Any way to group up more than 4 people?

  • Hi Everyone,

    I am pretty sure i know the answer, but is there any way to try and force a 2 ships onto the same server? My friends list is getting larger and larger. It would be amazing to get to play with everyone at once. I know the starting at the same time trick. I also was aware of the 'same time on watch' trick, but that seems to have been patched.

    Is there any way, that you know of, to make this happen?

  • 11
  • Unfortunately I don't think their is any way to get 2 ships on the on the same sever together. The only way I have been able to make it happen is when i convince other ships to let my friends join them. :(

  • Ahoy @demonichedgehog! If you'd like this to happen, the best thing to do is to assemble a bit of loot, then find another ship on the server -- offer them your loot in exchange for them inviting your crewmate onto their ship and then switching servers themselves.

    Hopefully this will get easier whenever Rare gets around to private servers!

  • @vorondil1

    That is SUCH a pirate thing to do and i never would have though of that. That is a super awesome idea. Permitting that you don't get sunk or betrayed haha.

  • @britishmango05

    I am going to try that. I am not expecfting much success, but we shall see

  • @demonichedgehog

    You'd be surprised, it's a fairly common tactic, good luck!

  • @vorondil1

    I think this is THE best and only option we have at this time to do something like this. It would be awesome if the dev's would allow us to do something like this and be able to party up with friends...but also understandable, because then you'd basically have the entire server to your friends and anyone else who's on there would be at your mercy...but I don't think anyone is THAT heartless.

    Then again...this IS a pirate game. lol

    There's pros and cons to this, unfortunately, I don't see the devs letting us have that option to "join" crews of friends on the same servers.

  • @demonichedgehog

    Maybe we just start a thread here and ask if other's who are on the forums to party up or allow our friends to join in their game?

    But then we have to have an active topic going, everyone to head to that post and be active on it, be on at the same times, and actually allow our friends to join it - without betraying each other and going the pirate way. haha

    It might be more work than it's worth.

    I did this years ago with a few friends on another forum, and it worked for a few days, but we all gave up and went our ways...

  • @demonichedgehog play disco or peace loving music and make sure they can hear you talk with them and chill sometimes it works

  • Not that I know of for jist starting the game but as a pirate legend I really wish they would let us do this especially for friends who are newer to the game.

  • Ahoy maties!

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