Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3

  • So I am beginning to see more of where this game is headed. The problem with weapons was people hot-swapping/double-gunning while hipfiring. The fix was to simply debounce (put a timer) on switching weapons. Instead we got a total combat revamp that went much farther than was necessary.

    The pistol and rifle are barely viable at more than 10-feet. The rifle is absolutely not reliable even within ringing distance of the lower bell on the sloop. Stand there within literal touching distance, and try and hit it with only hipfire with every shot. I am pretty sure that with an actual rifle, laying a barrel onto a target and pulling the trigger would land you a hit.

    The pistol loses a lot of it's effectiveness between 10 and 15 feet while hipfiring. Again, same thing... stand at the front of the sloop and try and hipfire the bell (or the mast for that matter). You will hit a few shots, but they are so wildly unpredictable now.

    I don't know what the deal with swordplay is, but I boarded a guy that was chasing me while I was solo slooping earlier two separate times and both times I got hit with a sword (not lunging) and was knocked 20 feet backwards over the back end of the sloop. At one point I accidentally switched to a gun, and it was in reload animation, and I could not sprint at all. No idea why, and I was unable to repeat that testing... so that may have just been a fluke. The thing about the knock-back is this, though -- I was hitting him exactly as he was hitting me. Why did he not go flying?

    This update, as far as combat goes, is literally punishing players for having skill. I had the skill to hit someone with the rifle and pistol at medium distance... so I am being punished for it. These changes were NOT necessary to fix "double-gunning", which frankly would not have been an issue had Rare listened to me when I submitted a ticket for it almost a year ago (several tickets, several forum posts, reddit name it, it was not an issue until a streamer did it, and every pre and teen decided to copy them). It was not "summit" that caused these changes, it was every other person that started trying to do it (99% of them can't even hit what they are shooting at).

    I don't even know what was going on with being knocked off of the guy's boat during a me lee encounter, but it seemed pretty ridiculous both times it occurred.

    I am not even sure what the purpose of most of these combat changes were but they really feel unnecessary and punishing. "Double-gunning" sure...get rid of it...but you basically just saw a cockroach in the kitchen and blew the house up to get rid of it.

  • Separate to combat, there is another issue with this game.

    I am running a Ryzen 2700x and EVGA 1080Ti. Now I am getting framedrops down into the 30s and 40s regardless of settings. This needs to be investigated and fixed. I do not know if it is affecting non-PC players, or non-Nvidia users, or non-AMD CPU's... I have no way to test any of those situations... but something is wrong.

    There was also an issue when scoping immediately after a reload that would leave you zoomed in, but not actually rendering the "lens" overlay for the weapon. Instead you were looking "inside" of the scope on your gun. This also needs fixing.

  • Another patch another zero content for pvp players. BORING!!!!!

  • Ive noticed a new graphic artifact on the gallion. When standing a few feet in front of the capt quarters a huge bright light covers the floor of the quarter. Looks like a crazy ocean reflection. And dissapears when about to enter the room. Anyone else?

  • I've got an issue when launching my game now. Since I updated it I cannot even launch the game. What I mean is I launch it and get the logo on but the moment after that it just crushes! Is anyone else having this kind of issues if so what should I do? I'm guessing I will just need to reinstall the game once more :/

  • @fluidsc If you change the amount of CPU threads the game is running on to 6, or maybe 8, the stuttering problem is reduced drastically. Lemme know if that helps!

  • @blondagles dijo en Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    • Calming the Kraken – The Kraken has learnt to pick on someone her own size and will now take it easier on Sloops and Brigantines. Tentacle wraps that block access to lower levels have been significantly reduced.

    This is too much. Ive met her tonight and have been a joke (easier than a wave of high lvl OoS skellies, really). Was easy before, required some knowledge about the beast to defeat her but was very easy once you figured how to fight. Some proper balance in how to dmg her without knowing details about the beast (just like at the release) could have been better than this nerf.

  • @alekseylight Yeah, just a nerf to everything pvp players had fun with

  • @kidkitzman said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @fluidsc If you change the amount of CPU threads the game is running on to 6, or maybe 8, the stuttering problem is reduced drastically. Lemme know if that helps!

    I just came back to post that I had task manager running and that may have been causing the framedrops as well. Task manager has a habit of causing cpu spikes at times.

  • @erinom3 yup no mention of tour guide anywhere.

  • I noticed today (for the first time, but I am not sure if it is new) that the rivet on the bone crusher wheel for the center position does not turn with the wheel. it just floats in the air.

    Image here:

  • @jxwk said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    Hm just to let you know guys but the Particle Quality Slider is missing in the graphics settings....

    This is true! Was just looking for it... :(

  • @archaell said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    "Floating Treasure – The speed that treasure floats to the surface after being released in deep water has been significantly increased."

