And olde but goodie

  • Me and a buddy just soloed a fleet during the cursed sails event. We collected our haul and was sailing to galleons grave when a Gally caught up to us from the West. They succeeded in getting 2 members of there crew on our ship.

    We sailed to galleons we were friendly and all. Got to the dock and I heard a lunge behind me. First thought I'm dead. Shortly after I dead. My buddy struggled before dying and the dropped our anchor. They killed him as I respawned killing another and knocking 2nd off the boat.

    I got the anchor up as my buddy respawned. There 3rd was hitting us with cannons. I dropped the sail and died by cannon. There second got back on our boat and died immediately as there fourth dropped the anchor again. My buddy was repairing as I respawned and intercepted the fourth knocking him off and we both raised anchor and escaped.

    I heard the 4th say it's ok I got the chest.

    So they had 2 people on our boat, anchor dropped and they only stole 1 Skelly captain chest

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