Has anyone seen Salty?

  • He's no longer at Wanderers! Any ideas?

  • 13
  • He's in the alchemist cave at wanderers. Just seen him the other day during the reapers mark voyage

  • @shelle84bb He's not there anymore.

  • @duke-of-spire maybe they've moved him for Tall Tales?

  • I stole him, I wanted a Pet.

  • I stashed so many Captain's Chest with salty in that cave. Server merge kept me from ever collecting them but it was fun stashing them for a few voyages. Seems people forgot about the cave or just don't know about it as I slipped off to safety into it more than a few times.

  • Try one of the unmarked islands

  • He's on Plunder Valley 🤫

    Has some interesting dialog 🤔

  • @ajm123 He is at Plunder Valley!

  • @x5h3ar3rx why is he on plunder valley?

  • @roughleech03117 talk to him and find out!

  • @roughleech03117 Go and have a look and ask him 😁 Seems there is a scary pirate out there giving him the shivers

  • I found him!

    He just flew to Plunder Vally because he was getting too popular on Wanderer's Refuge.

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