[Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.

  • Where the f is this opt out? give us some information read your forums I see constant posts about cross play opt out yet you say nothing about it rare "oh we are working on backend stuff" we need more than that to understand what's going on . Hurry up and start giving us answers by the day I see less and less xbox players I'm now encountering pc players almost 80 percent of the time I jump in adventure mode.

  • @fast-bike94 " I see constant posts about cross play opt out"

    Yeah, probably because you, Nati and Pomalo keep spamming every thread with the same question day in day out. Rare does not care about the forums. When is the last time that you have seen a dev around here?
    Heck, you'd have better chances getting their attention by sending a message in a bottle.

  • @x6beast6below6x

    Then please do show the proof of how you lost because they were on "pc" not because you let someone catch your boat or that you let a boarder onto your ship.

    Please show me these clips.

  • @l4chsfps I mean hyperbole is cool but can we please try to remain in the realm of reality here? Its far from just us, in fact it's so commonly someone else starting a new thread about it that the 5 or 6 that have to jump on it and try to get it shut down or sent to the mega to die play bingo and one the the points to score is looking at the OP post history to see if they are new.

    5 months have passed since the announcement. It was past time then. If its such an issue for you to see these posts I'm pretty sure you can always mute us or just feel free to ignore us.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Then please do show the proof of how you lost because they were on "pc" not because you let someone catch your boat or that you let a boarder onto your ship.

    Please show me these clips.

    You know there's really no obligation for you to play ace attorney every time an Xbox guy types the letters PC right? And that this guy is under no obligation to prove anything to you or care in the slightest if you believe him, right?

    You gotta just let go of this nonsense that someone has to prove that they've played perfectly to accept that PC players play at an advantage. People get on ships. it happens, the difference is that if its an Xbox player on my ship, its a much more level playing field than if its a PC player, even before factoring in whether or not they are so "hardcore and skilled" as to be exploiting all over the place.

    Also its ALWAYS been easy to tell whos playing on pc... If my inputs get flaky and unresponsive and my black screens get about 3x as long there's a PC player in the vicinity, this has been the case forever and now except for those who are clever enough to be "offline" its very very easy to confirm, and its always true. Last night ran into a guy who could kill players in 3 sword hits from full health and withstand unreal amounts of damage dealt constantly enough, and with 3 sets of eyes on him watching him not eat... shocker of shockers.... he had 500 gamerscore and was offline...

    This is in no way saying all pc players do this, but it absolutely IS saying that every time I see it happen its a PC player and we can verify that now. You just have to accept reality.

  • @natiredgals

    sigh, did you bother reading what he wrote? He said he had clips and proof. If he has it then show it.

    He said he had proof I asked to see said proof.

    I'm pretty sure if I said I had clips and proof of anything, as a matter of fact, I'm pretty sure if anyone who argues against the opt out said they had proof, you guys would have been all over us demanding to see said proof.

    I ALSO want to point out that you have someone on your side that has continuously asked for proof in multiple posts about things I have said and others, and yet you take this ace attorney tirade with me??

    Try to at least minimize the hypocrisy and bias.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Nope, he has to do no such thing. Nobody is required to prove anything to you, or anyone, here. I'd say the same to anyone so you can put your victim card away.

    Its not bias, its simply truth. There are more exploiters and cheats on PC and they already play with an advantage. And no, nobody has to prove it to you and your belief is not a hurdle it has to overcome to be true.

  • @natiredgals said

    Nobody is required to prove anything to you, or anyone, here. I'd say the same to anyone

    Thank you kind sir. I will hold you to that.

    Exploiters and cheaters were at less than 1% of the actual gaming population which means that it is highly unlikely that cheating is as rampant an issue as anywhere else. The more likely issue is that the problem is just players crying hax when no hax is happening.

