Weight based Weapons

  • Ahoy, everyone!

    There is a high chance you might be recently addicted to the Blunderbuss while reading this, but keep in mind, its a suggestion to make the game balanced, if you are winning all the time due to using the same technique over and over again, that's good for you, but not for the game. It needs a balance to everyone, so PVP battles become dynamic and unpredictable, so feel free to read my suggestion and disagree afterward, I even made you a nice Meme.

    InGame ScreenShot

    All player encounters on the ship deck are close encounters. Within Arena sessions, Blunderbuss is used by almost every single player in the match, and the reason behind this increased usage is evident that it is overpowered. Even if it doesn't kill you, it knocks you back to oblivion; I remember when Blunderbuss was one shot kill at early days after launch, then it was removed, but now it is back again.

    Every encounter I get with a Blunderbuss, I have to jump to open waters or stay at a significant distance to get them since their mechanic is always the same used by all players.

    Scenario One:
    They give you the impression that your sword lunge will get them.
    They Move far the moment you dash.
    You are resting from a missed Sword Lunge.
    Boom, one shot kill you.

    Scenario Two:
    They Drop your anchor, at least one member goes to grab it.
    Boom, one shot kill you.

    Scenario Three:
    Players that do not care about winning the Arena, They spawn Camp at your ship and Blunderbuss you the moment you spawn. One shot kills you over and over again.

    I don't want to seem like I am incapable of PVP from this post. I still win most of my battles, I also sail with some of the finest PVPers in the seas from Rogue Legends and others like HitboTC, but some of them even noticed the same issues. Not everyone is capable of PVP as the waters have many casual players in the game, who do rage quit and never get back due to the reason of feeling useless or incapable in anything they do. Me as a Game developer, making the player feel useless is one of the top factors of driving players away.


    Keep the one-shot kill for Blunderbuss, but make weapons have weight. In terms of Coding, adjust player jump height and running speed when carrying each gun, not to forget cannon launch speed. It should be a straightforward code. This will give a higher chance for the Flintlock player like myself and many others to Evade a Blunderbuss player or someone with two guns. If someone is Carrying two Guns, he will deal very high ranged damage but runs much slower.

    This will add Dynamics to Chasing each other on islands or while swimming, instead of a fixed running and swimming speed for all players going on an endless chase like a dog chasing his tail.

    thank you,

  • 15
  • I think this adds to my general ideas about making combat more tactics based and about timing and positioning rather than quickscoping, bunnyhopping and animation breaking.
    1st of all all exploits need to get banned finally.
    If they cannot get rid of animation breaking they need to have constraint cutlass use and rework the digging.

    If combat is more about movement, positioning and slower timing it would also close the gap between gpad and kbm.

    I dont want the meta to be quickscoping oneeightiejumpshots kills, still having ways to duoblegun and exploits by animation breaks like for digging and the cutlass break.

  • @bugaboo-bill Yes I agree, I do not use any double digging techniques or any ingame glitches, just love to play the game as it was meant to be, unfortunately, as much as I love Rare, I feel like they have no actual roadmap on PVP improvement, they just shuffle around and try different things as they go to see what fits most. During that time, many people leave and rage quit. As I have witnessed many times in the Arena.

  • @phuzzybond no recent changes were made to the blunderbuss, you have always been able to one shot a pirate. It just became more apparent with the current Arena settings and nature of the matches.

    The blunderbuss has always been a good on ship weapon as the close quarter combat is when it's at its best.

    If you get lured in with a lunge and they don't get hit, you are out played.

    Holding the anchor and nobody is covering your back, your team failed you and you might have needed to fight instead. Same goes for people getting killed while holding a cannon, lack of team work and a task was not being done.

    Spawn camping while killing people in black screens... now this is a problem but not related to the weapons, but the fact that people can take potshots before you get control. Trust me being hit with an EoR with any follow up has the same results.

    You can also use their limited range against them in the same manner, go in when they step in to make the kill, dodge the majority of the damage by dodging.

    The main reason it feels so powerful in Arena is that the main combat is done on ships, where it can reach it's full potential. Additionally it is pretty guaranteed to deal damage, with a knockback, making that fighting multiple people that it is very useful both on the defensive and offensive end. Additionally sword combat versus multiple pirates has become a nearly impossible task, while you used to be able to block, make choices and focus on timing at least which gave an alternative. Now the best answer to multiple swords is the blunderbuss without a doubt as it can make space for yourself and place pressure on them while able to move.

    On top of all this there are no gunpowder barrels to worry about, so no need to hit anything at range if you don't want to.

    Adding weights to weapons might be nice in any case to add depth, but for me the blunderbuss is balanced and easy enough to play around.

