what u do with it.
    Its piracy.

  • This is not an excuse, but back around the release of the game I had become quite frustrated by how aggressive other pirates could be, but I later found that I would never have improved my ship-to-ship combat skills if there weren't such danger on the waves. I was somewhat grateful that other's piracy didn't often discriminate.

    That being said, I have received a profound amount of thanks from new players when I truthfully tell them I'm friendly, so it's a complicated subject really.

  • @hisdarkestfear this is immersion, isn't it? This is the game: you join a pirate world, no security, no safety zones, no fences. Face it and learn to survice.

  • @vuarapung said in This will never stop:

    If the game is suppose to be a coopperative game then why is there no cooperating and just killing..?

    Ive quit the game but still lurk the threads for that hopefull one day that the game will be an adventure exploration game that does not include blood thirsty maggots all over the place. But as of 7-15-19 the game based on the forums is still only for the kill or be killed mentalities put there and that is something i will neither play or condone.

    Yes loot will be stolen and yes we will be killed but the game lies in that it states "will sails be friend of foe..?". The answer is always foe. No one in this game want to have cooperative adventure fun. They just want murder death kill. And that is not fun for everyone and feels toxic to those who join the game under the guise that this is a pirate adventure game with friends and foes. So chose killy killy friends for your crew or you will be killed killed killed. And your killy killy friends will not help ypu adventure because they just want blood. From other players.

    That is quite frankly not true. Not at all. I have encounters with other crews all the time that don't end in violence. Some do, some don't. It's far from a foregone conclusion that every ship will be hostile. But even if they were, hypothetically, that's fine because it's a freaking pirate game. You're going to be attacked. You will be killed and you will be sunk because that's the nature of the game. Why on earth would you think otherwise?

    We're all rival pirates in this game. We may be friendly or we may not be, but we trust no one because we're all pirates. I assume every ship is hostile until proven otherwise. The Sea of Thieves was never marketed as an "adventure exploration game." Never. Adventure and exploration are awesome parts of the game, and can be enjoyed by anyone. But there is always the threat of other pirates on the seas. It's part of the challenge. Without that challenge, the game falls flat.

    So you have a choice. Learn to play and enjoy the game as it was intended to be played, or give up and go play something else. Either way is fine. It's a wide open game with lots of ways to play, but the threat of other pirates will never not be a part of it.

  • @goedecke-michel Sounds like you didn't read my post, matey! There was a change of narrative in the middle there...

  • @hisdarkestfear Strange answer, don't you think? Of course I read that. I usually don't answer something I haven't read, you know? :) If you have something to say about my answer - and it seems to be - always say it.

    It is immersive to join a pirate world - and meet pirates there. No wonder someone will try to rob you, kill you, betray you. No wonder you should learn to defend yourself and survive. Pirates can show themselves friendly, but be hostile. And vice versa. Fits.

  • @gravity-dt said in This will never stop:

    Dear PL:
    It seems due to the fact that Game Pass is on sale and new players are new to the game for the first time. Why would you feel the need to attack them? Your PL I know the game doesn't have anything for you but why take it out on all other players? New players have an Alliance flag you join under fails Intentions so you attack them? So there is nothing that can be done and this will keep happening not like the Dev's are going to do anything.

    Here is a new player. Relatively. We play together with my IRL friend I am pretty sure like many others. So it's not really disturbing its part of the game. I found many sessions where I can level up commendations and etc easily. And found many where are we stomped hard but trying to improve. This game has a very hard learning curve. Maybe in the future, they implement some back cover mechanic but it's not really needed.

    @nwo-azcrack said in This will never stop:

    Everyone gets attacked. It's part of the game.

    True dat. Need to accept it and improving your skills to defend yourself.

  • If you're getting attacked I would suggest you learn to defend yourself.

    Most attackers rely on elements of surprise and first strike, everything else is a matter of pvp skills and how well you handle yourself in combat. These two are very powerful and usually good enough to win most fights.
    By expanding your awareness to everything that's happening around you surprises can be eliminated (however, first you gotta learn about all aspects of the game before you can be aware of them, comes with time and experience).
    First strikes can be prevented by having some standards/rules/code of conduct/prime directive you live by that prevents possibilities of first strike.
    Here's some of my alliance rules, as an example, I've created over time to prevent various unpleasant situations that I went through once from happening ever again...

    • RULE.1 - Boarding another team's ship without its captain's EXPLICIT permission = kill on sight (the boarder MUST ASK for permission and MUST RECEIVE one prior to attempting to board) with exception of the captain signaling SOS then the boarding party DOES NOT need to ask and will not be shot at.
    • RULE.1a - If permitted to board STAY ON TOP deck only and DO NOT INTERACT with the ship in any way; coming near supply barrels or nest, touching the wheel, sails or capstan = kill on sight with exception of the SOS situation.
    • RULE.2 - if tackling the same island land the ships on the opposing sides as a precaution, if you need to land at the same spot then make sure no ship is in the cannon range of another! = issue a reminder and if not acted upon sink every ship that is aiming its cannons at other alliance members.
    • RULE.3 - No favors needed thank you. Our crew is capable of handling any challenge and managing our ship, if we needed assistance we'd ask for it.
    • RULE.4 - GPBs in the vicinity of the ship are to be handled only by the ship's crew. Anyone else bringing GPBs near the ship = kill on sight

    Rules are tools to transform chaos into order, to create organized and focused effort in order to achieve a specific goal. I recommend you make use of them.

    Inform the members of your alliance of the standards they ought to respect while in the alliance as well as of the consequences for failing to do so, be merciless in application of your directives (whether righteous or not that's a separate topic) and you'll find you can create and live the reality you desire.

    The best way to troll the trolls is to create and apply rules that prevent them from having any opportunity to troll at all.

  • I have some simple rules I follow.

    1 Always communicate with your crew and the people you meet.
    2, Communicate some more.
    3, You come on my boat without my permission you should always expect a fight.
    4. You shoot at me, we fight.
    5. I am happy to talk to anybody and setup an alliance if you communicate.
    6, See 1 and 2
    7,Come at me in your boat and don't respond to communication expect a fight.
    8, See 1 and 2.
    9, If I join your crew by random and you don't communicate text or speech is fine then I leave really quickly.
    10, See 1 and 2

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