6 man Man-O-War

  • So i have a suggestion that may bring a bigger player base as well as bigger ship hauls and better pvp. My suggestion is a 6 man Man-O-War with 12 cannons it would be great for pvp as it would add more action on islands and trying to steal other peoples loot, as well as krakens, and megladons when engaging them. Id like to know the thoughts and ideas that would come along from other people as well on this thread.

  • 21
  • @quickcolt926656 said in 6 man Man-O-War:

    So i have a suggestion that may bring a bigger player base as well as bigger ship hauls and better pvp. My suggestion is a 6 man Man-O-War with 12 cannons it would be great for pvp as it would add more action on islands and trying to steal other peoples loot, as well as krakens, and megladons when engaging them. Id like to know the thoughts and ideas that would come along from other people as well on this thread.

  • ive always been torn when this is brought up. My man concern would be it is 6 people not necessarily the amount of cannons its 5 jumping off and attacking a sloop. to me it would be better seen as a AI threat then a player ship. If it was a player ship then maybe Arena would be the only place to use it

  • Lol i swear this is something that has come up 3 times within the last 2 days, alot of people like the idea and alot of people dislike the idea.

  • @ajm123 yea maybe if it was arena specific it would be cool. Depending on how arena is they could even do it so its all just 6 man ships in the one match or all sloops or all galleons, you know what i mean

  • Just allow one of these ships per adventure server. I bet some nut would love the challenge of trying to get a solo sloop kill on one of these.

    And hey if you can't then ally with another crew to take it out. Can you imagine the amount of treasure a 6 person crew could haul in if they were competent? The piracy opportunity for that would be amazing.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx

    Allowing only one per server is an unfair advantage, and cuts out the possibility of seeing two of these things fighting.

  • @quickcolt926656

    But a galleons is considered a man o war

  • @ultmateragnarok
    If you want to be really technical. Even sloops can be classified as "Man of Wars." It all depends on how the ship is fortified; Just look up a "Sloop of War" on your search engine, and you will know what I mean.

  • @quickcolt926656
    In my opinion I would love a ship larger than the Galleon to be added into the game. Though in my opinion the crew size shouldn't be 6 people but rather a 5 player max. Thus the transition between ships stays consistent.

    Sloop: 1-2
    Brig: 2-3
    Galleon: 3-4
    "Man of war" 4-5

  • @ultmateragnarok said in 6 man Man-O-War:


    Allowing only one per server is an unfair advantage, and cuts out the possibility of seeing two of these things fighting.

    Ok then add two. The server size of the world needs to be upped anyway. More ships will add more life to the game.

  • @ultmateragnarok not really i would consider it a small frigate a man o war is a larger ship

  • @quickcolt926656

    Depending on the ship, even galleons vary considerably. The current one does seem about the size of a frigate.

  • And 2 sounds fair but if your good at pvp a 5 or 6 man ship should not be a problem even with a 4 man crew but its to add more life to servers. Everytime i log in i see the odd sloop or brig but servers are usually dead now

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx agreed eventually the map will expand adding new areas possibly new boss's as well as challenging islands maybe even rougher waters so adding a little bit of a larger ship should come in eventually.

  • Personally I would like to see a smaller boat than the sloop before we see the Man-O-War.

    Also if it is going to be 6-players ship the other ships should in my opinion have their size increased by +1.

    The smallest boat: 2 players
    Sloop: 3 players
    Brigantine: 4 players
    Galleon: 5 players
    Man-O-War: 6 players

    Right now the boats are kinda big for their crew sizes.

  • Maybe we should start slow and just add the 4-5 player frigate; see how that performs. Then after some time add the 5-6 player man-o-war.

  • I've tried to put a MoW concept together, come take a look.

  • @Deckhands Necro

  • EDIT: Removal of my comment based on the point @Octopus-Lime pointed out.

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