    Also it seems that your issue of your lag when PC players are present, which I won't say is unheard of. I have played with a few players that have had that issue. I've even witnessed it on my xbox, however, I witnessed it rarely. That month I was playing on my xbox I only had that happen maybe once a week?? Out of the crazy amount of hours I wouldn't say it was a crazy problem. However, to say that the fix for that is to just have opt out instead of asking Rare to fix the server side issue is silly. So don't play the blame game saying its PC players fault. Rare just needs to fix server issues.

    Would you be opposed to them allowing PC players into the opt out servers if they were to use controllers??

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Yep, controller doesn't make pc a closed platform like Xbox is, nor are pc players paying to play in that pool the way Xbox players are. If someone wants in that pool all they have to do is meet the same requirements we meet. Play on an Xbox with a paid live sub and use a controller. Don't wanna do any of those requirements? cool we have an open pool for you.

  • @natiredgals

    Figured. So your beef is that you figure you are paying more money than PC players??

    Lets factor that then.

    A PC can range from anywhere from $1000 to, basic for numbers sake, $2000. My rig cost me $3000.

    Your xbox is around $500 and xbox live is $50 a year.

    By my math you aren't paying more than a PC player. In fact you are paying less than a PC player. Significantly less actually.

    Maybe they should respect the amount of money we spent on our PC's and instead keep the game the way it is. If xbox players have a problem with PC players using M&K they can just buy them since they have support for them now.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Figured. So your beef is that you figure you are paying more money than PC players??

    Lets factor that then.

    A PC can range from anywhere from $1000 to I just say for numbers sake $2000. My rig cost me $3000.

    Your xbox is around $500 and xbox live is $50 a year.

    By my math you aren't paying more than a PC player. In fact you are paying less than a PC player. Significantly less actually.

    Maybe they should respect the amount of money we spent on our PC's and instead keep the game the way it is. If xbox players have a problem with PC players using M&K they can just buy them since they have support for them now.

    Nope. Its not about how much money, if I meant that I would have actually typed those words, why can you guys NOT try to summarize and just reply to what people actually said. You make it impossible to have a decent conversation when you constantly argue against things that people arent saying.

    Its very simple. We pay to play online using our Xbox consoles, we should always, as we have with other games that offer crossplay on Xbox live, have the option of only playing with other paying subscribers on like hardware. I actually wouldn't care if Xbox with mouse and keyboard played with Xbox and controller because Mouse and Keyboard support on Xbox aint nothing to be all t hat excited about, its not very good.

    Pc players, they dont pay to play online. So into the open pool they go. If they REALLY want to play vs Xbox players using controllers so badly theres a very easy way to do so. Buy an Xbox, Get a live sub, and play on the Xbox. If you're not willing to do that then I dont care to hear any whining about why you're not inlcuded.

    its like min requirements on a PC get it?
    if you wont meet the min requirements we do, you don't get to demand to play with us.

  • @natiredgals

    Its hard to argue against what people are saying when they are being hypocrites all the time.

    Like right now. You've argue'd in the past that having a M&K is more advantageous and just outright better. That was one of your reasons for opt out. Then you say this


    I actually wouldn't care if Xbox with mouse and keyboard played with Xbox and controller because Mouse and Keyboard support on Xbox aint nothing to be all t hat excited about, its not very good.

    This is why I've said you just have a prejudice and are biased, because you've said before how much advantage M&K have over controller then say something like this.

    Now about the subscriptions

    You claim its because

    Its very simple. We pay to play online using our Xbox consoles, we should always, as we have with other games that offer crossplay on Xbox live, have the option of only playing with other paying subscribers on like hardware.

    You want to an option to play with other xbox players because you are paying for a subscription?? So your argument isn't that you are paying to play online, your argument is that you are paying to play with other xbox users??

    Let me know if I got that last part correct. I'm not being facetious I'm actually trying to understand.

  • @xultanis-dragon

    Yes I have said that Mouse and Keyboard for PC is a large advantage for PC players, and I'm also saying its not as much an advantage for Xbox players because Xbox support for the mouse and keyboard is janky, this isn't hypocritical at all despite your assertion that it is because I've also said since the time that I've experienced it and before that Mouse and Keyboard on Xbox is no equalizer against the advantage that PC players play at. Get it? Its not good, mouse support on Xbox it wouldnt matter much. I'm perfectly happy with it being controller only, but if it meant that there would be an Xbox (closed platform) hardware pool then I'd take that. Its far more important to get Xbox only pool than it is to make the few guys on Xbox using mouse play vs pc.

