Easiest Meg "defeat"

  • So, if you see a Meg jump out of the water or swimming alongside your ship and you don't want to kill it because you are either in a hurry, or you're a beginner/playing solo, just don't attack it, act like it's not even there and just go on. After a bit it will stop following you.

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  • *Usually lol. Was sailing back from Golden Shores and one spawned...followed me a bit, then took a nibble. Leaving them alone usually works, but sometimes they're hungry or cranky! 🧜‍♀️

  • Yes, it might swim away, it might also bite you. For sure, if you start shooting it, it will bite you.

  • @g4mer5teve as the devs said, when they introduced the different megs, some are more aggressive, some less...means this doesn't always work
    Better go near an island to be sure he leaves

  • @schwammlgott Yeah, the island method works too, but for me, every time a Meg attacked me (I've been attacked by almost every colour) it worked so I decided to share it.

  • I do this most of the time, but if I'm taking it slow I don't mind stopping to fight it. Usually it costs me about 15 cannonballs and maybe 10 planks to kill a meg from a sloop. Not sure if that scales on brig and gall, but the low profile of a sloop definitely makes it easier to hit. I'm also paranoid that if I don't stop I'll realize just as it's sailing away that I passed up a chance at the shrouded ghost.

  • @g4mer5teve sagte in Easiest Meg "defeat":

    @schwammlgott Yeah, the island method works too, but for me, every time a Meg attacked me (I've been attacked by almost every colour) it worked so I decided to share it.

    This has nothing to do with the colour of the meg, the same colour can be more aggressive than another one of the same colour

  • this isn't exactly true and misleading to new players. It will leave you then come back , same color, every time. you got lucky and it didnt smack you around like a pinata but usually they do and your forced to sail near a rock or island to get it to despawn only to come back in another few minutes.

  • Yea, watch out for those megs if you're in open waters... I don't recommend harpooning the purple one if you're low on planks.

  • @vapor1080 I have 40 hours in the game and this Always worked

  • @g4mer5teve Ignoring them works most of the time, so I fully believe that it's always worked for someone with 40 hrs in game. I'm not sure how many hours I have in game, but I've sailed over 8 million meters, and trust me, sometimes they'll attack regardless of whether you attack them or ignore them. The best plan to avoid a Meg attack is to avoid deep water if possible, and if you can't, get through it and to an island ASAP.

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