It's All About That Glory!!!

  • So I set out to finish out the Festival of the Damned, had to light the rest of the signal fires and get all 6 colours on my boat. I get the purple flame (cause its my favourite colour) and start checking off the list. Crooked Masts was a pain in the aft (cannon shot) but I got it then was hitting the Devil's Roar locations when I realized Cannon Cove was my missing one. (Also a cannon shot, but much more forgiving lol) Bee lined it to CC, but noticed a brig there, so I waited a bit for them to clear out. Got my fire, got my commendation, got my dubloons.

    I head over to Sanctuary to drop off the loot I had gathered, saw the same brig in newb colours and decided to offer them my bait, cursed balls and pretty much everything else they wanted. I announce myself, swim towards them (alliance flag up) when they start shooting at me. They were worse shots than me 😅! So I book it back to my boat, drop sails and barely miss a ram with them. No one jumped aboard and they missed a point blank cannon shot... dudes, really?! One of them was a squeaker and I heard a F you. I reported them all lol.

    I derp off, find a wreck, loot it and sold off the food. I figure lets go row to Golden Shores lol.

    Get in a fog bank when all of a sudden Danger Music! Here comes a skelly ship, I hear gun fire and prepare to defend and run. Turns out the newb brig was fighting them. I left before the skellies aggro on me too, headed east. Noticed on one of my horizon checks there's a brig with a broken mast. Probably would have been a cake walk for them if they had accepted my offer. 🤷🏽‍♀️😋

    Hit another shipwreck on my way, got some more meat and headed to 3 Paces to sell it off before going on my suicide run lol. Low and behold a Galleon started running me down, so I didn't stop, just jumped off and swam for it cause they looked like they had the Spartan set. (I've only seen the Spartan set try to attack me) so I figure my adventure is done for the night.

    I get to 3 Paces, and right before I can sell I get the Alliance popup! Nice!!! They were actually using the Parrot set (looks very nice btw) I grab my merm back to my ship to pull sails and see if they want my supplies since I was about to make a suicide run. They're not interested but MUCH more polite. They hop aboard and while I'm very nervous, they proceed to give me the other 4 colours! ( had green and purple) So I got Party Boat commendation and suprise Dubloons 🤩

    Then we get Krakened!!!!!

    It was a glorious battle! They helped me with damage control and steering while I fired my cannons until I was out of balls, and I harpooned the rest of the tentacles until we won!!! I only took a piece of Kraken meat for myself, and helped load the rest on their boat. I was very grateful. I set off to finish my experiment and they took down a skelly ship, then followed me north and the Booger Shark (the green one) shows up and starts harassing me. Takes a couple of chomps, but I have the boards to repair and veer off into the red to shake him. My buddies realize I'm seriously going to try for the shores in a rowboat and go to do whatever they were gonna do.

    So I put all the supplies and the collector chest in my rowboat and head east from T3. Rowboat sinks almost instantly lol. I try to swim it. I got 6 mermfolk in then saftey spawned back to my empty boat at T3. 😫🙄😋

    I message them via xbl to let them know the results of my little experiment and log out for the night.
    I don't care what you say, Sea of Thieves has a karma system.

    Megs and Sharks don't go in the red.

    You can't row or swim to the Golden least without the quest (that's another experiment for later)

    😁 If you're wondering they hadn't cashed in when I quit, they said they were doing a 24 hour session, so I didn't worry about the gold. I had plenty of Glory tonight 😁


  • 7
  • @pithyrumble
    Man thats an awsome story.
    One of the reasons i love this game is you never know who u will meet out there.....

    I mean comon you are a passifist pirate, who scuttles alot and gives away stuff all the time. And uses the game mechanics to your advantage.
    Who would expect these types of players out there in a game as brutal as this?

    Whoa whoa wait a minute..... the harpoon does damage to the kraken???

  • Yeah! I was grinding kraken kills and was low on balls so I started hitting one with the harpoon and it went down. I only use it for the close up tentacles cause it doesn't do as much damage, but the ol' dps v dph argument, I can get 5-6 harpoon hits in the time I fire 2 cannon shots.