    The addition of kegs in Arena would already have a big impact on the Meta and if they improve sword play to once again have the skill component to play versus multiple pirates by fixing the blocking mechanics might provide an alternative.

  • @phuzzybond Scenario three is obviously bad, but I don't see the issue in one and two. Both are traps you fall for once or twice. If you don't learn your lesson after that, then it is not a balance issue.

    Outside of Arena the blunderbuss already has very limited use, your suggestion would make that even worse.

    Sidenote: Blunderbuss one shot kill was never removed.

  • Fix the hitreg, re-add the slow to the sword, combat 100% fixed.
    Pistol and sniper are busted atm because 70% of the time the hitmarkers are fake.

  • @cotu42


    I really agree with you when you say the blunderbuss is made for ship combats and close range.
    However, It is too polyvalent :

    • Strong in close range
    • Only weapon able to one shot people
    • Only weapon able to instant knock back
    • Counter the other close range weapon that is the sword (heavy punisher, can land a shot between two sword hits, allow to fight multiple sword players at once)
    • A pretty fast reloading time
    • Large spread of bullets
    • Can be use without aiming and have the same result

    Finaly, I don't understand your last sentence about changing the sword block.

  • @roosterwacker69

    Yes you are right !

    I've been playing the Arena yesterday and I noticed I had to fire 3 pistol shots to a pirate to make him die.
    Then, My friends told me that they needed like 5 hits of Eyevof Reach to kill someone.

    On the other side, Sometimes I kill people but I don't have the hit marker (even if in theory, my shot must toutch).

    • No weapon in this game should be a one shot kill.
    • Reduce the knockback from the Blunderbuss.
    • Swords need to interrupt reloading animation.
    • Lower the delay time of a missed slash.

    Cutlass needs to be a viable weapon without being a spam win. Right now the first landed blow versus another cutlass will be the deciding factor as you are stun locked from blocking or swinging. And successfully blocking a slash gives you no upperhand. Landing a slash versus a blunderbuss does nothing because they get no penalty and can still ADS and one shot you. This is bad design.

  • @rakan-le-rouge said in Weight based Weapons:



    I really agree with you when you say the blunderbuss is made for ship combats and close range.
    However, It is too polyvalent :

    • Strong in close range

    It is strong because the below aspects. Below is just a breakdown of why it is a good close combat weapon.

    • Only weapon able to one shot people
    • Only weapon able to instant knock back
    • Counter the other close range weapon that is the sword (heavy punisher, can land a shot between two sword hits, allow to fight multiple sword players at once)

    Actually, that is false. A sword versus blunderbuss fight is based on the pirates involved. Also, a pirate has two weapons and should play accordingly with this in mind.

    It can be used in multi player battles more effectively, as you can keep moving, and create space due to the knockback.

    • A pretty fast reloading time
    • Large spread of bullets
    • Can be use without aiming and have the same result

    Finaly, I don't understand your last sentence about changing the sword block.

    For me the issue you have with the blunderbuss meta is better resolved by the addition of kegs in Arena and fixes to sword play. Sword combat for the majority has just become about swinging that sword and fighting multiple opponents is at such a huge disadvantage, this used to not be the case till they sped up our attack. Making the blunderbuss out shine the sword in crew on crew battles. Man I miss the old days of the dance involved in slicing a crew down.

    Blocking is supposed to be a way to make space, knockback effect... but as it didn't get a similar buff to movement it just causes you to lose momentum and feels in a lot of ways as an extension of your death than a potential comeback mechanic.

    About hit registration, it has always been bad since the feedback is client side and hit registration is server side. It however does not impact the damage a bullet does or how many hits actually is needed. The feedback is just not reliable, as you might hit when no marker appears and you might not when it does. This however has minimal impact on the guns used.

  • And what if blocking could even block blunderbuss shots (without blocking the Knockback) ?

    You said you miss the days you could dance with your sword.
    I have played since the first scale test but I didn't remember the sword to be better before.

  • @m1sterpunch

    You said swords doesn't interupt reload animations ?

    That's pretty strange !

  • @phuzzybond
    This would be cool. I'd prefer more weapons before they add this, but it could lead to more weapons. For example, there could be an extremely light dagger that hits fast but with low damage, and a boarding axe that's really heavy. More weight should also reduce knockback imo, because it would make it more realistic

  • @roosterwacker69 said in Weight based Weapons:

    Fix the hitreg, re-add the slow to the sword, combat 100% fixed.

    You forgot about infinite sword-swing - add that, then you're still only at about 90%.

  • @phuzzybond here's a thought If you played well none of the scenarios you listed would happen.

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