I have one sugestion of boss

  • the game is incredible and a great variety of creatures in the game (megalodons, sharks, mermaids and the great Kraken legend) but there is an animal that would be incredible if it had in the game: MobDick (would be a creature a little bigger than megalodon and with this creature it could be a loophole to add whales that would drop food or other items when fished)
    the game is sensational highly recommended!

  • 9
    story & lore
  • there is hard to implement mobydck due to copyright laws.

  • That's public domain now. Whale hunting could be interesting.

  • While Whaling was something that was done back then I doubt it will come into the sea of Thieves.

    Whales have almost become extinkt and I doubt Rare would like to get such negative PR by adding whaling into the game. (Just look at what Assassins creed 4 got when it introduced whaling).
    Especially since whales are quite passive creatures and honestly aren't a challenge to hunt at all (you shoot them and they are dead, it's a big creature for sure but it's vulnurable).

  • @hynieth mmmmm then they could just add a mid Skeletal-Fleshy furious Whale that attacks everyone who gets in its way! That would also be negative PR?? its a sensible theme, but people should start understanding whats a game and whats reality... (Not saying it for you, mate, i know u were just informing us haha)

    Btw i would like to see some more "life" in the seas, some times it feels a little empy, when u travel around. Would be so cool to just navigate and seeing some animals swimming around your boat and kind of interacting with the player ( dolphins, whales, whatever). Could look so amazingly beautiful!
    Yeeehaaa! See yaaa all in the furiooous seaas!

  • @nukdar Yeah I enjoyed whaling in AC4 so I'm not opposed to it. I can however understand that this might Romanticize or Glorify whaling in way that's undesirable.

    We all know the effects media has had on human perception troughout the years. Wolves are shunned all across the world while they are quite passive creatures who don't eat people.
    Sharks are bad guys while they also rarely bite anyone. etc.
    Whales were thought to be horrible monsters back in the day while they are passive beautiful creatures.

    So yeah I like gameplay where you can hunt strong creatures that fight back and give an epic fight. But I'd much rather be hunting a mythical giant shark or a leviathan then a real life endangered animal.

  • @hynieth totally agree with you, camarade! Hope Rare find a way to implement all of it in a good mix! With beautiful and passive creatures swimming around and with scary and dangerous beasts from the depths of the Sea!


  • To be honest I feel that the seas have enough big creatures in them, I'd love to see some smaller creatures like mermaids and some more land based threats. Having to fight only skeletons all the time gets boring :-)

  • While whaling is certainly historically accurate for the period, I do not think we will see it in Sea of Thieves because of the sensitive nature of the practice nowadays. It's not really needed. Meg fills that niche.

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