  • Nice. Thanks for teachin this old skallywag some new tricks

  • @pithyrumble said in It's All About That Glory!!!:

    So I set out to finish out the Festival of the Damned, had to light the rest of the signal fires and get all 6 colours on my boat. I get the purple flame (cause its my favourite colour) and start checking off the list. Crooked Masts was a pain in the aft (cannon shot) but I got it then was hitting the Devil's Roar locations when I realized Cannon Cove was my missing one. (Also a cannon shot, but much more forgiving lol) Bee lined it to CC, but noticed a brig there, so I waited a bit for them to clear out. Got my fire, got my commendation, got my dubloons.

    I head over to Sanctuary to drop off the loot I had gathered, saw the same brig in newb colours and decided to offer them my bait, cursed balls and pretty much everything else they wanted. I announce myself, swim towards them (alliance flag up) when they start shooting at me. They were worse shots than me 😅! So I book it back to my boat, drop sails and barely miss a ram with them. No one jumped aboard and they missed a point blank cannon shot... dudes, really?! One of them was a squeaker and I heard a F you. I reported them all lol.

    I derp off, find a wreck, loot it and sold off the food. I figure lets go row to Golden Shores lol.

    Get in a fog bank when all of a sudden Danger Music! Here comes a skelly ship, I hear gun fire and prepare to defend and run. Turns out the newb brig was fighting them. I left before the skellies aggro on me too, headed east. Noticed on one of my horizon checks there's a brig with a broken mast. Probably would have been a cake walk for them if they had accepted my offer. 🤷🏽‍♀️😋

    Hit another shipwreck on my way, got some more meat and headed to 3 Paces to sell it off before going on my suicide run lol. Low and behold a Galleon started running me down, so I didn't stop, just jumped off and swam for it cause they looked like they had the Spartan set. (I've only seen the Spartan set try to attack me) so I figure my adventure is done for the night.

    I get to 3 Paces, and right before I can sell I get the Alliance popup! Nice!!! They were actually using the Parrot set (looks very nice btw) I grab my merm back to my ship to pull sails and see if they want my supplies since I was about to make a suicide run. They're not interested but MUCH more polite. They hop aboard and while I'm very nervous, they proceed to give me the other 4 colours! ( had green and purple) So I got Party Boat commendation and suprise Dubloons 🤩

    Then we get Krakened!!!!!

    It was a glorious battle! They helped me with damage control and steering while I fired my cannons until I was out of balls, and I harpooned the rest of the tentacles until we won!!! I only took a piece of Kraken meat for myself, and helped load the rest on their boat. I was very grateful. I set off to finish my experiment and they took down a skelly ship, then followed me north and the Booger Shark (the green one) shows up and starts harassing me. Takes a couple of chomps, but I have the boards to repair and veer off into the red to shake him. My buddies realize I'm seriously going to try for the shores in a rowboat and go to do whatever they were gonna do.

    So I put all the supplies and the collector chest in my rowboat and head east from T3. Rowboat sinks almost instantly lol. I try to swim it. I got 6 mermfolk in then saftey spawned back to my empty boat at T3. 😫🙄😋

    I message them via xbl to let them know the results of my little experiment and log out for the night.
    I don't care what you say, Sea of Thieves has a karma system.

    Megs and Sharks don't go in the red.

    You can't row or swim to the Golden least without the quest (that's another experiment for later)

    😁 If you're wondering they hadn't cashed in when I quit, they said they were doing a 24 hour session, so I didn't worry about the gold. I had plenty of Glory tonight 😁


    nice hope ye had fun and if you see me on my ship i'll have the spartan set on and i won't attack for no reason

  • @pithyrumble lol pain in the aft.. well played

  • @jza16 said in It's All About That Glory!!!:

    @pithyrumble lol pain in the aft.. well played

    They won't let me say p00p deck tho! It's a nautical term!!!!!😫🧜‍♀️

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