    I don't get what is so hard about this for you. Xbox players pay a premium to play online using their Xbox consoles. We expect a premium online experience for our money and largely Xbox provides that. Forcing us to play at a disadvantage to players not paying to play, who are playing on open hardware that is far more likely to be prone to cheating/hacks is not that premium experience. Its really really easy. Rare has decided to do the right thing and give paying subscribers the option to only play with other paying subscribers on similar hardware, and the requirement to to play in that pool is to buy a live sub, play on xbox and use a controller.

    Those of us who meet that requirement are owed by MS the service we paid for, and if it took MS to make Rare do the right thing with it, fine by me. If you are so set upon playing with the Xbox players who only want to play on a level playing field vs other Xbox players using conrollers... well you know what to do. If not you'll still have a great time playing in the open pool with those who opt in and the thriving PC playerbase.

  • @natiredgals Sigh. You don't pay for a premium online experience. Console users (regardless of platform) pay fora couple of free games per month and services like voice chat. Is it necessary to pay for online gaming? No, clearly not because pc gaming in general shows that online gaming doesn't need to cost extra money. In the case of most AAA games you use the same server network that pc players use anyway. There is no premium service. Microsoft (and Sony since 2013) just likes taking your money and console players have been waaaay to comfortable with that. And that's fine. But stop trying to tell yourself that you pay for a premium online experience and accept the fact that taking money for basic online service is outdated BS.
    Also: If you consider Xbox Live a premium online experience why is there no mention of the awful server performance of SoT? The whole of Europe gets moved to UK bases servers, resulting in a high ping for everyone outside the UK. Very premium. Especially if you consider that using servers in central Europe would have been way easier. But I seey that is what premium online gaming must be.

    Yes, PC gaming has all that. For free. And the service is mostly better because its commonly third party server networks that are not controlled by Microsoft or Sony. It's crazy to pay money for something like that.

  • @l4chsfps said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @natiredgals Sigh. You don't pay for a premium online experience. Console users (regardless of platform) pay fora couple of free games per month and services like voice chat. Is it necessary to pay for online gaming? No, clearly not because pc gaming in general shows that online gaming doesn't need to cost extra money. In the case of most AAA games you use the same server network that pc players use anyway. There is no premium service. Microsoft (and Sony since 2013) just likes taking your money and console players have been waaaay to comfortable with that. And that's fine. But stop trying to tell yourself that you pay for a premium online experience and accept the fact that taking money for basic online service is outdated BS.
    Also: If you consider Xbox Live a premium online experience why is there no mention of the awful server performance of SoT? The whole of Europe gets moved to UK bases servers, resulting in a high ping for everyone outside the UK. Very premium. Especially if you consider that using servers in central Europe would have been way easier. But I seey that is what premium online gaming must be.

    Yes, PC gaming has all that. For free. And the service is mostly better because its commonly third party server networks that are not controlled by Microsoft or Sony. It's crazy to pay money for something like that.

    Yes I know, you pc guys get confused by all the bells and whistles that MS has tacked on to live to make paying for it more palatable and think that's what we pay for, but you're wrong. We actually pay to play online using our Xbox consoles and the rest is just value add.

    If you think I'm wrong about this, try playing multiplayer online with an Xbox without a gold subscription and report back to me how that goes for you.

    Of course nobody HAS to pay to play online, but millions of adults choose to, you think it's some mistake it or flaw in their judgment because you can't fathom why someone would but again you're wrong.

    I also play and have played for decades on PC, back when it really lead in innovative games. I didn't pay to play online then. I used in game server browsers or game spy ect to find matches... You're not telling me anything I don't know.

