Rest In Peace .... Trevor

  • Even the most hardened "Pirate" at times... has a heart!
    I never knew him... but RIP Trevor :(

  • 17
  • Just read it.. ducks are friendly
    Rip solo duck :"(

  • RIP Trevor.

    Rare should put a duck on the outposts now that wanders around named Trev.

  • I used to have 6 indian runners those are so funny but i brought them to a huge farm where they now have a huge green grass terrain to run around with this 10 year old farmerboy and i ordered a new pond to be made for the kid and duckies.. i miss me ducks i got them tamed we used to sit at my pond together watching the fish but i had to move to new house..

  • @shinten-rai

    Would be great little gesture.
    We are all "Lonely" Ducks at times, would love Trevor in game & give him a home.

  • @ruigtand-nl Feel you. I miss my chickens. We moved out of the country, but at that point the chicken hawks already got all of 'em. You can't cover up the whole yard in mesh.

    Can't shoot at those damn hawks either.

  • @piratecraggy

    Both a nice and sad story. Thanks for sharing.


    Was going to raise some ducks myself. We have a small farm. Unfortunately, I became disabled and now unable to keep it up. Have a nice pond. Family wanted to help me out, but not the same and they had too many other responsibilities. Really miss the opportunity.

    You know we forgot to get our lucky gold chicken last night. Still turned out to be a great Athena in the Devil’s Roar. Was a pleasure sailing with you and Captain Panic.


    I am going to miss my chickens too. We had a big brood. Raised several breeds starting by hatching them. Did not have roosters as the plan was to cycle new ones. Since I can not take care of them myself not replenishing. Down to two.

    Raised them free ranged. Only in a closed coop at night to protect the from possums, raccoons, and foxes. Lost a few to raccoons that managed to get inside. Lost more to hawks.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    Yip... As the article mentioned he was...
    "friends with a rooster, a chicken and a weka - a bird native to Niue - who all lived near the puddle"

    So it wasn't really a "Ducks Life", but the Locals & Fire Brigade did their best for him!

    Kudos.... folk of Niue Island!!!

  • @piratecraggy

    Yep their puddle was to them like the Sea of Thieves is to all us.

  • @x-crowheart-x

    I left 15 lucky chickens on crooked mast before i left the game to join you or they would drown when the boat scuttles :D

    Still lol about scaring the lonely duck in the sloop calling davey jones and boarding to check his cargo

  • @ruigtand-nl said in Rest In Peace .... Trevor:


    I left 15 lucky chickens on crooked mast before i left the game to join you or they would drown when the boat scuttles :D

    Still lol about scaring the lonely duck in the sloop calling davey jones and boarding to check his cargo

    That was definitely the highlight of the night. I love the way we ended the night with that solo captain on his sloop. It was great to give him his first Athena. Sure he did not think that was the way it would end when our menacing galleon came to rest across his bow.

    Wolf was able to pull back his sword just in time as we changed all our stories in a heartbeat. That is the way it goes and why I love the game so much. You never know what is going to happen when the wind changes.

  • Sad story, RIP! :(

  • Trev... hanging out at the puddle.

    At the Puddle
    More... at the Puddle

    @ruigtand-nl said in Rest In Peace .... Trevor:

    Rip solo duck :"(

    I couldn't have put it better myself.
    Gone but not forgotten.

    @Shinten-Rai mentioned & have others previously in older posts, there is a great affinity for Ducks in general.
    Their introduction to SoT, whilst not an apparent choice for the setting.
    Would be suitable due the existence of various species of Caribbean Ducks out there in their natural habitat in the real world.

    They would add a bit more life, colour, and good humour to the Islands of SoT.

    A welcome addition for us Duck Aficionados!

  • @piratecraggy aww that's sad there should be a day for him

  • @closinghare208

    Yip... today's his day.
    ( Well in our small part of the interwebs )

  • :( R.I.P

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