Another new idea

  • First roaming the seas back in the beta and day 1, it got my heart racing because I didn't know what to expect... combined with the amazing graphics and the smooth game mechanics this game is one of my favorite, but over time (Im not sure if I'm the only one) I feel like the game got predictable and lost that thrill, I know this is a stretch... But how hard would it be to program a random encounter table to almost everything you do? [For example; you load a cannon ball and fire;there is a 1/1000 chance it backfires on you and kills you] if you think about EVERYTHING you can do in the game...why not add some depth to each process already in place,good or bad,add adventure where nobody expects to find it.

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  • @kurtgoesbang I have always said it’s the littlest things that make the biggest differences. :)

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