Only a tale ..?

  • One day, when i woke up in the tavern the Duke came to me and gave me some voyage, specially for me, he said while looking out from tavern worried, i took it and without saying goodbye i went out.
    That day the sun was stronger then ever, i was cooking alive, i needed to go on the seas, i was addicted to sailing.
    Once i was on my ship i raised an anchor, jesus, every day its harder, maybe im just getting old, i thought.
    I lowered sails and with a wind on my side i went straoght for the voyage.
    I took a nap, while my ship were on right way, when i heard something growling beneath the ship, it sounded like thousands of thunders strucked at once, and it was getting closer.
    Somethng hit the boat and i fell from the bed straight on the water soaked floor.
    I went upstairs rushing to see what is happening, when it hit the ship again, i almost fell from the ship, then i saw it, giant white shark with the majestic red fin, so after all the stories were true, the shark turned straight against the ship and with the mouth full of sharp teeth he sank my ship with only one bite, i jumped to the water and when i saw the monstrum face to face in the water, i was really terryfied, i never saw nothing so scary, i was completely powerless against him, so i took out the cutlass and swam straight into him...

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