    But now I play on console. I've got more things going in my life now, I've got more hobbies like auto racing and tabletop that require their share of my money and free time, and I'm now married and my space is not just mine any more, and we game together, on the couch.

    And before you say it, yea I know I can put a pc on my tv, lol. Not interested in moving my pc out of my home office to do so, and we're not leaving the couch to play in there together either.

    And my console travels better with us than my desktop pc does. In short, console fits my life better and I've kinda outgrown gaming only on PC.

    So, given that I'm going to be playing Sea of Thieves on console, and MS is going to charge me a o premium to use it online with the premise that live is the best online service for consoles I expect to get what I pay for. We do.

    That's why we went to Xbox brass and asked, hey what do we pay for Live for if you're not going to give us the option to play with other paying subs on like hardware? Why would we pay to play at a disadvantage to people who haven't bought a ticket?

    Wasn't long after that Rare first announced they are going to do the right thing about the option, which should've always been.

    So yea, I know PC doesn't pay to play online, thanks. But seeing as how MS and Rare have already seen the light on this I'll see your "Just get a pc and don't pay for online" and raise ya "if you so desperately want to play vs console players using controllers, do what we do, buy a console, get live, use a controller, if you won't match the requirements we meet to be in that pool, then pound sand and enjoy the open pool."

  • @natiredgals nowhere in my post does it say "buy a pc" at all. And the story of your life isn't what I am interested in either, but thanks for that I guess?

    The point is: Paying for online service is stupid, it doesn't provide a premium experience. Funny how online gaming was entirely free of charge on PS3, yet was changed for PS4 without any reason but money. I really don't care why you choose to play on xbox or not and I am not trying to convince anyone to ditch their console. But assuming that you deserve a premium online experience because of Xb Gold is just ridiculous. You may expect stuff like reliable servers or no down times. And that's it. Xbox live gold is not designed with crossplay in mind and its purpose is therefore not to provide a level playing field.

  • @l4chsfps said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @fast-bike94 " I see constant posts about cross play opt out"

    Yeah, probably because you, Nati and Pomalo keep spamming every thread with the same question day in day out. Rare does not care about the forums. When is the last time that you have seen a dev around here?
    Heck, you'd have better chances getting their attention by sending a message in a bottle.

    Actually, i dont create threads. I post on the multitude of threads created by other users. I let them know that their feelings are shared. I call out lies and misinformation from both sides of the debate. I'll continue to do so, even after the option goes live.

    For example: You suggesting that 3 people are responsible for spamming rare for info. Thats misinformation, i think its alot more than 3...

  • I believe we don't hear much about it from rare right now because it's not a priority for them. People could stop expecting anything mentioned by them to be a promise, as they don't make any promises. They go back and change ideas all the time. Maybe they changed their mind on this one.

  • It's been 2 months ongoing since this was supposed to happen, not a word from rare on it in my knowledge since before anniversary dropped.

    Personally i think if this doesn't happen in the next month or two, id wager it isn't happening anymore.

    From numerous developers we have heard how easy cross play is to toggle.

    There's more to this delay in my opinion than anything technical related, what that can be is anyone's guess.

    Either way, great news that this isn't live still.

  • @l4chsfps said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @natiredgals Xbox live gold is not designed with crossplay in mind.

    Yes, exactly right. Xbox live gold was not designed with crossplay in mind. It was designed to be a closed ecosystem that's largely uniform. As a matter of fact, that's one reason to choose to pay for Live gold. That's why the option to opt out of crossplay should always have been available.

    The bottom line is that no matter what your opinion on paying for gold is, MS sells it as a premium online experience and it's been decided by the powers that be that it means something to be a paying subscriber.

    Again, the bottom line is the opt out is coming, because it is the right thing to do, despite the precious way the delay has some around here hoping for a reversal. Which of course would be terrible for the game, not that you, or cells or the others still resisting the option (despite it not really being something that will effect your experience in game) care a lick about that. Y'all just want to see the Xbox players be rebuked after all regardless of how it would impact the game. It's the height of entitlement, really, demanding that you be allowed access to the pool that we pay to access for free.