    Define the word "released" - released by the player or all the instances of floating up?
    Also does this mean that the loot is going to despawn faster due to this change?

    loot sinks faster also... I guess that was the surprise that Joe neate was eluding too...

    because everything in the update seems alittle lack luster.. heck there is only one commendation. meh... at least there is no double gunning.

  • @fpsrussia70 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    Double gunning finally gone no more players using it thank god

    I ran into some double gunning. I mowed over them with sword pistol combo. lol.

  • @fpsrussia70 yes but the sword is also not working right when swirching u see urself switch from sword to gun for a split second then u have to again switch to make the full switch, its like a double delay, slower than a 2 gun switch delay

  • @treefittymonsta the sword is bugged when switching between sword to gun, u see the animation switch for a split second then back to the sword. you have to switch yet again to make the full switch animation stick, making it longer than the double gun switching as of now, been testing it all day. the combat for it seems very off, i wouldnt be saying this if the delay was working as intended but u shouldnt see a fake switch then having to spend more time thinking it was going to switch and then having to do it again, in combat this will be bad when split seconds matter.

  • @blondagles Please Help... I've been downloading the new client since yesterday hoping I'd get to play today (slow internet), when I found out my router disconnected during the night.

    When it went back on my download went from 24 Gb to 69Gb! now it says it will take almost a week loosing the chance to play w my friends.. I don't want to cancel it and begin from scratch so, please, what do I do?

  • @deashkiin ouch it's only like 24 I'd say try it again hope it doesn't hit 100+ we won't see you for a month. GL!!!

  • The Sovereign ship wheel is rendering as what I'm guessing is an unreleased Royal Sovereign ship wheel. Oops?

    alt text

  • I need help! I am trying to bring a friend in, but that requires signing up with the insider program. I sent a confirmation email and finally got one, but when I click the link it doesn't confirm my email, just brings me right back to the "confirm your email" page!

  • @brym3th3ous i have the same problem! i need other e-mail confirmation.

  • I am getting this same problem! Has anyone got a fix?

  • @treefittymonsta nice

  • @brym3th3ous I'm having a similar problem. I've signed up for the Insider Programme, completed the survey, and it said to me that it had sent me an email. It's been 45 minutes and I haven't yet seen an email, even after checking my junk folder. Anybody experiencing the same problem?

  • There is a graphical bug on the xbox. I went to ancient spire to hand in loot and the graphics did not load in leaving everything in a very basic clay like star. I couldn't sell anything and traveling round the island was near impossible. I tried to fire myself by cannon to get a mermaid but the mermaid left me in a permanent black screen. In the end I had to quit the entire game abs load back in

  • I highly welcome the changes to the combatsystem. The removement of the movement delay by missing a Cutlass swing allows to enforce the meelecombat properly against someone with an equipped firearm. The removement of the knockback from the Pistol and the Eye of Reach is also fine as they should be intended to make damage over high- and midrange and not to defend yourself against meelecombat. The role of the Blunderbuss as defencetool (knockback) against meelecombat or as powerful atack weapon has to be watched closely. It could be possible, that with the removed knockback from the most weapons it could be hard to avoid an engaging Blunderbuss-oneshot-atacker. It is clear, that with this changes the PvP will become more focused on close-ranged-combat. This will not be in everyones favor but in my opinion it is the right way in enabling an unique feeling in fighting on tight spaces like ships.

  • @genuine-heather said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    The Sovereign ship wheel is rendering as what I'm guessing is an unreleased Royal Sovereign ship wheel. Oops?

    alt text

    yeah i have the wheel problem too!

  • @lewgt40 same

  • @lethality1 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @jxwk said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    Hm just to let you know guys but the Particle Quality Slider is missing in the graphics settings....

    This is true! Was just looking for it... :(

    Yup, this feature is actually not in yet. I've updated the notes accordingly. Thanks for picking this up guys!

  • Ignore it, problem solved

  • Tried to do double gun just to see how it feels and looks now, and oh boy am I satisfied with just how long it takes to fire again

  • @fast-420 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.4.3:

    @deashkiin ouch it's only like 24 I'd say try it again hope it doesn't hit 100+ we won't see you for a month. GL!!!

    Well, waited until it went past the supposed size and canceled when it continued. Now I'm sitting here until tomorrow downloading from scratch... Really sucks

  • @lewgt40 yup same here its driving me nuts lol

  • Hi All!

    Overall, great update, however...not a big fan of the cutouts on the bow. It makes it appear like the ship is unbalanced. I can understand if something will go here or if this is going to be used later on for something...I assume if so, you all discussed the best placement and this was the best option.

    Also, since the bug regarding the venom ball causing issues with barrel interaction. We are now seeing issues with not being able to interact with barrels when hit with a venom ball during the skeleton ship rounds. I’m still looking for other issues, however, I’m a weekend player and only popped on for a quick merchant voyage...May post more issues here over the weekend. Cheers!

  • @djd3athray

    Yeah it looks strange and i fell off the boat a couple of times i somehow could just walk over the edge sometimes -.-

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