Missing titles...

  • Is there any way to unlock the cursed sails titles now?
    I now i don't have the "Savior of..." titles, but i rly want them.

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  • Hello PinkerDelfin, you never know , this week i have seen a lot of "memories" on previous updates , mostly made by Mrs Truewalker , and if she brings something under the magnifying glass then Rare reads and listens to her reasonings ...So if i was you ( * Stop puting yourself in other people's shoes , moron , you're not worthy enough to swap places , dumbo) i would sail for a while on the waves , who knows ,...Many new people have given up the legal sailing ways and became Pirate and now a new Fleet of Pirates can unfortunately not get previous Titles ...i can hear rumbling and mumbling voices more and more about this ....Oh ooow , is there a Pirate Rebelion on the Horizon there ? ...Have Patience ,mate , Rare reads and listens more than you think....

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