    It really boils down to that. We pay to play with other Xbox players on a closed platform. The option to crossplay with people who aren't doing so is great, but it should always have been an option.

    Microsoft listened, and Rare listened, if you want to be assured that you'll be able to play with Xbox Players who want to only play with other Xbox players you're just going to have to meet the same requirements we do.

    If you're not willing to meet the same requirements we do then you really have no leg to stand on when it comes to demanding access to the Xbox only pool.

  • In my opinion it's falacious to argue "but muh gold sub"

    It's asking PC players to have agency over a variable to which they dont on their chosen platform.

    If they did the arguement would be unquestionable.

    But they don't.

  • @troubled-cells

    Of course they do, it's perfectly available for them to purchase as well and using an Xbox, gain access to the Xbox only pool.

    If they choose not to do so, that's fine, they can enjoy playing in the open pool on PC for free.

    Win win.

  • @natiredgals said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:


    Of course they do, it's perfectly available for them to purchase as well and using an Xbox, gain access to the Xbox only pool.

    If they choose not to do so, that's fine, they can enjoy playing in the open pool on PC for free.

    Win win.

    Pretty certain you was against the paywal barrier for keyboard and mouse on console though?

    Just pointing out the irony in your principles.

  • @natiredgals I'm almost wondering if they should just split the platforms vs input device there are pc groups in this game that admit to hacking and use the hacks to stream snipe people if they could pool into xbox they'd be able to hack in there even on a controller.

  • @fast-bike94 PC groups that admit to hacking? Yeah sure. And they told you, right? I mean, they are everywhere. Literally. Everywhere. They even hack on the forums. Hahahahahaha.

    "use the hacks to stream snipe people"

    Two options:

    1. You have no idea what hacks do.
    2. You have no idea what stream sniping is.
  • @l4chsfps you must not understand my post there are groups, for example called misfits, blue devils and a few others they stream snipe pepole but use hacks from particular websites and yes some have admitted to it in fact you can see them using it in some of their videos they make.

  • @l4chsfps also hacking this game is only available on pc just an fyi as xboxes are no longer that moddable.

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @l4chsfps also hacking this game is only available on pc just an fyi as xboxes are no longer that moddable.

    You can run unsigned code on a Xbox one very easily.

    Microsoft even let you.

  • @troubled-cells reason this thing hasn't come around is this game is extremely dead and the devs will say our player base is healthy but it's not in fact only side I see growing is pc users xboxes are leaving this game daily I run into more pc players everyday "how do you know they on pc doe" it shows on their profiles if you play on xbox wether someone is xbox or pc.

  • Rare is providing the option. I think it’s necessary for Arena. Those w gamepad really had no chance in melee fight vs those w keyboard and mouse.

    I’m glad they have provided this option the vast majority want this change and the complainers here are most likely PC players.

    Many active users and small servers so SoT will survive and IMO improve with this change!

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @l4chsfps you must not understand my post there are groups, for example called misfits, blue devils and a few others they stream snipe pepole but use hacks from particular websites and yes some have admitted to it in fact you can see them using it in some of their videos they make.

    Those are bold claims. You don't happen to have sources for these statements?

  • @l4chsfps he'll I can link you the website you get the cheats off of lol
    Or do you want videos of them playing?

  • With regards to "hackers" regardless of platform there is a report function on this website, rare can pinpoint the specifics of each case easily.

    Instead of trying to use a platform as some kind of pawn, I would suggest using the proper method for dealing with that specific issue.

    I speak from experience.

  • @troubled-cells xbox ones cannot run unauthorized code 360s can and I know there is currently no hacks available for xbox they are only available on pc.

  • @fast-bike94 said in [Mega Thread] Crossplay announcement in the recent Dev Update video.:

    @l4chsfps he'll I can link you the website you get the cheats off of lol
    Or do you want videos of them playing?

    You said they admitted to cheating. I want proof for that or I call BS on your post.

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